What am I in for?
What am I in for?
unadulterated kino
Best tv friendship of all time
Why are the only good american tv shows made by Italians ( Soprano, Rome) and why do jews suck so much at kino making compared to them?
no soul
Nepotism breeds laziness and lack of talent.
For european goy to be a Hollywood director, he needs to be the best of the best.
Jews have Adam Sandler and Marvel movies.
Great first season, and a mediocre season 2
By order of the hotpocket triumvirate, all mockery of Jews and their one god shall be kept to an appropriate minimum
Adam Sandler is actually based.
Is he /our/ based kike man? Why?
Are correct.
Caesar gets killed btw
Yes. He is a good actor when he tries to act and is properly directed. He outplayed the whole system by making garbage comedies, keeping his friends employed and just going on vacations when shooting. Netflix paid him a huge amount of money just to do that. He also seems like a nice guy in interviews and sometimes he is quite funny. This year a new Sandlerkino will come out - Uncut Gems. We are living in Sandlerssaince, Meyerowitz Stories, his comedy special and now Uncut Gems.
Legionary Pullo! You are to report to Queen Cleopatra's tent and do whatever she says!
This is an Anglo show. No southrons had any kind of influence.
The show was pretty good, but the epic HBO inbreeding and lesbos (didn't happen historically) was unnecessary.
some shitty british sexual fantasy including some great historical characters
This isn't the spartacus thread
>go home ginger boy
The pure roman was right about the gaul.
that's the same formula with the homoerotism turned up to ten
what was his problem?
>Roman soldiers got a taste for blondes while fighting the Germans
>Roman whores started dying their hair blonde or wearing blonde wigs
>Roman women copied it
I don't know where I'm going with it but Blonde Romans = whores.
Autistic genius
Jesus Christ Milius
A kino so kino, it will bring on a fever. You will feel it in your spleen.
And what of good Solonius?
Is this true? Sauce?
That would explain the women in Spartacus I guess.
Atia only died her hair red though
True Roman bread for true Romans
Based good Solonius poster
>That would explain the women in Spartacus
because Spartacus was a documentary