The Kino Man (2020)

The King's Man trailer just released:


It actually looks really fucking good.

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>no eggsy


this franchise shouldn't exist

It actually looks more kino without Eggsy.


More like Kangzman amirite

The Kingsman movies are just capeshit for Chavs.

stfu u gay ass mosher haha

>now a prequel

I remember having hopes in Vaughn

They wrote themselves into a corner by killing off all the interesting characters in the second movie. Also wtf was the point of hiring Channing Tatum and not using him?

>Forced black """""""""""""""Brit"""""""""""""

Fuck off

is this just captain america: bong edition

>look film up on wikipedia
>turns out nog's character was a real guy
>...born in the fifties...

Blackies fought in ww1 goy

Looks like it.

Skyfall + Dunkirk + Captain America.

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>Rhys Ifans as Grigori Rasputin
>Gemma Arterton as Mata Hari
Day 1 pirate desu

>A huge nigger

That's a NOPE.

looks better than the second one

oi shu up bruv innit

Fuck off /pol/ this movie looks great

>Wite peepoh

no one is going to know this is a kingsman movie based on the title

>no one will know it's a kingsman movie
>literally called Kings Man

What did he mean by this?

>40 seconds in
Fuck off

naw m8 dah is some bollock kno wut ah meen


imagine being from a country that once had kings lol

We didn't need any more after the first movie.

You're disgustingly insecure. Take your shit to another thread, honestly.

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First movie was flawless and brave, second should never have happened (or should have been given proper preparation time). No reason third has to suck.

you mean like the us?

They did, but the problem is when these fucks try to make the blacks look totally integrated with the actually British or French and do the whole 'they're as British as the rest of us' shit instead of what they were, i.e. colonial fodder. That's why the black crew mates in Master and Commander were fine: cause they were presented as what they really were, i.e. not British. Some 'other' that did their own thing. When Aubrey gives his speech about the ship being England, they aren't included. They aren't cheering too cause they're 'as British as the rest of' and that shit. Nogs in trenches are fine if they take the Master and Commander approach.

Pretty much every country?

well doi you idiots, i was trying to promote imagination not bait wow

Wasn't this meant to be a spy franchise? Take it back to the 60s if you're doing a prequel.

I'm surprised 20th Century Fox still exists.
I don't know if I'll be alive in 2020, isn't the trailer too early?

>inb4 /pol/tards bitch about black people

Fuck off cunts it looks fun


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was that Gemma Arterton?

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Should have stopped after the 1st one. JUST WHY

>kingsman: origins

If there's one token black actor to have in a movie, it's Djimon Hounsou.

nobody wants to make movies about actual spying
it's sad
there was an excellent british reality series about spy stuff a while back

need more ww1 kino

When a series try to use lore to sell itself it's obvious that they don't even care anymore

it changes everything

I'd rather we just resurrect Woody Strode.

I get pissy cause it's clearly an agenda that's dishonest, and I'm someone that's beginning to fall hard for a brown af poo in a loo.

>hating on based Djimon

England abolished slavery decades before America and had female Prime Ministers while America is still voting in incompetent male racists.

It's not an agenda, you're just backwards.

The King's Man (2020)
>Prequel looks better than sequel (less comedy in the trailer but still tagged as Comedy in IMDB)
>Ralph Fiennes--Good cast
I'll watch it

$20 says we get one of those bar fight scenes so people can say "omg I get that reference xDDDD"

Fucking D*xoid masonic anglo-scotts of the south are to blame. Don't clump Protestant German/Dutch America of the North into it.

Why are callbacks suddenly comedy now? It's like that Endgame thing to give a popular recent example where Thor says he went for the head with a voice thick with agony as dramatic music swells and the audience laughs cause le epic callback and reincorporation xDDDD

What this guy said.

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The lazy portrayal of Rasputin always gets me. If anything he was the few persons that told Nicholas II to not enter in WWI because it will be the ruin of the Romanov. Not only that, he always tryed to keep at bay the church and the nobles that tryed to exploit the crown.

>England abolished slavery decades before America and had female Prime Ministers
and look at London now lol

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I sort of agree with you but the way you post makes me not want to back you up. You sound like a faggot,

Looks pretty cool. Ralph fiennes is always a good thing to see in a movie

Thought they were making it a prequel at first as an excuse to 86 Matthew Vaughn. I'm now interested seeing that he's still directing.

>Also wtf was the point of hiring Channing Tatum and not using him?

He was supposed to be the traitor, but Taron Egerton's Robin Hood needed reshoots, so when he came down to film The Golden Circle, Tatum was no longer available for the long haul and they had to write him out and added Pedro Pascal to replace him.

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Dat ass tho

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Black people didnt exist until martin luther king invented them

>"Madness of King George III? Well, I never saw the first two so I'll give it a miss"
America was a mistake

Something tells me that this flick is the one that Matthew Vaughn always wanted to made.

That sucks, especially since Pedro was pretty relatable in the movie.

Yeah no the last one sucks eggs

Because it looks like an actual good movie with great cinematography and cast, as opposed to a spy film with a gimmick?

Makes sense. First two films are kino though.

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Turned it off when it showed the black man

>Kingsman 2

>Kills off the original cast (excluding the 3 leads) in the first act. RIP Roxy
>All this hype around The Statesman and their headquarters is really barren and clearly filmed around small sets/green screen
>Poppy's drug cartel fortress is manned by maybe 20 soldiers if that

I'll give you that Country Roads was good.

Looks like fun adventurekino. God knows we need more adventure films.
>mfw Millar keeps on winning

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Funny, I thought the country roads scene was the shittiest part, there was literally zero reason for Merlin to do that.

Agree with the first point though.

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>no blacks in the first two movies that took place in the modern day
>oh look, blacks are in the Kingsmen and are treated as equals in 1918 England!

So tiring.

>very clearly releasing this one only to ramp up to "le ebin PUNCH NAZIS, LOL" sequel set in the 40s that will come out midway through Trump's second term.

How have they fucked this series up so terribly after the 1st?

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Why did they do it bros?

formerly confident

>Complaining about your own SJW fanfiction
Have sex.

2nd was b movie tier shite so I'm not watching it

>Samuel L Jackson as Valentine
>Halle Berry as Ginger

/pol/tards are truly the dunces of the human race.

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>No blacks in the first two
Apply yourself

Samuel L. Jackson was literally the main bad guy in the first film.

Yes, and he was an American, and the villain. Not a Kingsman

I looks interesting but whats the point? The ENTIRE organization gets blown up in the first act of the second film. Its like the hon solo movie who cares when he is already dead in the future?

Why would anyone want such an ugly dog?

ATF final interview

Is that a ninja Rasputin?

I had one, they're very friendly dogs and cute in their own way. Lots of health problems though, mine died earlier this year, she was 8.

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So it's a prequel, right? Who's young Michael Caine character here?

>The King's Man: The First Kingsman

Also making the swedish buttsex princess the love interest for Eggsy was just out of nowhere. Should have been Roxy or just a new girl that could have been a childhood friend of Eggsy. Not some Swedish slut who liked to have her backdoor pounded that was introduced to Eggsy in the last act of the movie.

I liked the relationship
hitted close to home for me when they broke up

Are you telling me you wouldn't wife the literal princess you rescued from the dungeon of an evil super villain while you were saving the world? Do you not know how to be a hero?

>Who's young Michael Caine character here?
How old do you think Michael Caine is?

They're really fun movies though, better than every capeshit since 2009 and better than every bond movie since 2006.

You're knowledge of cinema stretches back a maximum of 8 years... Get the fuck off this board

>references the latest capeshit as an example
You have a sub 80 IQ. Watch more movies, sonny jim

It doesn't even look like a Kingsman movie. I didn't laugh once.

actually it might be refreshing to have an older take on kingsman, especially after the bullshit that was alpha gel "modern" technology

Looks decent.

>russia bad
>germany bad
>brit empire good
>empiricism good
>internationalism good
>freemason-lite secret societies good

No thanks

If they have all that tech shit they can propertly make him live for a hundred years

I think they were fighting against sovs

Name 3 movies prior to 1970 that deal with the origin of a spy agency that is:
>WW focused
>full colour
>includes super hero thematics

Otherwise suck my dick you stupid /pol/ bitch. Read my post history more until you realise how pathetic I find you, obsessed incel faggot.

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