>movie has romans
>they have english accents
Movie has romans
It would be silly if they actually talked greek
>movie has city slickers
>they have fancy german accents
They spoke greek yo. He made a joke.
>movie has romans
>they don't show romans engaging in sex with teenage boys
Hopefully they will start using Jamaican accents
>movie has romans
>they don't steal shit and shit on the streets
why does hollywood think anywhere in europe = british accent
>ancient Greece? British accent!
>19th century France? British accent!
>ancient Rome? British accent!
>image board has a tv board
>original image is a low res shitty drawn cartoon frog
>some guy posts Sneed, gets trips and over 100 (you)s
Because it's ''foreign'' to American audiences while still being completely understandable. Hope this helps.
I dare you to find actors who speak with classic Latin accent
>Greeks have English Accents
>Romans are all wine drinking, sword loving patriots
>tfw no big budget Rome movie spoken in Latin
I guess there's passion of the christ, but the romans only have a few scenes
what did the roman accent actually sound like? was it closer to Italian?
Italy, France and Spain are Latin countries
but italians all sound like Super Mario, nobody would take them seriously.
vulgar latin was spoken by normal people and is what eventually evolved in italian spanish and french
the latin that you usually see is classic latin and was used by scholars etc.
Mutts are inane dumb cunts who dont follow subs
they want good actors
>Because it's ''foreign'' to American audiences while still being completely understandable. Hope this helps.
NOOOOOOOO stop explaining things succinctly
>movie has romans
>they have flat-tops
Flat tops? Are we talking about aircraft carriers here? Punic Wars will never be the same!!
patrician answer
Most good kinos are given to bongs .