>Ms. Bond?
Ms. Bond?
How long does this shit go on for?
When will normies stop fueling it?
Ms. Bond only plays dominos
>come come Ms. Bond. You derive as much pleasure from fried chicken as I do
The ride never ends.
I don't like clown world.
>Ms. Bond, you allow your emotions to get the better of you. You must understand that your "baby daddy" will never come back from the store to get his menthol flavored cigarettes.
>Ms.Bond we don't understand your request of finding this so called "county building". We are in the heart of Morocco
>I do apologize, Ms. Bond, but I do not believe that Cee-Lo is recognized as an official game to be found on the floor of this casino.
The revitalization of this meme is fasicnating
Note to Americans: we don't have the same black stereotypes that you do.
>Actually, Ms. Bond, the hotel DOES serve watermelon.
Feel free to post something more relatable to you, fren
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start Ms Bond
>Agent 0.6, aka "Tree Fiffs"
I'm afraid, with today being the 28th of the month, that your welfare check will not arrive in time to save you, Mrs. Bond.
I'll accept a black female bond as long as she's a lesbian or at least bisexual so we still get sexy bond girls. Imagine this scene with Eva Green still.
>Ms. Bond: When you walk in and kiss me wearing that, the other players will be thinking of your neckline rather than their cards. Do you think you could do that for me?
>Vesper: [sarcastically] I'll do my best.
Oh wow another thread where insecure white racists make fun of PoC. As if these "jokes" aren't art of the dehumanization of African peoples enabling the polices genocidal race war against them. How would you feel if everywhere you went you were mocked and made to feel like you didn't belong? AmeriKKKa was built by black slaves whose lives were destroyed by privileged whites who would also make harmless "jokes" about them. Instead of contributing and upholding the racist patriarchal superstructure of this toxic culture how about go out and do something productive?
>I'm sorry Ms. Bond, but it is against government policy to refer to other agents as "ratchet ass hoes". And your request to be deployed to Chicago has been denied, because wanting to "pop a cap" in "some baby momma" is not a viable use of agency funding.
>Black Bond comes on screen
>Chases villain in foot through the streets
>Takes a sharp turn, almost loses him, spots him a bit away in the crowds
>Follows him into an alley
>Villain is gone
>Only thing there is pic related
"oh lawd"
>Implying they were human to begin with
This really activates my almonds
It's b8.
Chicken wings. Fried, not grilled.