Yfw she's Blofeld

>yfw she's Blofeld

Attached: D_c6u86VUAEnYVf.jpg (644x449, 42K)

That's a really big masculine torso.

Christoph Waltz was Blofeld.

Attached: giphy (3).gif (540x225, 1.54M)

Is that John Boyega?

For you


she's gorgeous. you fags are never going to procreate and james bond was never good

So were Anthony Dawson, Donald Pleasance, Telly Savalas, Charles Grey, Max Von Sydow and that one guy that got dropped down the chimney. What's your point?

can you even call it James bond now? you since James is a dudes name? will the franchise now be called Stacey bond? doesn't quite roll off the tongue now.

My point is that Craig's series already had a Blofeld. One movie ago. Do you wish to pursue this retarded argument further?