In this thread Marvel Chads will accepts oaths of fealty from Avatards

Bend down and suck our dicks, avatards. You fucking lost.

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imagine being invested in box office wars
such a pathetic existence lmao

Its not going to make it

kill yourself

kys mousecuck

I hate MCU capeshit, but I can't stand Avatar either so I'm rooting for the mouse because I have no principles.

It's only 7mil

I remember you guys were saying this less than a month ago when it was 50 million away.



Here bro

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That's is sorta like I used to listen that song

cope harder

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yeah thats it, you swallow that hot Mouse cum, all the way down.

>An article that spoke to who knows how many fans got their opinion. IT'S FACT
Speaking of cope.
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives

cope, they're laughing at you

>Takes an opinion piece as fact
Please stop you're embarrassing yourself.

>Disney have beaten Disney to dethrone Disney from the Throne. please suck my dick.

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I’m sorry I didn’t think you would pass us. Great job. You must be proud of yourself

>enlighten centrist
suck shit out of your mommas tit you retarded faggot

it's a fact, cope

>Marvlets Versus Avatards
the only winner here is Autism

Is this how Avatarfags are coping with this?

Imagine using The Verge in any argument because you are that desperate. Seethe, cope, etc.

Lets look at this from a reality standpoint, shall we OP?

>owns house
>has wife
>has children
>$210K a year
>travelled almost half the globe already
>loves the movie Avatar
>hates Marvel capeshit

>some level of fucking degenerate waste of life; some useless alt-righter or useless walfare tranny
>involuntarily celibate
>send NEETbux from mommy and daddy to various Twitch and thot streamers
>hates Avatar
>loves Marvel capeshit
>making these posts are the highlight of miserable existence

I mean honestly, it's pretty clue who the real winners are here.

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I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, sneed.

who cares avengers is a gay movie so if you like it you are gay too lmao

>tickets are worth more
>markets are expanding
>consumer identitarianism increases
I never understood this, obviously we will continue to see higher and higher grossing films as disgusting urbanization increases expanding the markets

And you can add loser to that list, prancing la la fagboy because you just got thanosdabbed on.

cringe. you should apply for head quip writer at Marvel.

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Imagine getting asshurt over that inflation porn joke.

Cringe. You should get a haircut and a job.

Avatards there is help.
call 2,780,800,139 now.

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ouch, make sure you dont hurt anbody with your razor sharp wit.


>after a century of comics consisting characters that were based on ancient deities from ancient stories that spanned over a millennia ago
>after generation after generation of vidya, retcon, fan service, and all other kinds of marketing
>after billions upon billions of dollars spent on over 22 movies over the past decade
>after all this effort humanity put in leading up to this finale
>imagine... just imagine... it isn't enough
>just imagine, that standalone film FROM said decade ago that began this cinematic challenge remains at the top
>imagine it doesn't break that 3 billion and become the top grossed movie in human history
>imagine re-releasing your capeshit film with even MORE footage and STILL losing
>imagine now lying with clickbait threads just get (You)'s and activity for your dying era
>imagine draining your parents cash just to see your purple bloated corpse with an obsession with genocide beat the pinnacle of kino
>imagine, after ALL that, you STILL don't come out on top
now that would REALLY be embarrassing

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the conglomerates really have you lads by the balls



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>implying you even know what inflation is
go and copy and paste the wikipedia meaning and hurry back.

delete this

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>disney beating a disney film is a belief.
holy fucking brainlet.

In which case Avatar isn't number one. Avatar already lost the inflation fight, and now it's about to lose the no-inflation fight.

>counting that decade old whiteshit

>Avengers: Endgame grossed $2.10M this weekend. Total gross stands at $851.61M

you got it backwards retard

When people on both sides of the political spectrum see purchasing a product as a political statement, the battle is already lost. This generation is a wash.

there's absolutely no way Endgame made avatar money legitimately, its 100% marketing from disney

There's no way Avatar made the money it made legitimately either. Stop calling the kettle black.

I'm good
save that number for when Avatar re-releases

avatar was in theaters for like 8 months and was the biggest movie of the past and following 5 years from its release, it was the introduction of "3d" and was genuinely a good movie, it wasnt a tired out formula cashgrab like endgame, I saw how many seats were empty in my theater the whole run of Endgame and Captain Marvel, disney buying empty seats doesnt equel box office revenue

>hahah endgame almost won
wow...nice post?

Unproven theory. BICEP2 was a bust due to cosmic dust.

Feels so good to be a Marvel Chad thanosdabbing on avatards.

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...and? the point is to BTFO disney

Have you seen Endgame? The movie has its flaws but I would not call it formulaic. Avatar is much more formulaic as far as plot structure goes