>Bond? AAAAYY girl what's poppin my niggress? Ayy its me hun, Felicia Leiter from the motherfucking CIA!! You got dat shit for me hun? *lits blunt* O yea da files of those terrorists, yea I will give them those white ass crackas at Langley to read dat shiet, I don't understand dat file shit you feelin me hun? Now lets go get some purple slurp at a niggers crib in da hood, he got som goooood blunts too.
Bond? AAAAYY girl what's poppin my niggress? Ayy its me hun...
>not kino
What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums? Seriously.
holy crap... hollywood fucking OWNED
Oooooohh massa imma squirt!!!!!!
Nigga SHEEEEIT we up IN THIS BITCH ya hurd?
Muh fuggin crackas aint SHEEIT nigga, we run this hoe
Nobody talks like that
Lol, youve never been to a north american city have you
I'm so jealous you've never had to interact with them I'm practically seething over here.
I live, work and grew up in an area with a large population of blacks
Nobody talks like that
I talk like that.
Are United Stateians of African decent really like that?
Negroid what?
They talk exactly like that, though.
Come down to Atlanta sometime, user.
*smacks lips*
You guys are so bad at writing Ebonics. It's not that hard to do a simple parody of black speech. This is nothing like how they talk.
Teach me fampai
Do your own research, cletus
That's the funniest part honestly. Reading Bjorn's attempt at emulating Ebonics is hilarious. Lighten up.
alright me ol'chum
tis I, Jamal Jakwente Umbongo Bond at your service
chaka khan not stirred my good sir
Good point, I never thought of it this way.
kek, what a fag
Ayeeee NIKKA deez fukin cracker ass BITCHES aint SHIT