I am honestly and unironically saying that after digging into The Shining no other film feels 'deep' at all...

I am honestly and unironically saying that after digging into The Shining no other film feels 'deep' at all. I've watched lots of arthouse films and I am unironically proclaiming this before you.

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I know you're trying to bait or start a fight but you're unironically completely correct. It's not only the best horror movie ever made, it's also a huge box of eastereggs.

I put this on when I can't sleep, works like a charm

It isn't deep. It's a great movie, but the people who delve into it in their autistic analysis build too much of it up.

I agree. The Shining is a hypnotic movie. There’s really nothing like it. Only Eyes Wide Shut comes close to how it makes me feel.

I've watched it and either didn't get it or it was indeed a pretentious crap.
Yady ay there is all that """symbolism""", it serves zero purpose. There isn't even a concurrent subplot around it.
Without it by itself, the movie is still crap.

Hopefully bait

no I'm bloody serious. it's shallow crap

not him, but if you're serious you're stupid

sorry bro

convince me otherwise, I'm quite openminded

Absolute brainlet


who's the face in the cover?

Not that guy but The Shining can be enjoyed without it’s deeper meaning, there isn’t really anything to understand. It’s a fantastic horror film that you can analyze if you want to

that's good, but sorry, i'm just here to call people stupid

A single act from a Tarkovsky film film is more "deep" than the entirety of The Shining, but sadly you plot point mental midgets equate the amount of symbolism and visual references as the metric for how "le deep" something is.

...A nigger?

It didn't work for as drama nor horror. There really isn't much tension, the faster is really just annoyed by admittedly annoying person, goes little abusive and starts running around with an axe. The subplot with telepathic abilities of the son and the american guy could have seen good but it decides to surprise by go nowhere.

most people's brains just cant into multitasking and it's unimaginable to them that a film can mean more than one thing at once

And as awesome as this movie is, the book is even better.
Stephen King is a creative genius. If you could travel a few centuries into the future, King would be one of the few writers from this era whose work will still be talked about.

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The kinimatographies of Stan Lee Cube Rick are... perplexing works, to say the most. The ghost affairs are in my opinion both the real deal and a red herring.
