Who is the second best Kirk?
Who is the second best Kirk?
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>Did you want them to have sex among themselves
>No i wanted them to have sex with me
How can one man be so based ?
>fan made series was immeasurable better than STD
I mean most of the actors and acting were terrible but the stories felt like a seamless continuation of TOS. Not to mention the faithful recreation of the sets.
Great stuff
Is this that dude accused of sexual harassment?
Yes, and he’s currently sueing the traitors scum that ruined his life.
I don't watch dubs, but this whats happening to this guy is pretty fucked up
Seth MacFarlane
We have a winner.
William Shatner shat all over this dude on twitter for using his image to fund raise for his fan series.
It's actually OK though.
terrible animation, looks like something an art institute student did for a C grade
So this guy in prison yet
that arms gotta be shopped
>saggy tits
>disgusting arms
Who in sane mind would sexual assult this thing?
This dude married her
/ourguy/ Seth
holy shit, this guy might be as big a fan of Trek as Mike Stokklasa
>even when Based Vic contradicted himself it still put him in the clear
>Funi still in the red while KickVic fags are crying about it on twitter
ok brainlet
>Vic single-handedly exposed the shitty anime industry for how incestuous it is while everyone trying their hardest to ruin his life are slowly ruining theirs
how does he do it bros?
>The man is pretty much the embodiment of Chad-dom
He really is, they should have got him to play Kirk in the Abrams movies. I can't believe there's someone out there who (almost) equals Shatner.
>Put on random episodes of TNG
>Pure comfy
How do they do it?
Shatner's toupee
>he says with no skills or talent anywhere in his body
I'll give her credit for one thing and one thing only: she recognized and accepted what league she's in instead of falling for the hypergamy meme.
damn, this list is pretty accurate for once
nah just the studios making english dubs
which not many anime fans really watch anyway
I really hope bulma voice actress dies
>which not many anime fans really watch anyway
that's true, but I'd be fooled into thinking otherwise considering how many autists are rallying on both sides with this Vic case
>which not many anime fans really watch anyway
I miss ADV.
Fuck Funimation, fuck Sabat, fuck Schemmel, and fuck those vile goblins Rial and marzgurl
How do people who watch dubs even know the names of these VA's?
They're never even credited in the shows themselves. Literal who's if ever there were.
Mirror Kirk
This might sound crazy to you, but back in my days Yea Forums wasn't a complete shithole.We even had to buy stuff in order to watch it.
Can’t wait to watch more deposition tonight. I’m on his side but I feel like this whole event is his sexual deviancy and infidelity finally catching up to him. I don’t think he’s a sexual assaulter, but I imagine to leftist women he comes on too strong or forceful and they misconstrue that as “sexual assault”. He never did anything illegal but he definitely needs to work on himself. He can’t go on being very open about his faith if he doesn’t make efforts to change. The behind the scenes collusion is a different story. That’s completely fucked up and he doesn’t deserve that at all.