Is Jared Leto A-list?
Is Jared Leto A-list?
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Why does a 48 year old man look like that?
>Anyway, the choking is 100% true as well as restraining and alot of holding you down. He fucks hard and rough and quick. There's alot of movement and position shifting and tit biting and sucking. There were marks left. He doesn't give a shit that his cock is fucking giganto and it hurt like satan. It's not only long, had to be about 11-12". It's thick and it burned and he wouldn't slow down even when I told him to. There were times were I had to bite down on him because of the pain down there and he didn't give 2 pisses about it. I think he got pleasure out of hurting me, in retrospect but I was too young and didn't know that then. He was a major dick when I would tell him to slow down or to change position to ease the pain a little. After that, I'd get attitude.
>I didn't like the choking and at least he eased a bit on that but he still did the wrist restraining and ramming. I like rough sex but he seems to zone out and it's scary.
>I liked the ass smacking, that was a huge turn on and I didn't mind his name-calling but basically the whole time I was fucking him, I felt as though I was being raped and not even a "play rape". In his mind, it seemed like he thought he was fucking raping me. It was very odd.
>47 years old
He's on a list
Not even close. B-list MAYBE, but nobody had talked about him for about 3 years before he signed on to be the joker.
No, he's a person
to naive, limp wristed white western men, this is a cause for outrage
to women, this is a boast
Pretty disgusting how he lingers around 20 year old girls when he’s pushing fifty
Legit pedo vibes from him
That can't be real.If it is, I might have to reconsider my opinion on him. As an actor.
reminder that at one point he was fucking 18 year old angie varona
Why wouldn't it be real?
Shitty abs insertions, a pathetic looking manlet
Is that a Casio?
What is TRT?
>It's not only long, had to be about 11-12"
Bullshit. Women are fucking terrible at judging dick size. He's probably 7-8", 9 tops.
how much bf? 8% ?
Yeah, it's how he protects his virginity
is that the cucumber trick?
Because he's a trolling idiot and because no man should be allowed to be that lucky.
Antioxidants from fruits and vitamins
Based and redpilled
more like an autist lmao
>ywn roll prefect physical stats
My hatred for Jared Leto is not only because he is a smug, self satisfied prick, but also because he is perfectly justified in being so.
>women are fucking terrible at judging dick size
awfully true though
I'm a bit over 7" and women guess 8-9" at least tops was 11" at that point I wasn't sure if she was serious or not but she was only 4'11 so anything looks big in her hands
imagine his flaccid dick growing hard in your throat
pic for reference
>hating based leto
you're only hurting yourself m8
it's because it makes no difference to them. Do you think a few inches difference in dick size would ever compare to actually giving birth? Dick size is nothing to them
The worst part is that he choose to leave acting for a while to be in some shitty band- and the band wasn't even bad.
The sheer definition of 'it's not fair, guys'.
Nah, groupies have said on 30secondstoMars message boards that he's hung af.
His band fucking sucks kys
How can humanbois even compete?
Fair enough.
30 Seconds to Mars is great, pleb
>30 Seconds to Mars is great
did you post that with a straight face? if so how
What kind of audience is he trying to attract...?
I liked that "to the right, to the left" song back when.
girls of the age he’s clearly fucking here
This video is amazingly hilarious
He looks like he's in his early 30s though so he can get away with it. Also why the fuck would you not fuck prime 20 year olds when you're rich an famous? Jared can settle down when he's 70 and looks 50
With fine taste in music, you should get one.