What does this mean? Did Lightning Fast VCR Repair move? How come there's "Custom Limousine Services" on their building instead?
What does this mean? Did Lightning Fast VCR Repair move...
They moved a long time ago. Stalkers found out where they were (which was next to a dog training/ day care place, something in the background of a video) and they got scared and moved.
Get a life, faggot
Are they pussies? They literally have only 1M subscribers, so it's not like people are going to swarm them. Are they afraid someones going to kill them?
>they got scared and moved.
Or maybe they just moved because they wanted more space? Their new space is clearly two stories and much larger. Do you have literally any proof that they moved because of stalkers or is it pure autistic speculation?
Yeah what a bunch of pussies! I have no idea why they wouldn't want weird obsessive strangers to show up at their office while they're trying to work and start asking retarded questions about where Jessi went or what Rich Evans smells like.
Stop obsessing over the personal details of e-celebs, you worthless loser.
I imagine Jessi made Mike move studios. She already got scared off the show by a dumb pervy subreddit.
Some psycho tricked Latza into going to that address thinking Mike is offering him a job. RLM moved soon afterwards.
>She already got scared off the show by a dumb pervy subreddit.
Cool speculation, bro
Why are women so fucking thin skinned?
have sex
good retort
>She already got scared off the show by a dumb pervy subreddit.
I thought she was laying low because of that jewelry scam she pulled
explain the whole thing or shut the fuck up
bought ecstacy in the parking lot of the george webbs down the street from there one time
It means you're on the spectrum.
man what a life you live
I've always wondered how any celebs or e-celebs keep their shit hidden in the first place. Knowing the internet if you so as much as show a pixel of some outdoors location some weird fucker will manage to find out where it is and post it on reddit.
Hell in my country shit like name, address, birthday, employment, housemates, marriage status, phone numbers, car ownership, credit score, even fucking personal income is available to anyone from many freely accessible online databases. It's creepy as all fuck.
What totalitarian hellhole do you live in?
what kind of totalitarian government would make that kind of stuff available to everyone and not just the nomenklatura?
Is it really that bad? Are there no laws in place to protect any sort of privacy?
Wasn’t this just a stock photo? I didn’t think they even moved studios
Privacy is an impediment to profit.
It's an actual building in Milwaukee. If they wanted to use random stock photo why would they use one from Milwaukee?