Third act of this was worse than the entire bye bye man movie...

third act of this was worse than the entire bye bye man movie. i had way more fun laughing at that entire shitfest than watching the end of this. stay off this thread if you disagree. i don't care what you say. you cannot convince me it wasn't atrocious

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Other urls found in this thread:

Movie of the decade. Deal with it.

go back, tranny. thread's not for you.

Good movie. Kill yourself retard

did you read the post at all? thread's not for you. dilate more

BR2049 is kino as fuck.

based movie, op is a nigger

>stay off this thread if you disagree. i don't care what you say. you cannot convince me it wasn't atrocious

OP is a brainlet

OP is cringe, movie is based

Yeah, the third act was cuck propaganda
>yes goy, sacrifice yourself for whores

The slow parts only become more obvious on home viewing.

It's a bland facsimile.

>stay off this thread if you disagree. i don't care what you say. you cannot convince me it wasn't atrocious

This unironically. OP is quite the faggot

OP should stop putting penises in his mouth

>stay off this thread if you disagree. i don't care what you say. you cannot convince me it wasn't atrocious

this. rise, based sneed army

fpbp every single time

I'm glad I'm not a mentally ill soulless tranny like OP

>stay off this thread if you disagree. i don't care what you say. you cannot convince me it wasn't atrocious

>stay off this thread if you disagree. i don't care what you say. you cannot convince me it wasn't atrocious

lmao tranny this is not a reddit bubble circlejerk site, feel free to go back
this would be equally as pathetic if you claimed anyone who hates the film can't post itt

>using buzzwords that describe the film you're defending
>implying Yea Forums isn't a circlejerk
>implying circlejerk threads are okay when you agree with them while critcizing thread for being circlejerk
>missing the point completely
kys. lurk more and learn to read

Movie was monstrously OK with gorgeous set/art/sound

if you disagree you are actually a simpleton and it's time to get jeans that fit and stow your gayaf video game soundtracks. Just cuz it's YOUR taste doesn't mean it's GOOD taste.

Only trannies and women hate the film. Fact.

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it's literally a film for women and trannies. you must not have seen the last 30 minutes.

that's not true because not all men are retarded and only retards like this movie

>Women love easy marketable shit

So they're puppets?

This. Final Cut was better

based sneed

OP proving how BR2049 fans are insecure.


I give you literal facts while you give nothing at all.
Here's some more literal facts that women and trannies hate it

1st movie was better but still a very solid film
>get off my thread if you don't agree with me wahhh wahhhh
dude go to reddit it's more your hugbox style
you'd like it

op a gay lol

Both Blade Runner films are extremely good and if you think either one of them is bad you're a certified mental midget.

i'm glad they hate it. that wasn't my point. i was saying it was blatantly trying to pander to them for safety by using muh subversion and cucking the main character for an out of nowhere "you go girl" endingf. kys

>ugh the visuals were insane
>seriously one of the best movies i've ever seen
>did you see the part in the desert? Holllyyyy

Jesus christ you have to be a tranny in order to get that from the film.
K was a corporate slave non entity at the start of the film, but through his individual own actions he found both purpose and identity. He became the "special boy" he always wanted to be by reuniting a father with his daughter, with the dichotomy being the girl having to produce digital fake snow while real palpable snowflakes fall onto K's hand.
>it was blatantly trying to pander to them
No it didn't, Villeneuve was literally asked about all these le sexist twitter articles and he defended every single choice he made without any remorse whatsoever.

Him being the child would just turn the film into a regular bland Hollywood slop with zero weight whatsoever. Stick to capeshit.

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Lawrence of Arabia is quite good yes.

>>get off my thread if you don't agree with me wahhh wahhhh
yeah that's point, faggot. anyone who defends the third act is either a small brain amieritard who settles for mediocre trash and can't comprehend why it's bad or a plebbit faggot who likes it for the feminist cuckold dream subversion.
the final cut of the first is perfect. 2049 holds up until the final act. as soon as the tranny underground comes out, the film completely falls apart
good argument, but doesn't totally hold up.
>Him being the child would just turn the film into a regular bland Hollywood slop with zero weight whatsoever. Stick to capeshit.
the entire weight of the movie came from the fact that he could've been the child. making him suddenly an unimportant faggot messenger for muh strong female sequel setup threw out any further emotional leverage it could've had on me.i don't think the whole movie is bad. i just think the third act is a lazy insecure shill rewrite with propaganda comparable to captain marvel. i don't care who didn't take that from the film. that's fine if you like it. i made this thread for people who have the same frustrations. i didn't post this for you joycon zoomers to bitch and moan about how good you think it is. we all know what you think. everyone here knows your arguments before you post them. nobody fucking cares. i appreciate you actually giving a well-worded argument at least


Give up review screw, we all know you're a redditor and a capeshitter your opinion is worthless

>Wallace is basically a saturday morning cartoon-tier character, horrible overacting from Leto
>Everything concerning Wallace is a plothole of some sort:
>Live birth of replicants would still take 9 months, and can't be any faster than growing them in factories, in addition proliferating natural reproduction among the replicants would end his monopoly
>Wallace's high profile and public employee can enter the LAPD two times in a row and execute police officers, one of whom is an executive, without reprecussion
>Yet Wallace needs to get Deckard into space to torture him for some reason, so K can save him in time
Joi's character and plotline was cringe inducing and basically incel pandering, adds literally nothing to the movie, given that K is ogled at by every female characters. All in all it was a very well produced movie, but it's still a studio attempt at autistically trying to re-create a cult classic from 40 years ago that turned out good on accident.

>stay off this thread if you disagree. i don't care what you say. you cannot convince me it wasn't atrocious

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how come so many of you faggots are defending the popular reddit capeshitter opinion on this movie while shouting reddit capeshitter at any and all criticism it gets? fucking pathetic. nu-male calling the kettle black

>as soon as the tranny underground comes out
they get blown the fuck off by K. They appoint K to go kill Deckard and he literally does the opposite.
The resistance serves a narrative purpose, they are there to show how K has to make a individual decision not depending on anyone to truly become special so he denies both Wallace and the rebellion. Also to show how both sides (Wallace and the rebellion) want to use K as a tool for their own goals, which is reflected in the fact that they both are in water reflected settings and both the rebellion bitch and Wallace are blind in some way or another.

How the fuck is he a "messenger"? You not seeing that K literally did the very opposite of what the resistance wanted while at the same time claiming as if it's about them at the end is what makes your entire point worthless.

>how come so many of you faggots are defending the popular reddit capeshitter opinion on this movie while shouting reddit capeshitter at any and all criticism it gets? fucking pathetic. nu-male calling the kettle black

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>tfw able to enjoy good films
Thank God.

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The final act is what really ends up driving the point home, He suddenly finds out that there's a big revolution of replicants coming, that he's a meaningless peon, that the only love he ever knew was a fabricated product, and he gets ordered to kill another target. Nothing ever changed. That's why there's so little focus on all of that. That's what makes K's actions later on much more impactful.

>Everything concerning Wallace is a plothole
Name one.
>Live birth of replicants would still take 9 months
Why do you think so you dumb faggot? You can manufacture and control every single part of their body, but you can make the birth process any faster or more efficient?
>and can't be any faster than growing them in factories
Exponential growth. In years you have more replicants than you could ever make producing them one by one.
>Joi's character and plotline was cringe inducing and basically incel pandering, adds literally nothing to the movie
The first film is about a human-replicant relationship, the sequel expands it to a replicant-AI relationship. Joi was a physical extension of K's character development.

the atmosphere in the theater was unlike any other. maybe comparable to the likes of Avatar. if you didnt see this in imax, you can't talk about the film.


I felt like I transcended when the Sea Wall scene was happening. Truly an experience.

finally, something i disagree with that's actually smart. you proved me wrong.
literally proving my point. seethe more
bro you posted pretty screenshots of the film bro i love the third act of the movie now i was so wrong before
subversion removes all tension when executed as a "lol you thought you were special" imagine superman waking up as a normal guy who was in a coma. that level of faggotry.

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>>Live birth of replicants would still take 9 months, and can't be any faster than growing them in factories, in addition proliferating natural reproduction among the replicants would end his monopoly
>Create Replicants as instantly available adult slave labour
>Create pointless replicant babies that will presumably take fucking years of growing to be useful adult slaves defeating entire point of endeavour
Harrison Ford also shits up the film and the fact the implied and completely unnecessary sequel from the tepid ending will be just him (a man who long since stop caring about acting) and his daughter (a character we know almost fuck all about and therefore have zero interest in) is pretty much the ultimate fuck you to anyone thick enough to actually invest any emotion in this empty film.

It's not a subversion, the entire film is drenched with foreshadowing from the moment K's investigation starts. Around the idea of self importance, with Joi feeding his delusions builds up the tension to the reveal. Not for the reveal itself, even though most movies would focus on the twist, but rather the impact on the protagonist, which is the important thing in the final act.

>when executed as a "lol you thought you were special" imagine superman waking up as a normal guy who was in a coma
And then he basically says fuck you to her and proceeds to make the first legitimate individual choice of his life and truly become the special boy he always wanted to be. If anything that rebellion leader gets subverted and dabbed on by K.

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nice b8

Learn about exponential growth you literal mental midget.

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>everytime a gun was fired on the imax screening
the fucking BASS

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we can only pray the third movie never comes
M Knight, is that you?
>And then he basically says fuck you to her and proceeds to make the first legitimate individual choice of his life and truly become the special boy he always wanted to be. If anything that rebellion leader gets subverted and dabbed on by K.
that would make sense if he was still the special boy he wanted to be. him suddenly being a cuck faggot completely ruins the importance of anything he's doing. there was no reason to care about the bubble girl seeing her daddy
shouting bait only works when it's meant to be bait. retard
wated digits on using the same trash insult twice

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>Learn about exponential growth you literal mental midget.
Why would a caste of beings aware of the fact they are living as slaves want to breed at all, let alone exponentially? Why would anyone take this huge risk in letting them have this functionality after the events of the first film that show they are incredibly dangerous if they ever get out of control? Why would anyone want to look after slave children no matter how short their childhood would be? Why did no one consider this would also likely turn people against using Replicants for their intended purpose because you know, humans generally care about beings they had to raise from birth? Also show me where this clearly stated as the plan for Replicants in the actual film itself.

There was a time I’d bother arguing with someone like you, now I’m just happy I’m not so tasteless and jaded as to get what you did out of the film. Enjoy your identity politics man.

>muh echo-chamber

I don't really understand what you mean by M Knight. I just wanted to tell you that the only reason I like this film, and the reason why it caught my attention, it's because of it's heavy one sided focus on a single character, and that's K. I rarely get to see a movie of this length be dedicated to the journey of one character. And it's done really well, It really shows how well it was done when people point out things like Deckard being sort of useless, Wallace being shallow as a puddle and not getting nearly enough development for his actions, and the marketing selling the movie as a completely different thing.

Oh so the film would be good if Luv didn't manage to shoot and run a knife through his ribcage eh? If K just lived instead of died you would suddenly think it's a great film? I guess Roy Batty also should've lived am i rite.
That's exactly why you're a Hollywood corporate slop brainlet capeshitter.

Twas shit. Barely watchable.

>Enjoy your identity politcs man
>defending a film using identity politics
>If K just lived instead of died you would suddenly think it's a great film? I guess Roy Batty also should've lived am i rite.
where did i argue any of this
>That's exactly why you're a Hollywood corporate slop brainlet capeshitter.

>Why would a caste of beings aware of the fact they are living as slaves want to breed at all
Because they are programmed to do so? Why did they work as Blade Runners? Or sex slaves? Or literally as any work force you need them?
I mean did you even watch the film.
>Why would anyone take this huge risk in letting them have this functionality after the events of the first film
Huh it's almost like these are a completely different new line of replicants that obey perfectly and it's almost like K would obey everything perfectly aswell if he wasn't illegally implanted with real lived childhood memories.
>Also show me where this clearly stated as the plan for Replicants in the actual film itself.
Besides basic common sense, Wallace basically says it directly in his monologue speeches like "I can only make so many" or "Millions, so we can be trillions more".

>everything that's good is bad and everything that's bad is good
>the post

Pure kino, like the first one, thet only mature mind can enjoy.

not how opinions work, faggot
>only mature mind can enjoy.
maybe the first one. 2049 is zoomer trash after the 2nd act

actually it is, my non white friend

nice try. i'm pretty pale, actually

>Because they are programmed to do so? Why did they work as Blade Runners? Or sex slaves? Or literally as any work force you need them?
The entire point of the original film is that they rebel and overcome this programming. I mean did you even watch the film?
>>Why would anyone take this huge risk in letting them have this functionality after the events of the first film
>Huh it's almost like these are a completely different new line of replicants that obey perfectly and it's almost like K would obey everything perfectly aswell if he wasn't illegally implanted with real lived childhood memories.
And yet the entire plot is that they believe that if the Replicants find out they can have children they will overcome their programming and rise up against their masters. Does that sound like "perfect" programming to you?

>The entire point of the original film is that they rebel and overcome this programming.
Yes and then Wallace made a new line of replicants that obey and hunt down those older replicants and "retire" them. That's like the first on screen line of the film.
>the entire plot is that they believe that if the Replicants find out they can have children they will overcome their programming and rise up against their masters
That's just the rebellion of the older replicants. Bautista was an older line of replicants, which is why K came to retire him.

>I mean did you even watch the film?
Are you retarded? New iterations of nexus happened.

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Scary how accurate this image still is

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that got me
fuck, that's sad

Based. For me, the film ends after Booker gets kidnapped. The (((revolution))) shit is so fucking phoned it I still can't believe it's part of the same film, let alone the same writer's script.

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pleb status: filtered.
The revolution is another false path K has to avoid, and is foreshadowed from the very beginning.

>is zoomer trash
Zoomers did not watch the movie. Zommers want ZAP ZAAPP BOOM BOOM, not a slow burner.

exactly my feelings
fuck off back to plebbit

>completely missing the jungian themes
/pol/ is probably more your speed

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The spic facebook meme group that's behind all the praise of this trash says otherwise

waste of digits. i can't name a zoomer i've met who doesn't defend 2049 to the grave. cope harder

Why do you meet zoomers?

If it was like that than it would've been a smash hit in the box office. But spics, chinks and ameritards hated it. Only Europe loved it.
It made more money in Germany than all of China.

i missed nothing. go defend your trash politics on /lgbt/

do you not use the internet?
clearly not the case. there are tens of thousands of zoomers in that shitty instagram meme community who are obsessed with this schlockfest

stop being a self-inserting faggot, you genuinely cant engage with art in any meaningful sense. if your only criticism of the movie is that K should've been a special snowflake, you can fuck off.

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I had to turn this off at the building with the crazy lighting near the beginning

Again, I'm giving you cold facts about people who watch the film.
Some kids on whatever le meme instagram groups don't have the attention span to watch any film at all, let alone a nearly 3 hour long visually forward neo noir film. They know nothing but the memes.

cope harder. 99% of these threads are bitching about politics. just because people don't like something about this movie changes nothing. you're almost as bad as alita posters. at least most of them aren't serious.
>cold facts

Yu are just trying to put a political spin to attract hate on the movie because you know the board has a strong presence.

Yes, it's a fact that women don't like the film as much. It's a fact that the film didn't do well in the usual capeshit markets like ameriland and china. It's a fact that it made more money in germany alone than china. All facts.

Good movie, end youself faggot

no. faggot. you can have a negative opinion without having some weird agenda. i know you schizo freaks never wanna admit this but... it's not that deep
>has nothing to do with how you were literally ignoring the fact that even though the movie failed there are shitloads of trannies, zoomers and nu-millenials obsessed with the movie
you're crying ignorance while still being ignorant. don't bother replying. you clearly don't like being told no. i'm not babying some 15 year old

ReviewScrew I know it's you, are you okay? It's been over two years now

woah bro you got me

obsessed about memes =/= obsessed about the movie

can you fucking read? i said zoomers in the meme community are obsessed with the film, not zoomers are obsessed with making the film a meme.

>not replying with "who?" But rather a passive aggresive defensive reply

Its actually you lmao

just had to look up who he is. only tranny contrarians hate venom

yeah dudeeeee it's me. reviewscrew. the famous guy. yeah. spottedddd haha. im him

>the famous guy
a literal redditor who has 13 followers on twitter is not famous

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how the fuck am i supposed to know how to roleplay as a faggot i know nothing about? also rent free

>he thought Blade Runner 2049 would be a "fun" movie

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i had fun watching the final cut. what's your point? if i enjoy a movie i have fun. do you think i'm gonna praise parts of a movie i have problems with? sorry for letting you down, user.

Why is this flick so popular with spic meme hustlers? It's the same group of pablos that spammed Alita shit

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You are mentally ill.

exactly what I said, people just blindly spamming memes, they are not interested in the film at all

If you don't walk away from your first viewing of BR2049 feeling depressed there's something wrong with you. It's not fun until the third or fourth time and even then you've got to have boss A/V. Nice dubs, though.

Attached: blade-runner-2049-ryan-gosling-slice-600x200.jpg (600x200, 19K)

Why would I feel depressed? I walked away with the intense feeling of me finally getting a hold of my life and doing actions I want to do instead of being a slave for others.

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>upload fail
Looks like they've filtered the images showing alita scum are from there too

Not him.
That's the message, in fact.

don't try to retread your argument now. you already embarrassed yourself hard enough. facebook spics aren't the same as droves of children who happen to defend the movie. your point isn't saved by that picture
i wasn't depressed. after the 2nd act it just frustrated me
that's good bro. glad you took something positive from a mediocre film. i have that relationship with some movies too


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kinda agree resistance was full on bollocks

they should adapted the fake police station the replicants had in the "does robots dream of robot sheep" novel.

that's actually a good idea

Assuming at least one of you isn't bait, what'd you think of Alita? Didn't it have a similar defense of personal integrity?

I didn't care for Alita. Merely a blockbuster entertainment film for the most part of it.

not the same poster, but i like alita. shitty film but executes captain marvel's plot in a way that isn't completely pathetic

Holy shit you're pathetic, watch more movies retard

Kek what a shit taste

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You can't be this stupid

wasted digits on such high intellect. you deserved quints, based genius user. let me suck your smart boy toes

i guess i won that argument