Name a better Classic Doctor Who story (Pro tip: You can't)
Name a better Classic Doctor Who story (Pro tip: You can't)
My favourite is The Mind Robber.
Any from Pertwee era
Easy as fuck, check this out
Kino as FUCK
Also Caves of Androzani
Better one from the same season
Excellent taste. The first ep is the only good one from Mind Robber however
Weng Chiang
Robots of Death
Fang Rock
That's just the Tom ones.
More like the Mind Brapper
Am I a pleb if I find the Pertwurst era to be a little slow? Especially in his first few seasons when every serial was a 6 or 7 parter. Don't get me wrong, it's still kino, but the Troughton and T. Baker eras were definitely faster, pacing wise.
Can Robert Holmes ever be topped? His only shit ones were Krotons and Mysterious Planet but everything else was top tier stuff
>bashing kino town centre series 7
Series 8's only dud was a 4 parter, Axos
Series 9 is dud heavy though
State of Decay
Krotons and Mysterious Planet >>>>>>> The Space Pirates
>The Space Pirates
Oh yeah forgot that one
An Unearthly Child
Dalek Invasion of Earth
The Aztecs
The Massacre
Tomb of the Cybermen
The Enemy of the World
The Mind Robber
The War Games
Spearhead from Space
The Silurians
The Mind of Evil
The Green Death
The Ark in Space
Pyramids of Mars
Seeds of Doom
The Robots of Death
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Ribos Operation
City of Death
Warriors Gate
The Caves of Androzani
Vengeance on Varos
Resurrection of the Daleks
Remeberance of the Daleks
Curse of Fenric
A generic list for the pretentious Doctor Who fan
Ghost Light is shit
I'd go for The Greatest Show in the Galaxy unironically instead.
>Actually putting 3 episodes of cavemen fighting over fire because the first episode is KINO
>Dalek Invasion instead of Masterplan
>Fuck, Dalek Invasion of Earth instead of The Chase
>the honestly overrated The Massacre
>not a single Vicki story
>no BASED The Romans
>no Marco Polo
>no honorable mention to the meta-masterpiece The Space Museum
>no comfy The Rescue
>no Time Meddler
>no Web Planet
5/10 holy shit do you even Hartnell?
Aztecs is kino tho
It's Delta and the Bannermen for me every time
>not a single Vicki story
>no BASED The Romans
>no comfy The Rescue
These are particularly abhorrent. Romans is my favourite Hartnell and the Rescue is up there too
Prove it
The cavemen is the best bit RETARD
For a start you have the pretentious trio of Warriors Gate, Kinda, and Ghost Light. And none of the great humourous stories from any Doctor apart from Ribos and City of Death, implies that you take it too seriously like any pretentious fan would.
>Robots of Death
Came to post this. The most kino story of the highest kino Doctor.
None of those are pretentious. Unless you can prove otherwise.
Lots of ambiguous imagery and dialogue for the sake of making it "deeper" regardless of importance to the plot
Dalek Invasion of Earth. First Doctor era is underrated.
Remembrance of the Daleks
How come classic Who was wall to wall cuties?
It's funny how in 1976 a woman showing skin like that was a sign of being strong and independent, but nowadays it's considered "objectifying" and they wear pantsuits
Unironically, all of Season 22
Now THAT is an edgy opinion
The left would have them all in burkas if they thought they could get away with it.
>doesn't know the meaning of pretentious
How does what I said not line up with the meaning of pretentious?