Who has the better taste?

Who has the better taste?

Their top 20 favorite movies:
19.Hamlet (1996)
16.Ed Wood
15.Secret of Nimph
13.Spirited Away
12.A Clockwork Orage
11.Fearless (1993)
10.Citizen Kane
9. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
8. The Dark Knight
7. Good Night, and Good luck
6. Lost in Translation
5. Eyes Wide Shut
4. Batman
3. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. Amadeus
1. Brazil

20. Batman
19. Night of the living Dead
18. Sword in the Stone
17. Rear Window
16. This is Spinal Tap
15. Jaws
14. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
13. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
12. Vertigo
11. Ed Wood
10. American Movie
9. Gremlins
8. Ghostbusters
7. Terminator 2
6. Star Wars OT
5. Rocky
4. Back to the Future
3. The Wizard of Oz
2. King Kong
1. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

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this pic must be like 12 years old


why do boomers have such a boner for 1989 Batman?

Doug put in Shakespeare to appear "sophisticated" but instead look pretentious. James is honest.

Douge's may seem more patrician, but James's is more sincere. I've never had the impression that Douge is even a big movie nerd. His "serious" reviews discuss the most basic shit about a movie. James, while he doesn't go super in depth, appreciates the technical aspects, and the creative drive that every film has.

The real question is does either match up to pic related:
>1. Sátántangó [Satan's Tango] (1994)
>2. Cтaлкep [Stalker] (1979)
>3. Zazie dans le métro [Zazie in the Subway] (1960)
>4. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
>5. Barry Lyndon (1975)
>6. The Tree of Life (2011)
>7. পথের পাঁচালী [Pather Panchali] (1955)
>8. Heaven's Gate (1980)
>9. 童年往事 [A Time to Live, a Time to Die] (1985)
>10. Straw Dogs (1971)

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>both like Ed Wood
>both made “ purposefully” shitty movies

1989 Batman influenced your Batman. Yes, all of them. Except the Clooney one, that was more 1960s Batman.

where are you pulling that list from my man? Mike doesn't seem like a dude who could seriosly sit there and claim he loves Tarkovsky or Malick

James has classic boomer taste no pretentious picks, Douge has edgy contrarian millenial taste

shakespeare is overrated as fuck. monster movies are stupid, but fun

Douge seems like a guy who doesn't really think about how the films made him feel on a personal level and more about how accclaimed or how "special" the films are.

James is a solid film buff list and he's not afraid to put things close to his heart there (fucking Star Wars LMAO), but his top 4 is fucking excellent. He seems really passionate about special effects and pushing technology for film.

James has the better taste in almost everything besides animation. I mean, Sword and Stone is cool and all that, but Secret of Nimh is fucking KINO.
And I know Douge has babby's first Miyazaki, but I'm not memeing Chihiro's his Magnum Opus and you can fuck off if you think otherwise.
>muh princess muh little witch muh upskirt rifle lady and giant worms

To be fair, the Kenneth Branagh Hamlet film is kino

Dougs list is so dishonest, it makes me puke

>all these niggas criticizing other people's taste and not putting theirs up

Douge reads like someone who's heavily insecure about his taste.
James reads like a man who's completely okay with loving what he loves. It's like a film student who before anything was an american kid growing up with 80's american cinema. But he's got an actual taste and passion for the classics.

Anyway here's my le shit taste
10. Amores Perros
9. Army of Darkness
8. The Thing
7. Hot Fuzz
6. Blade Runner 2049
5. Spirited Away
4. Oldboy
3. Legend of Drunken Master
2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
1. Love Exposure

Why do “movie buffs” always put citizen kane on their lists? Like they would actually rewatch it right now if they had the chance

You hear it's the greatest film ever made, you watch it, and you either agree that it's good or you discard it as overrated trash.

But my list is composed of nostalgia bait and The Last Unicorn somewhere in there, so I know my tastes are shit and booompilled.


. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
. 童年往事 [A Time to Live, a Time to Die] (1985)
Oh fuck

Damn bro last unicorn was so weird but still fascinating. I don’t really feel tempted to rewatch it anytime soon, but it’s stuck with me.

I've watched it, and even enjoyed it but there are thousands of movies that I "just enjoyed" and never think of again. You can argue the importance of the movie, but to put it on your favorite movie ever list is just pretentious bullshit. I probably enjoyed detective pikachu more then citizen kane...

>but to put it on your favorite movie ever list is just pretentious bullshit.
But what if you unironically enjoy it?

Easily Doug

Why do people obsess over youtubers?

they don't have sex

They both have decent taste and they give subjective reasoning why they chose these movies in that order.
James enjoys movies more than Doug.
Also my top 20 is better, it's imdb core
but honest.
1 The Godfather
2 The Godfather part 2
3 Schindler's List
4 Goodfellas
5 Apocalypse Now
6 the good the bad and the ugly
7 12 Angry Men
8 Star Wars the empire strikes back
9 2001 a space odyssey
10 to kill a mockingbird
11 Jaws
12 Bicycle thieves
13 Citizen Kane
14 Persona
15 The social network
16 Barry Lyndon
17 La dolce vita
18 Seven Samurai
19 Titanic
20 Sicario

my top 5 favorite movies

>5. King Kong
>4. The Mummy 1999
>3. Deerhunter
>2. 2001 Space Odyssey
>1. Star Trek Wrath of Khan

Top 5
1. Robocop (1987)
2. Rocky 4
3. This is Spinal Tap
4. Better Off Dead
5. A Goofy Movie

Are these actually his favorite films? I don't fucking believe that. Their show's too réddit for me to believe that.

They have to dumb it down for their audience because talking about Tarkovsky or Malick won't get them clicks. For reference, here's Jay's favorite movies:

>1. Possession (1981)
>2. Blue Velvet (1986)
>3. Céline et Julie vont en bateau: Phantom Ladies Over Paris [Céline and Julie Go Boating] (1974)
>4. Hiroshima mon amour [Hiroshima, My Love] (1959)
>5. 山椒大夫 [Sansho the Bailiff] (1954)
>6. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
>7. 牯嶺街少年殺人事件 [A Brighter Summer Day] (1991)
>8. The Long Day Closes (1992)
>9. Near Dark (1987)
>10. Southland Tales (2006)

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Well. Dang.

>oldest from 1954
holy PLEB

Did you really expect an adult who dresses like that and uses a toy gun as a prop is capable of being the least bit emotionally sincere?

Yeah, Rich Evans is the one who tends to be more into older movies

>1. Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916)
>2. Sherlock, Jr. (1924)
>3. L' Atalante (1934)
>4. North by Northwest (1959)
>5. The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
>6. Brief Encounter (1945)
>7. Körkarlen [The Phantom Carriage] (1921)
>8. Чeлoвeк c кинoaппapaтoм [Man With a Movie Camera] (1929)
>9. Sleep Has Her House (2017)
>10. Begotten (1990)

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Nope. No. I don't believe that. Begotten is a gigantic piece of shit. Like really bad student film levels of shit. I'm calling meme on that.