How far are you able to go back before movies become too boring for you to be able to get through?
For me? It's around 1980.
How far are you able to go back before movies become too boring for you to be able to get through?
For me? It's around 1980.
by the time i get to the 60s it gets pretty rough. i've only seen on average 12 movies a year from that decade.
>You fuck my wife?
About 1962.
You should seriously kill yourself then. There are many wonderful silent films that you simply don't deserve to watch.
why are you even here
For me it's movies made before 1910.
Based “you fuck my wife?” poster. For me I’d probably say 40s. There’s some surprisingly good movies from the 40s and 50s, tons of great ones from the 60s, 70s forward is easy for me
anything pre 80 is really boring but i still pretend to like them on message boards and social gatherings in order to appear smart. i like to pretend Once Upon a Time in the West is my favorite movie of all time. While it has some really really good scenes that i genuinely enjoy. watching the whole 3 hour movie is a fucking pain in the ass, due to how slow and convoluted it is.
If you can’t handle older movies you just don’t like movies. Like there’s no refuting it, you need to go back to playing video games because all you crave is basic sensory entertainment like a kid watching a cartoon. Everyone in this thread should be permabanned. I’d take the hammer too if it meant banishing you shitters back to Yea Forums or Reddit or wherever the hell you came from.
This, this and this.
i don't watch movies or listen to music made before i was born, so 2001
i don't really watch movies i just watch television
think of movies like aeroplanes. some faggot may say that the wright brothers plane is one of the best planes of all time simply because of the innovation and ingenuity. some other faggot may say that some popular ww2 fighter is the best plane ever made because of how many kills it got in combat. but both of those planes wouldnt stand a chance against pic related in every term imaginable. we learn from previous installments and improve our design for the next ones. a movie might have been good when it was first released. but it doesnt stand a chance against a top tier movie released 2019.
Based, sneed on those boomers
This is stunning bait
A movie has to be pretty fucking good for me to sit through it if it's older then 1960. Movies like 12 Angry Men, where it relies on dialogue/plot are okay.
Because fuck you, that's why.
I've seen a few 40s movies and I like the film noir, but I also like the newer films with a noir style, or set in that era. Black and white does pull me out of a movie.
>mfw i have to pretend cheesy 60s acting is anything but unwatchable
youre lying if you think that the bad special effects of old arent a total immerison killer
Due to a mixture of bad genetics and an upbringing based on Xbox games rather than social interaction you have developed a built-in resistance against the highbrow camp that exudes from classical Hollywood acting. It’s understandable, but it’s also important that you vacate the board so not to disturb us patricians.
studios sprucing up the effects for bluray releases like making the gorn blink kill the immersion for me even more
Guns are actually much more comparable to movies.
I'd agree with everyone that single-shot guns like muskets are useless today except for the historical value. But let's say... a 1911 pistol may have a lot of better alternatives made today, but it still is a fine weapon and works just as good as it did 100 years ago, it's even being used as we speak as the carry piece of thousands of police officers in america. And at the time it was made, it was revolutionary.
>comparing art to firearms and planes
there’s no way “““people””” with opinions this retarded are over 18 — no, over 14.
>he doesn't watch all old movies exclusively on VHS so that he can't notice the effects that don't look real
The earliest movies I've seen that still entertained me, off the top of my head, are Dial M for Murder, which came out in 1954.
There are some classics which came out in the 30s which are or were still watchable. Let's say 1950.
There is nothing wrong with movies past 1960, and at 1970 movies are essentially modern just with lesser effects and smaller budgets overall.
What bores you about older movies? I have zero attention span and I’m fine watching them unless it’s a genuinely boring movie which are definitely still being made.
CGI is an even bigger immersion killer
It's boring to you because you have too many pre-established notions about all things "old" that are limiting your understanding of these things. Human nature hasn't changed at all since the dawn of film or the dawn of art in general for that matter. The only thing that has changed is the subject matter. You're bored by old subject matter because you've been taught to believe new is better. Let go of this notion and you'll be able to enjoy even the oldest films (if they're any good).
you think A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Jaws, The Godfather, North by Northwest, and A Clockwork Orange are too boring to get through?
>needs to be "immersed" in a film in order to enjoy it
None really. Since I’m mostly going to be watching classics from those times. It’s not like I’m gonna be watching some popular but forgettable movie from 1930.
Is special effects all you care about? I’ve never seen Star Trek which I’m pretty sure that’s from, and people always praise the stories of those original episodes even now although the special effects are totally dated.
you are the true brainlet if you think you will enjoy anything without being immersed
Anything before the first Star Wars is a no go for me.
The only films that bother me with their age are silent films. Beyond that, I can get through anything.
probably 1920, there are a few must watch silent movies but in general i really enjoy sound in movies. its a bit like video games, i can easily play games from the 90s but man the 80s were a bit rough and lack so many refinements.
i like it, makes everyone seem witty and classy for some reason. the only women ive gone crazy for in movies are before the 70s.
I kinda get not enjoying atari games but how the fuck is NES-era not enjoyable? Are you frustrated by the games not being piss-easy as today?
No Ealing comedies? No classic Film Noir? No British kitchen sink drama? No French New Wave? No Hitchcock? No Metropolis? Sunset Boulevard? No Apocalypse Now? No Hammer films? No Close Encounters? No early John Waters? No original Star Wars? No Taxi Driver? No pre-SJW Disney? No Blaxploitation? No Shining? No 2001: A Space Odyssey? No Godfather? No Jaws? No classic Mel Brooks?
I'm an old cunt in his early 50s so maybe there's something I'm not understanding here but films pre-1980 are an issue for you? What the fuck are you actually watching? There's, quite literally, something for anyone pre-1980.
there are some good platformers but its not really the genres i care about. compare that to the 90s, which has great fps games like doom and system shock 2, and a shit ton of high quality rpgs like baldurs gate and fallout. i do however admit that i might be ignorant of the 80s, are there any gems you'd recommend?
Patton, I believe, but I needed my WWII fix back when.
I hate this board
I dont watch anything unless it came out in the last year. Why the fuck would I bother watching old outdated garbage? If it was worth watching I would have watched it within the year it came out. If i didnt then it wasnt worth watching.
Anything before pic related is just cringe
cya reddit
I don't know, I haven't watched anything before the 1920's.
if it's not a talkie, I ain't watching it
I can't watch anything before French Cave Paintings from 40,000 BC.
tell me when was this frame made
what a fucking pleb
My rule of thumb is that anything within about 30 years of the current year is fair game. The farther back you after that the higher the chances of a film being completely unwatchable becomes.
So you don't watch anything before the 90s? And in 30 years you won't watch anything from the 90s onwards either?
If you've never seen the stunts and comedy of Buster Keaton - You're missing out.
70s are my favorite decade and the 60s are great.
50s and below is where it can get difficult.
man is all this shit bait? how depressing.
what the fuck are you even talkin about man
suck my fucking dick
think about this bros: if every normie and zoomer enjoyed the last laugh or sunrise or dr caligari then those films would lose some of their charm, especially after the 300th thread. now we get to watch obscure kinos AND dub on plebs at the same time
Does the criterion collections go back to before the 50s? Tbh, sometimes it's a bit difficult to dl a half obscure 90s movie now.
my favorites are sherlock jr and steamboat bill jr
>the last laugh or sunrise or dr caligari
>obscure kinos
based Captain Pivo poster
I thought there existed some certain limit for me too, but then I kept founding kinos from earlier times. I guess I am a true metahuman, ascended and removed from such silly constraints.
I can go back as far as I want because I'm not a brainlet tethered to a single zeitgeist.