What kind of fucked up asshole would STEAL cheese?

What kind of fucked up asshole would STEAL cheese?

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I dont know wtf this meme is about but I'm french and I've stolen fancy cheeses in supermarkets many times.

Cheese is best food and stealing in supermarkets is the easiest thing ever.

French people are absolute niggers no wonder the africans you import fit in so well.

Imagine being so anglo.

authentic wheels of parm are expensive as fuck and range from nearly $2000 and up so its not really a surprise

a film based on this kind of shit would actually be pretty cool/funny


have cheese

It's expensive.

good cheese is retardedly expensive

>White people pay $2000 for stinky, mouldy milk
For real?

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>pays $2000 for coonery trinkets


holy BASED, formerly milked and ratpilled

What if cheese is left intentionally unguarded for nefarious purposes?

thanks, you just reminded me that i bought some prosciutto and mozzarella yesterday. i wanted to be like tone and get some gobagool but they didn't have any at my grocery store. i think it might be under the name capicola

wow thats awesome and funny

>What kind of fucked up asshole would STEAL sneed?

Based and cheese pilled

It probably because of expensive french smelly cheese
Rich people pay a ton of money for disgusting food for some reason

italians are passionate about food and create a long intricate process to create very a specific flavor used for dozens of types of foods isent that crazy??? cant imagine some dumb whitey spending money on Thing thats crazy...!!!

Great thread OP.

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