How would you have done this scene to have the Haradrim defeat the Rohirrim, but without Theoden looking like a retard?

How would you have done this scene to have the Haradrim defeat the Rohirrim, but without Theoden looking like a retard?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.03M)

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That scene aged horribly, borderline capeshit tier with all the cheesy CG and piss filters.

If you're refering to this scene
the no, I don't think Theoden looked like a retard because they had to beat the Haradrim in the field that day to win the battle.

Attached: 1552263032015.jpg (2070x1380, 203K)

Not at all. The ghost soldiers are OP and would win the battle regardless. The sacrifice of the Rohirrim is totally pointless and mute, at least in the movies.

Funny how that CGI still looks on par with what we see today. Lotr was way ahead of it's time.

He had no idea about an impervious ghost army coming to save the day. As far as he knew, it was up to Rohan and the Rohirrim to save Minas Tirath.

Without the retarded CGI elephants.

It really is not.

Attached: not capeshit at all.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

He didn't know about the ghost army
My main problem is "take them head on" instead of using their increased mobility to flank and harass. I don't have a problem with them losing, just the stupid way it was done.

Those looked better than the stupid lime green ghost that looked like the Flying Dutchman.

Attached: 365C7444-CFC4-4E9B-9BB4-5AA5A429ADD0.jpg (512x512, 38K)

I don’t think there’s any realistic way you could defeat creatures that size without artillery

They took out about a third to half the elephants before the ghost army showed up though

nice cape, legolas

Arrows and spears, aim for the legs and heads.

Attached: 1562517853748.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

1. He didn't know about the ghost army
2. His arrival saves Gandalf
3. His arrival slows the orc advance into Gondor

Pincer maneuver. Have it be a tactic used by the unusually intelligent Orcish general - a calculated retreat to draw the Rohirrim into their trap.

In the movie they were vulnerable to getting struck in the feet

Regroup since the orcs are scattered, in disarray, and retreating. Use fire arrows (like in the BFME vidya) to confuse, scare, and ultimately kill the Mumakil

>no easterlings
>no camel haradrim
>ghost fucks rolling over everyone
>no swan knights
>no rangers
>no gondorians getting ferried over

Attached: Mumakil.jpg (500x375, 58K)

It pisses me off to no end as a windowsfag that Battle for Middle Earth 2 doesn't qork on Windows 10.

Windows 7 best windows, still most popular even though MS giving the 10 away for free and even literally illegally forcing it on people

Why doesn't it work on Windows 10? I was thinking of getting it again

Different user but Microsoft doesn't give a shit about compatibility

4. she hit me
5. she was a hooah

I hope you guys play the t3a version with the hd mod

Flank and evade instead of just charging into a woodchipper for no reason

Almost everyones name sounds the same in that story. Whenever they're talking about other characters I don't know what's going on. Gherkinmafear and Gorgamelfere with Groden and Brogon of Sheshimere. Too many battles and not enough magic from santaman... why didn't he just make a big earthquake and make the sun explode?
Why didn't anyone throw a big spear at that eye huh?
What a bad story. No boobies :(

What compels anyone to get Win 10?

Seriously, does it offer any major improvement's what so ever over 7 or 8.1? I can't think of a single one. As far as I can tell the only thing that it offers is a worse user experience.

Just comes with the machine, my dude

They are too thicc, but a few ballistas would do the trick.

>there are people who still buy pre-built computers or laptops
Are you 80?


>What compels anyone to get Win 10?
MS making it really difficult to use new hardware with older windows, planned obsolescence

>Elephants against cavalry
Cavalry would just have flanked them an then pelted them with arrows and spears.
Those things would only have been useful against infantry, and even then the Romans showed us how to beat a dumb charge.

it's today's movies that are behind their time

Nope, still young and full of hot spunk

How big are Oliphaunts supposed to be? The Hackson version is ridiculous.

Why didn't the Allies just use olliphants?

Attached: muh eagles.jpg (600x599, 45K)

20 times the size of a real elephant

Why didn't Sauron give rings to Oliphants? An unkillable nazgul mega elephant would be great.

Because the haradrim are not real civilized humans unlike the numenoreans

people actuakky watch this part in the trilogy? i watch fellowship, two towers, the first bit of return of king and skip right to frodo in the volcano. the two back to back battles are just idiotic

By height or mass?

both (don't worry about volume, it's magic)

well, elvish arrows have +10 penetration, so pretty easily with concentrated fire.

aside from and how the men didnt use oliphants, they have horses (speed across land) and fel beasts (speed across sky). the nazgul dont really carry armies into battle, theyre essentially special forces. in and out quickly.