Pizza time.
Pizza time
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Race war time.
What was his line again?
I get hungry for pizza every time I see this scene
>implying that Garfield wasn't the best Raimi-Man
The bitch is Emily Deschanel before she was famous!
.23 electron vaults
What pisses me off is that those are supposedly deep dish pizzas. No self respecting New Yorker would ever go near a deep dish pizza
if i flip the pizzas mr. aziz will flip out!
Toby looked so likeable...
I say this every time I get pizza
now thats kino.
That would be extremely radical!
I'm not paying for those.
Why so many pizzas
>200,000 at most, and primarily from starvation
Honestly how didn't Rami make the two best Marvel films of all time? I know 3 was trash because so much was packed into it but everything about 1 and 2 he absolutely nailed? How did he do it? How has everyone else failed to replicate it?
Good, memorable dialogue goes a long way.
raimi is one the best directors alive
it's funny both the coen brothers and tarantino are more praised than him but they rip off sam's style a lot
The shared universe has ruined comic book movies! Raimi’s Spider-Man movies were self contained. You didn’t have other shit feeding into it.
Gas time you fucking jew.
Oh no...
Doctor Connor's class...
Deep dish pizza is disgusting but very typical of American culture.
>Steal another country's idea
>Butcher it with massive amounts of fat and sugar leaving no room for subtlety
big dong time
I just had a family one by myself and now I feel like eating another
>Footage reverses
you fat bastard
t. fat bastard
user...the mods are unanimous...
>"Sorry your pizzas were late. We were using the oven for...something else."
>cuts to a screaming Jew being forced into a pizza oven
Raimi just did not give a fuck, did he?
3.6 roentgen
Why is hse so perfect? She even was prfect when went full Brosnan'd.
This post would've been much funnier without the second line
hearty kek
"2.3 feet of strong rope"
>13%, but they commit the 50% of the crimes
If I were Peter I would've used my super strenght to force her to have safe intercourse with me. Missionary position, nothing too extravagant.
Raimi and the Coens have worked together more times than you probably realize.
I know the movie they worked on together totally flopped and joel edited one scene in evil dead 1 still not a good excuse to rip-off someone's camerawork for your nic cage movie
They say Raimi is a director's director and that's gotta rub off both ways. Have you watched Swallowed Souls (?) the making of Evil Dead 2!
I'm a pizza delivery guy and I say this to the customers sometimes but nobody has gotten it yet or at least they didn't let on that they did.
If my pizza driver said that my first thought would be Turtles in Time health power ups.
Why didn't Tugboat take out his BIG FAT DICK and give that thot some good ol' suck n' fuck so that she'd pay for the pies?
It's time for pizza, because you just got there. I don't think they are thinking about getting a movie reference. They just figure you're a bit weird, maybe wear a spidey hat or button next time.
That's impossible