What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
the chaperone starring triple h the wrestler. i though it was going to be a standard shitty movie that i could laugh at for being so bad but it was so bad i couldnt even make fun of it and just felt bummed out
I saw the Oogieloves in theaters. The only other guy in there masturbated the whole movie.
Might actually be that one..
Yeah there's a reason Brad Jones told Jared to fuck off.
Did Batman really say ouchie?
One of the few movies I turned off halfway through and did not even bother finishing
Fantastic Four: Rise of Silver Surfer
Two this year have been some of the worst all decade.
One was Loqueesha which is about a white man inexplicably getting popular in Detroit because he impersonates a black woman on graveyard shift radio. The trailer actually makes it look better somehow.
The other was The Last, which features a 45 minute monologue from a grandmother telling her granddaughter about fucking Nazis in WWII. The granddaughter just converted to Judaism for her husband who's also listening.
All the Money in the World, the one they deepfaked Spacey out of
Personally the molestation charge is less of a slight on his career than being in that movie would have been
I have enjoyed every movie ive seen cause i only watch them when i want to waste time, which they all accomplish greatly
Recently? It has to be this one, what a huge mess.
Warcraft. Every other film I have ever seen retroactively gains a point after seeing this sprawling, catatonic disaster of a movie.
To quote AV Online, "They should have trimmed the fourteen or fifteen main characters down to a more manageable one or two."
that poster reminds me of...something
t. Tasteless Pleb
someone has not seen or heard of the 15 main characters of Warcraft ever. There is a HUGE cast of characters. Yet, everyone forgets that RPG games have a large number of cast members to begin with. Obviously anyone who has not played the original game, or Warcraft II would not understand, also killing off cast members WAS INDEED THE POINT.
the one with Eliah Wood and a piano
>Do you sneed?
How’d they get away with that