What was the point of this?

What was the point of this?

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Easy bucks through creating buzz by treggering butthurt people like you, lol.

why does it upset you op

omg this movie was hilarious!

About that.

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1) Cash in on a beloved franchise
2) Generate controversy by baiting low IQ incels
3) Appeal to the consumerist SJWs who will buy anything for being "woke" so that they can virtue signal

And all this because they were damage controlling after they made a shit film.

Money laundering through the false lens of wokeness

>What was the point of this?
The studio thought Hillary was going to be president.

It was an attempt in rekindling a franchise but widening the audience at the same time. Sadly, it was done by a group of hacks who had no idea how to work with what they had.

Then again, not even the same people that did the first movie had any idea how to make it work the second time.

>easy -100 million dollars

Making money.
W*men makes 80% of purchases decisions, so the more you pander to them the more chance you have to get their money.
But due to Sony management incompetence, overblown budget and (maybe) outright lies from their market researchers it flopped hard

Jap execs got bamboozled by SJWs.

>What was the point of this?

To ruin a franchise.

Demoralization of white men

to prove that feminism ruin things

My family really enjoyed this movie and The Last Jedi, and I'm not a contrarian or anything but when I watched both in theatres I was really disappointed. I didn't enjoy any of either film, and i remember my brother saying that I was "letting my cynicism ruin the movie" and that I should turn my brain off and enjoy it. When I got home I saw the huge divide on the net about both movies. Is he right, Yea Forums? Am I the pleb?

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No let do something about this let's stop them from ruining movies as nd pushing political correct propaganda

They also missed out on one important aspect. Women don't care about sci-fi and action movies unless there is a male around to give them a reason to watch it.
Just as males don't care about romance movies unless there is a female around to give them a reason.

>W*men makes 80% of purchases decisions
Why are women such strong consumers?

literally every money is all about money

It flopped retard

The one on the left is a barnyard blowhog and I'd watch her porn.

Are you having a stroke, /pol/?

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You'd think they could have figured that out, pandering to women should be a science by now.

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because they're great at spending their boyfriend's money. And their husband's money, and their beta orbiter's money, and their parent's money.

>this is what goyim actually believe

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Despite feminism, traditional gender roles. I.E, men work, women are the home makers and take care of the books.
Men might make large purchases that decide the overall direction of the family, like a new car and so on, but women make the day to day decisions like food, hygiene products and even clothes, and even if both work and make money, women are still more likely to be the natural homemakers. Takes time to erode 5000+ years of history and all that.

It didn't, it would get a sequel if Hollywood producers weren't so greedy and demand 300% of what the movie cost to film.

Making a movie based on Amy Pascal's fantasies.

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Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

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Director makes chick flicks, wanted to make a super hero chick flick, and the studio was like "hey we wanna make a new Ghostbusters, just make it that".

That's it. No real deep thought about whether it's a good idea, just a "kill two birds with one stone" mindset.

Reality is that they made a movie for no one. Women don't carea bout Ghost busters, the original fans don't care about these new characters. Tonally it is super different too. They would have been better off just making the super hero comedy film.

antisemitic or not edward bernays was an evil fuck

>It didn't
kek that delusion

This is Sony we are talking about.
Just go read their leaked emails, they don't have anything figured out.

is that why it didn't even make back the production and marketing costs? did you never wonder why there was no sequel? imagine being this stupid

literally this

I never knew Kate McKinnon existed, now i do and the movie was ok.

I think i have a thing for short and cute and mouthy and funny women :D Kate McKinnon, Reese Witherspoon, Olovoa Taylor Dudley, Eliza Taylor, Claire Holt ...

I love the one second from left. I find her really hot.

the movie lost money you relentless tranny fuckers

Why are you quoting me?
I wasn't defending the movie at all.

>triggered butthurt kek
>why does it upset you op
>terrible movie was hilarious!
>hur dur pol
don't pretend you aren't implying anyone who hates this movie is some pol tard, I don't even know which one is you but stop backpedaling

I only made one of those posts and you're taking it totally out of its context. Please take your medication, we're worried about you.

Kristen Wiig is a milf. Always gives me a raging 4 incher

>The studio thought Hillary was going to be president.



>What was the point of this?
This was the highpoint of SJW shit in the west where they were openly ruining everything men liked and got away with it

They weren't doing this for money...... they were doing it for a shitload of money!

>This was the highpoint of SJW shit in the west where they were openly ruining everything men liked and got away with it

No, the highpoint was The Last Jedi. Poisoning Ghostbusters is small potatoes compared to destroying Star Wars and salting the earth so it cannot recover for at least three generations.

Not gonna lie, I genuinely like Kristen Wiig and from what I saw it seemed she wasn't having too much fun.

>Easy Bucks
It was a Box Office Bomb, dumbass!

I didn't finish watching this. I had just finished John Wick and this film came up on Netflix and I decided to see if it was really feminist bad.

The issue is that a joke can be unfunny, but when the person saying/doing the joke tries so damn hard to make it funny it comes across as annoying. That's what happened here: the girls were TRYING to be funny. On the original Ghostbusters, you had a few funny guys, but you could always chalk it up to them being extra funny or immature, and they never tried any harder than your average friend who makes a joke or two.

no one did due to the constant pr backlash and them deep down knowing that everyone was right

should have just made a sequel like they do now

To make the final days of a dying kid as miserable as possible.

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Go on.

Honestly, destroying the Ghostbusters franchise to make some sort of ideological statement seemed really petty. I can understand Liberals wanting to take down Star Wars or the MCU because those are huge franchises with massive appeal and influence, but Ghostbusters? It was already a dead series by 2016, what did they have to prove by fucking with it? Kinda like what Sony just did with Men in Black International. Ghostbusters and MIB were so small time, like Underworld-tier franchises not even up there with Fast & Furious. What satisfaction could they get from annihilating those?

Edward Bernays was Jewish.

Kristen Wiig is cute, everyone else not strongarmed into this movie, liek the OG busters, can fuck right off. Charles Dance is another exception.

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Fucking spawn campers.

This and the time Oprah got trolled are what I'll always remember about Yea Forums.

They thought that they could make easy bucks riding on the perceived hype of Ghostbusters. In reality Ghostbusters is not a movie most people really give a shit about, and definitely wouldn't go see a shitty remake.


The real question is how many of her co-stars did Kate go down on during the filming?

basically, yeah.

All of them (The fat one and the Ape enjoyed it though).

And people still believe it failed

>The much criticized all-female reboot Ghostbusters (also 2016) featured Wiig as an author who bands with other paranormal enthusiasts to stop an otherworldly threat. Upon its release, response from critics was far more positive than that of the original films' fanbase,[51] and budgeted at over US$140 million, it made US$229.1 million.


But do you think shes hot?

White women are very feminist. They like stuff like this.

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Lost them around 30 million perhaps. Not exactly a success.

I had no interest in watching it, but I don't really blame them. Sequels with the original cast were stonewalled for decades, Ramis is dead, the rest of the cast is nearly 70 years old, Akroyd hasn't done anything of value in like 20 years and has only gotten crazier, and Bill Murray basically had to be threatened to barely show up. You're guaranteed to never recapture what was done in the original movie, and guaranteed to disappoint anyone dumb enough to think it was possible. The franchise's value is diminishing by the day because comedies don't do well anymore and you'll never get a ghost movie into China. May as well try whatever angle you can to pass this shit onto the next generation. It was this or Judd Apatow shit, and this at least let them use women as a shield.

I'm sure they're kicking themselves for going the route they did with it though. Stranger Things came out and blew up right around when this came out, and would have been a much more successful angle, which is why the next movie is immediately hitting the reset button and going the kid adventure route. It will be just as pandering and shitty, but people will be a little less hostile towards it.


Production budget doesn't include marketing, which for something like this would be at least an additional 50%

>Thinks Box Office - Budget = Money Made

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

>2016 was the highpoint of SJW shit in the west

Ghostbusters was the experiment/canary in the mine for PC-driven blockbusters.

It bombed and put the efforts back a few years, but Disney struck back in a huge way with Black Panther/Captain Marvel. Now they have the confidence that "get woke, go broke" was a meme

Trigger the GOP, own the GOP

>It bombed and put the efforts back a few years,
TLJ came out the very next year after it bombed, dude. Ghostbusters 2016 flopping didn't set anything back or send any messages. Hollywood kept doing what its doing; nothing changed.

The gross also doesn't include the theater's cut or tax, both of which can vary pretty wildly. On a good day, most studios might get away with half the total gross.

More and more normies are growing weary of it. Not quite out of the woods yet, but we're over the hill.

>More and more normies are growing weary of it.
They're still too terrified of going against the crowd to speak out, though.

Captain Marvel was a billion dollar movie, user. You are objectively wrong. If anything, far-left politically correct liberal feminist cinema is more profitable now than ever before.

Normies were there for the capeshit, not the propaganda.

Captain Marvel/Black Panther both grossed $1 billion.

Gilette saw a huge business boom with its progressive ad campaigns.


Get woke go broke is dead

As I said, over the hill, not out of the woods. It's going to die out more every year. Soon there won't be any more Current Years.

>Gilette saw a huge business boom with its progressive ad campaigns.
Why did they put this commercial out immediately afterward?


If Trump loses reelection, don't bet on it ending anytime soon.

Melissa and Wiig were both popular enough for small budget comedies
Studio thought giving them a big budget sci fi action comedy was a good idea
Also it had no script and the entire thing was improv

>ignoring all the jobs it created
>ignoring that workers paid those money back by using goods and services
Cope harder incel

>I should turn my brain off and enjoy it
See right there. Explains everything.

You don't need Trump for people to grow tired of something.

to try and appeal to all demographics of society

Sony’s Japanese side has absolutely nothing to do with Sony Pictures. Did you actually think that?

Sony is desperate to have a billion dollar franchise and they'll try anything

i wanna fuck kristen wiig lads

>Putting it all in the red is a good thing.
Based retard.


Yeah, she was hot back then. Time sucks.


That atrocity had a budget of $144 MILLION? What the FUCK


Seeing her naked in that movie was interesting but her body ain't nothing special.

This. I got lumped in with the "manbaby" crowd during the fiasco but these (outside of the movie being shit) were the biggest reasons I didn't like it. Total exploitation of a great movie.

>Easy bucks through creating buzz

didn't it flop hard?

Most summer blockbusters have more.