/ternobyl/ - /RBMK/ and /ttg/:

Based Glukhov edition

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First for two best qts

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damn, wrong image

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This whole thing feels like a nightmare I can't wake up from
I like Russia and Soviet Union but this is unlikeable

what are you talking about?


Ok I give in, where can I watch Chernobyl?

HBO or Sky Channel

This series forces me to admit that soviet system is bad

...you didn't think it was bad before?

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I had a really odd but comfy dream about Hickey and Crozier.

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>Yea Forums new meme love
>mfw I finish it and realize that it's only hype

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tell us more, user

>you will never go back to the first /RBMK/ threads

I've been on this site too damn long. Seeing people actually enjoy something gives me a high I can't get anywhere else but moments like that are few and far between.

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I was living in a cabin somewhere in the American north and Hickey came crawling to the door all wet, dirty and disheveled. I told him he can stay with me until he gets his strength back. He was very quiet and barely spoke a word, just lay in the bed I gave him and occasionally asked me for some clothes or toiletries. It seemed logical to me that he had PTSD from the events of the series so I just left him alone.
Then I was in the present day and Crozier was giving me, Hickey and a bunch of other dudes a lift in his car. We had a nice comfy conversation. One of the other dudes pulled a knife and tried to hijack the car, so Crozier threw him out and hightailed it. We ended up at the grocery store where I'd been before I went to sleep and the dream promptly ended.

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These threads are becoming Alita general cringe tier.

/trash/ when? There's nothing left here but massive tumblr-tier cancer and faggotry

These threads are so dead during the week. Where are the neets? I want to shitpost.

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ternobyl fans are well-adjusted members of society confirmed

Just take your cringe homo circlejerk to one of the many faggot boards

Hey, I'm a well-adjusted member of society too, I'm just working in a department where jack shit happens for the next week.

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I'm currently on vacation with family, so I don't have enough time to shitpost, sorry.

Post comfy Crozier

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It seems my dream of Adam Nagaitis becoming a Bond girl might happen, although it's not how I wanted. :(

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Of course he is, and no one will care because they blew their load on the two most ICONIC bond villains
Just go for the kingsmen prequel instead

It's fucking disgusting. Watching Chernobyl and The Terror made me forget for a glorious moment that non-whites and women even exist in Hollywood.

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If it had been idris elba, I would have been happy because atleast he is the fucking definition of cool
but no its some ugly chick who looks disgusting to take the most important role in spycanon. And also christoph fucking waltz doesnt get to waltz all over the place, so who the fuck cares
atleast cast a HOT black chick to be the womanizing agent, not some literal goblin

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At least let her be a lesbian and have her check out hot chicks with OG Bond but don't force her upon white men who deserve better.

Daniel craig is the best bond and you can't change my mind
they should have brought back sean bean as alec, now that would have been absolute fucking kino

It's going to flop and Nagaitis will have a Ghostbusters-tier steaming turd smeared on his resume for the rest of his life.

where are you getting the info that nagaitis will be in the next bond?

I missed it because I did not watch it when it first came out.

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Any more good movies based on the Soviet Union?

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missed last thread

Thanks for linking my post, user!
I'd like to add
>Come and See
>Ivan's Childhood

>A historical movie that takes place in Europe in the past has all whites.
>a movie that takes place in the present in a more diverse country doesnt.
This is a problem.
This is truly how people who are supposed to have functional brains think. Wow



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You're only saying that cause she has short hair.

Jesus christ it's seriously fucking sick how they screw the liquidators over.
Tarakanov talked about it in his interview. How his own government didn't give 2 shits for years and it falls on the Americans of all people to get him a tiny shred of recognition. Poor man can't even get enough money to have his health issues treated.

I'm saying it because she's black, sodomite.

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>Mr. Collins ... I am an RBMK reactor, do you know how those explode?

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They were the best threads in which I've ever had pleasure to post on Yea Forums.

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You know... I don't think Sam Troughton is ugly per se, but he's not at all mainstream attractive.

The Akimov look really suits him. His big forehead is covered by the chef hat. His barely visible eyebrows have been colored in. Gigantic eyes made normal size by /fa/ soviet glasses. Beautiful cleft chin is visible, complimented by a nice 80s mustache. Very good.

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>Chernobyl was made by the dude who made all those terrible "______ Movie" """comedies"""

How the fuck did he do it, lads? Where was he hiding this talent?

Wait, what? Is he in the new Bond with the black lady?

Watch this next. More Russian shenanigans with nuclear reactors and safety procedures.

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i watched this series recently. it was great and i thoroughly enjoyed it. however, i don't understand the need for a general

someone explain

He had friends in the right places.

Then leave.

I was disgusted to find out that the Stalker series is based on shooting fucking dogs.

Read GULAg Archipelago or Kolyma Tales. Hell is the creation of people.. at least in the East

I'm so sorry :( It was the reason I kept coming back to Yea Forums

I agree; he's gorgeous, but he doesn't fit in the mainstream idea of beauty, especially while wearing glasses. Also his voice is nice. He has that sexy nerd guy look. I hope he finds his niche and gets roles in more (on screen, not theatre) stuff.

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Yeah man, these damn generals are getting in the way of all the off topic cunny, BLACKED, porn, incel, /r9k/, /pol/, negress James Bond spam, etc. threads.

Seriously, go away.

:3 I knew Chernobyl was going to depress the shit out of me, So I was hesitant to watch it until I heard he was cast. I'm glad I watched when I did.

Luckily he does quite a bit on stage. He's currently in a show at the National called Rutherford and Son.

Did you watch Robin Hood?

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Yet here you are

meant for

Ok thanks.


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What would Hickey do if he was one of the plantfus?

I'm more of a horror fan, so I watched The Ritual right after finishing Chernobyl. But I'm planning to watch at least the first season. Someone threads earlier that Robin Hood was cheesy, but Doctor Who is also cheesy and I remember liking the 9th and 10th doctors, so let's see.

throw graphite at dyatlov

Has Adam Nagaitis ever filmed a lewd scene? Asking for a friend.

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>this isn't lewd enough for Little Lord Fauntleroy over here

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I haven't watched any other Adam kino beyond Ternobyl, I'm kind of curious what his other stuff is like.

It is. But I was talking about a sex scene.

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Yes it is cheesy, but it's ok/ likable. He gives a good performance.

>wearing heels when your bf is a manlet
Or did he give her the go-ahead to do it because he likes it?

I almost missed this. kek

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If the user who told me to watch pic related is still here, thank you. It was KINO. The best high school movie I've watched in many many years.

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Did it actually have homolust in it?

A lot. One of the big plot points is that the main character's male classmate is in love with him.

Well, he'd either kill himself trying to save his friends, or kill himself trying to save Europe, or kill himself following orders.

Or he could do nothing and cry like a bitch like Stolyarchuk.

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Unlike most manlets, he's clearly comfortable with his petite stature.

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Is this proof that he is a bottom?

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Finally an out of costume photo where he isn't mysteriously missing

throw graphite at dyatlov

It's more likely Hickey would just leave the plant in the midst of all the chaos and confusion. He is incredibly lazy and self serving.

Why does Blanky look so frail and elderly outside of the show? :(

>ywn punish Hickey as a boy by pressing a graphite rod to his naked body and watch his expression change from smugness at how your punishment doesn't hurt at all to hellish agony as the radiation burns start to pop up

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He barely reacted when Tupaq are his arm, I wonder if he'd be okay with graphite burning.

What if you shoved the graphite rod up inside him

Fomin is kinda similar to Hickey, like an unsexy version of Hickey: they're both cowards and lied about their competency.

post pics of dyatlov and his cute wonky eye pls

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i don't think you can compare the two, his body clearly went into shock then.
Your body doesn't do that when dying of extreme radiation exposure

Depends how quick it is though. We're talking about large body surface area burns in a very short amount of time.

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No eyes in sight this time, sorry. But still qt

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is he ok

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Yep. He's gonna go to the roof to check if there really graphite, like this incompetent moron just said.

Imagine knowing so little about the Chernobyl incident and nuclear physics that you actually manage to enjoy this sensationalism tripe show. Keep getting spoon-fed your historical perspective from tv directors whose goal is to captivate you with as dramatic of a story they can cobble together, at the expense of any historical or scientific accuracy, you bunch of dumbasses.

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It's good enough for almost all the actual people involved who are alive to see it but obviously you know better than them don't you?

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Why haven't you killed yourself yet, Thunderfoot?

i don’t expect perfect historical accuracy out of any entertainment that i consume, but thanks.

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Hickey isn't exactly a coward, more like he just can't be bothered and considers himself above such menial work. A coward doesn't bant and smug at his captain as he's about to be hanged.

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Damn, he got thicc

i know, i don’t like it. skinny nagaitis is best nagaitis. but if it’s necessary for a role then it’s understandable

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radiation isn't like fire user, what you are perceiving as "burns" is really just rapid cellular breakdown

I'm fully aware it's not a thermal burn but the after-effects are similar enough.

dat ass is looking nice though.

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All the Chernobyl incident was is a clean up job. Only some 30 or so people actually died, with cancer rates in the surrounding area changing by a negligible amount, oh and the whole saving Europe thing? Complete bullshit, a nuclear reactor can't undergo fission fast enough to sustain a nuclear explosion. The powerstation even continued running the other 3 reactors up until 2004 or something. There was no real tragedy save for a bunch of people being relocated, but the Chernobyl incident got sensationalized then and even now to make the Soviets look bad (back in the eighties) and make your common idiot afraid of nuclear energy(now). It's okay though, you can still try to impress your friends with stupid little tidbit "facts" like the elephants foot or those three brave heroes who saved europe

I just think Hickey's so sociopathic that he doesn't even think he's capable of dying or at least doesn't care when it happens. Nigga didn't even care as he was about to be hanged

He's basically an unstoppable force

>the average Russkie

You're talking to a Russian whose uncle was a liquidator and whose father worked with Legasov, you lisping communist sodomite.

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I never watched the terror when it first came out, did people complain about the white male cast and the gay baddie (ignoring the gay goodies)?

>this was the last comfy night’s sleep he ever got

He probably got a comfy sleep during the latent period too ;_;
Seriously, I don't see why everyone doesn't just use the latency to commit mass sudoku.

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the latency period is so cruel

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His chest is unnaturally white, he looks like a plastic doll

Did you ask your uncle what Legasov was like irl?

No one knew it would come to this

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No, mostly because normies didn't watch it.

Ye I've posted about it several times before but I'm fond of talking about it so I'll do it again. They weren't close or anything, Legasov was just this guy who was there and dad never thought of him as anyone significant until after it all happened by which point they had separated.
>usually very formal/aloof, dad describes him as a "complex person" who was very difficult to know
>even before Chernobyl dad suspected he was suffering from depression to some degree, he was also having issues with his son which weighed on him a lot
>great teacher but gave his students a lot of tough love (he'd do shit like throw out what you'd written on your exam and say "Let's talk and make sure you understand")
>the thing that fucks me up the most is that after his death, dad's fellow scientists told dad that he killed himself because of an extramarital love affair gone wrong and not wanting his wife to find out

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How come Dyatlov recovered while the others died?

Sheer denial.

The good homos counteract the bad one, so it's okay.

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The Soviet Union was the extreme expression of humanity and how horrible we are at the core. We're monsters and you need to get used to that idea before you can make anything better.

As long as there's qts, who cares?

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Didn't Simmons say that they were real homos while Hickey wasn't actually gay? I bet it's because he got backlash.

I serve the soviet union

yes but radiation is something else entirely so who knows

Simmons said book Hickey isn't a fag, but show Hickey is.

So how hard will Season 2 flop? The actors aren't encouraging and the visuals seem a lot worse. Would love the setting a lot but it looks forced. At least Season 1 was implemented from a book.

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Remember when that fucking iodinefu just walked right past /our guys/ in their time of need. Disgraceful. I hope she died.

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Not a commie, and it doesn't change the inaccuracies of the show. On a side note, I'm surprised you as a Russian with ties to the Soviet Union would whole heatedly swallow some of this shit, I've got family from the Soviet Union as well as an uncle who was in the military at the time and got sent on cleanup in Chernobyl as well.

In my dreams they had passionate sex and I jerked off while watching them in the same room.

What a bitch

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I honestly could give or take Fitzjames, but surely we can all agree he looks absolutely angelic in his eternal ice hell :3

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they were not homos it was a father-son love.

Did they also have father-son sex?

I want to pet akimfu's wet hair :__;

Imagine being in that agony with no one to comfort you :__; :__;

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season 2 will be complete utter shite, what the fuck were they thinking? an all asian cast...

Be more especific, user.

That is a very cute pose.

Meanwhile Crozier's ice pic is fucking hilarious.

stop being such a faggot


>Imagine being in that agony with no one to comfort you :__; :__;
I would comfort you Mr user

It's my fav though. He looks like he's having a temper tantrum.

I wish Collins's was pic related.

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A father-son relationship where they occasionally kiss and beat each other off.

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Look, I'm fully aware it has inaccuracies and that a lot of the things that happened in the show would not have happened in the late 80s. But do you think dumb normies care about that shit, at least now they will know that this is something that could have happened/did happen at certain times in the USSR. And I'm grateful to them for that, especially with the rise in commies and Sovietboos lately. If even one retard American commie watches this and decides that he doesn't love the USSR anymore, I will be grateful. Hell even Tarakanov in his interview thanked Americans multiple times for making the world remember the liquidators when they have been left on the wayside by their own country. To get caught up in the historical details and lack of accuracy is missing the entire point.

Do you think collins soul was devoured by tuunbaq because he was high and therefore his soul was weak?

Because Fitzjames is beautiful and perfect and I would rend the heavens for him.

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I wondered if Collins's sould was one of the ones that poisoned it?


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You dipshits need to watch City 40. You won't ever question the cost of lies.

I want to comfort Akimov so bad. I want to hug him and kiss him and tell him everything is going to be okay, even though it isn't.

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fuck off faggot

Watch Chelyabinsk 40, where they picked up Plutonium with their bare hands and a spoon.

Why didn't they get lashed for sodomy?

this garbage is getting as cringy as /alita/
about time to end this general

My great aunt swept radioactive waste from Chernobyl off her balcony with a broom and died at like 100

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not sure where I read this, but they actually never consumed their love, aka had sex, but I might be wrong. Also I think they were smarter enough to not have sex in a boat full of navy guys

They weren't brazen whores like Hickey. They also didn't awaken repressed homosexual urges in Irving.

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Chernobyl was about 1/10th as radioactive as City 40. City 40 was the Oak Ridge of Russia.

So being gay is completely ok as long as you don't have sex? This seems off to me. And you have to go down the slippery slope of what counts as sex and what doesn't if you are to successfully distribute justice to the sodomites.

My great great grandfather was lashed with radioactive graphite tipped cat o nine tails, and is still alive today.

god I wish that were me

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Oral and frottage is okay, penis in boypussy is a step too far

It's a femincel

>posting in the general he wants to end

for why you are so stupid, user?

What about intercrural?

Damn right.

The whole world learned about Legasov too.

Seems more like being gay is okay if you're quiet about it, sex is a surefire way to get noticed or caught. Bridgens and Peglar kept things pure while Hickey and Gibson fucked wherever like horny idiots.

Wrong, as usual, user

They gave the liquidators a fucking bus pass. A goddamn bus pass.

I mean can you blame them? If I looked like Hickey and wasn't an incel I'd go insane after so many months without sex.

based and Chernobylpilled


My grandma who was a WW2 vet had a bus pass too. It seems like whenever you have pensioners who did something notable and the Russian government doesn't know what to do with them, they just give a bus pass and/or a tea set.

Post uniforms, they are fa as fuck and I’m using them as art inspo

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Did they give any compensation to the main firemen or their wives like Lyudfu for the shit they put them through?

so am I except I'm making porn

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Be happy that this will never happen to you?

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I fucking love the waist length coats.

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Collins in the best hat ever designed, the bicorne

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I am genuinely curious about why these two shows attract so many... lets call them "/lgbt/ users"

It could, theoretically speaking.

I like Hickey's civilian clothes desu

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Why you always picking on the peaceful Akimfags, user?

I think they got 400 rubles. Nothing that mattered.

Hello again Russianbro.

This interview confirms some of what you say:


I wonder what those sewer rats who sank so low as to sling slander at him are doing now, I'd love to see their ugly faces watching Legasov being immortalized worldwide.

I'm a married woman if you really must know.

Dunno about Chernobyl as most of the men in it aren't conventional, but The Terror is literally a cast of pretty boys or handsome older men with no women.

I know people hate /ternobyl/ but it is the only comfy threads on Yea Forums right now.

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Thanks, I'll give this a read.
>found out my dad believes the rumors about Legasov's sex life
what do I do about him bro

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>rumors about Legasov's sex life


That he killed himself because of an affair. When by all indications he loved his wife as much as any man could ever love.

If you think so then why don't you eat uranium 235, shove some graphite up your ass and go lick the fucking claw you sodomite piece of shit?

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Eat graphite you autist

I want to ride the cool funny claw

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Most of the lies are with how it was blown out of proportion whether that was the Soviets fault or the west I'm not sure, the only things the Soviets really did was bounce blame around until it landed on dyatlov and not the reactor designers. I'm also surprised you seem to hate the soviet union so much, my family hasn't told me anything bad in their experience, the only thing they said sucked was the collapse

What else are you going to give tens of thousands of men who you already employ and who weren't really putting themselves in much danger anyway?

Having an entire 4 people on my dad's side of the family alone get lined against the wall by commies does that to a person. And that's just one of the dozens of fucked up stories my family has.

Or the crippling deprivation and poverty caused by centralized distribution that even wowed khrushchev when he visited, thinking it was a propaganda ruse. The Soviet Union was a human mistake. Perhaps with good intentions but destroyed by human pieces of shit that ran it.

Yeah man when you are sick as a dog from radiation poisoning, had one failed suicide attempt cause your fellow scientists undermine you and treat you like shit, you are so nauseous you can't eat for days on and in so much pain you can't fucking sleep to the point of hospitalization, it's the best time to fuck around for real.

I wonder if Velikhov spread that shit. Maybe Checherov. Fuck those people for real man. What kind of scum would produce such scummy slander?
I mean fuck at least be fucking realistic if you're gonna sling shit.
Jesus fucking Christ.

You just proved what a brainlet you are. You do realize U 235 isn't super radioactive right. Look up it's half-life and get back to me on your research.

Why does it seem like everyone here gets all of their info from video games and tv? Oh wait I just remembered what board I'm on

Thanks for the inspo bros, won’t post here because apparently it’s “attention whoring” but I promise there’s non fetish art being produced

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Sounds like your family members were part of the party and managed to keep you sheltered because you're a fucking imbecile.


Show him some documentaries where Legasov's widow talks about the poems he wrote to her. Why the fuck would he believe such shit that's way out there? I mean it's waaaay the fuck out there. Dude was in.Chernobyl for 4 months and after that he got hospitalized many times.
Alex Borovoi says he looked horrible few months before he died and shuffled up the stairs like an elderly man.

I have actually seen a video where he looked bad, real bad. Video quality was shit but you could tell he was wasting away looked really sick and awful.

To be fair my dad is a legitimate professionally diagnosed autist, he'll believe whatever shit you tell him and then not let go of it forever.

You are told to shove reactor graphite up your ass and lick the Claw for good measure and you are fixating on the Uranium?
If it's not super radioactive then why don't you spoon it down you fucktard?

Crippling poverty? Okay now you're just shit posting. Ive been told by family who lived in a couple republic's that there was no starvation save for during the collapse. I'm starting the think the only place where people had it shitty were the satellite states. My own mother prefered some aspects of the Soviet Union over the US, and thinks that the Soviet republics she visited then vs the same countries now were doing better in the USSR

>This tender fucking moment

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Just because your family lucked out doesn't mean it didn't exist, idiot.

What? We love artfags, post it here when you're done. What's it gonna be?

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Probably because it's chemically toxic you retard. You would get kidney failure before you got cancer. But who cares about that, let's quarantine all of South West america because it has a higher concentration of uranium. While we're at it lets ban all international flights because you get hit with more radiation at high altitudes.

So it was sparse enough they didn't see it? But I can go outside in my city, a major US city, and see homeless people?

Homelessness wasn't the problem in the USSR you dingus. It was having nothing inside those homes.

They weren't party members they just did thier jobs, got paid, and lived comfortably. I guess it helps that their jobs were building military aircraft and being a nurse.

I'm a diagnosed autist as well but learned away from it. Now I verify everything from more than one reliable source and use reason and logic.
Frigin hell you tell him it's bullshit spread by Velikhov. Velikhov drove him to suicide and manipulated Gorbachev to undermine him.
Seriously show him Звeхдa Пoлынь and this youtu.be/2Qr2R8lyzWE

Legasov was purer than freshly fallen snow, everyone who actually spent time with him in Chernobyl (except for the scumbag Velikhov) say so.

Except my mom kept up with Western music, watched TV some, got to trade with tourists for blue jeans, and got sent around internationally on the Soviet Governments dollar on a theater program, not to mention them paying her to go to college.

Was working on some liquidator stuff earlier

Attached: 9556ECB8-C0C3-4590-91B4-C3A3CAD7723F.jpg (3024x4032, 2.21M)

Maybe they didn't starve but they didn't have shit. That centralized planning and distribution business stank to high heavens. My dad went to the USSR multiple cities and republics, you couldn't even find camera film and batteries. They had only b&w films and he was told to bring a shitload of pantyhoses to use as currency. That's the 80s.
We are talking about a huge behemoth where pantyhoses and chewing gums were used as currency. They had fucking nothing! People waited in lines for hours to get basic needs. Ffs.

We love fan art.

Eat graphite and ride the Claw

>mom's friend, 12 years old, loves chewing gum
>has the brilliant idea of making bookmarks and trading them to tourists for chewing gum
>her parents get a phone call threatening them with prison time
But nah, everything was ok

Did Edward Little win the Crozierbowl?

Aright here’s my last one

Attached: 9A39C3B1-32EE-4E04-8BB1-38CDD6031BC1.jpg (4032x1960, 1.23M)

Boy am I he’s frozen in there and that we’re out here

The pantyhose and blue jeans as currency was because they WANTED them because they were fashionable at the time, it's not like they were running around naked. None of my family from the USSR or my father who visited the USSR told me anything along the lines of horrible poverty or starvation or anything like that in the multiple cities and countries they had been to. The only thing any of them complained about is the crippling bloated bureaucracy which they related to the US bureaucracy on overkill.

It's attention whoring when you post about how you're a girl who's not like other girls and then bitch about fagposting while posting your shitty art as though it's an improvement.

I wish he was my lecturer, he sounds awesome making sure they really understand and don't regurgitate memorized things. What a wonderful teacher!

I think it's funny how you think all of those posters are one person. What a fucking moron.


Attached: ice_paul_ready_nk_021717_0056.jpg (1024x1536, 479K)

He had cockroach dna. That wasn't the first time he got dosed either.

nigga it's obviously her, check out the style

With how horrifically, brutally hard a STEM degree in the USSR was I bet the students longed for any kind of mercy though.

If it was so great why did they leave?

What's the claw? It doesn't matter anyway because at this point thirty years later it's probably lost most really radioactive isotopes to decay other than the uranium which isn't that radioactive like I said before.

There are still people who live and work in the Chernobyl area. They operated the power plant for another 25 years after the incident. I don't understand how you can be this afraid of radioactive materials unless you literally know nothing about them.

Because of the collapse you mong

There's more than one woman in these threads tho

Sure, but I'm talking about that specific female artfag who chimped out yesterday and apparently is still sore about being called an attention whore since she mentioned it up thread.

And my uncle actually wants to go back because he's gotten tired of the US


He did it for their own good, they probably knew what they were walking into with STEM degree. Man I'd give anything and eveything in the world to have Martyr Valery as my professor, wouldn't mind the least bit if he ripped up every exam paper I gave and took no prisoners.

Attached: 48211764_Legasov_.jpg (462x698, 85K)

Go ride it, totally safe.



Guys I really want to be like Jopson. It's my greatest dream to be an older, wiser, more experienced man's steward and to gain his confidence so he will treat me as one of his own and let me in on his wealth of knowledge. I literally chose my career path based on what I thought would bring me closest to this experience while still making me good money. But even now I'm not getting enough of this to satisfy me. Why can't we have stewards and apprentices in the modern world? It was good for everyone.

Attached: Thomas_Jopson,_Captain's_Steward,_HMS_Terror.png (460x673, 411K)

>demand the absolute best
>USSR is still full of retards

what went wrong

I’m a dude but ok lmao

Putin's Russia is better than Trump's America

Sometimes I close my eyes during lectures and imagine my professor is Legasov.

Jopson died a horrible death on his birthday thinking his captain had abandoned him, user.

Attached: 14567876546789.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

>admit you're a girl yesterday
>phone poster
>types like a tumblrwhale

Sure, cunt

Believe it or not there are even women old enough to be your mother.

I don't care. I'd willingly trade places with Jopson and let him live my cushy 21st century life while I take on every ounce of suffering he ever experienced just to have what he had before.

you have me confused with someone else but your autism amuses me, keep going please

Please let's stop this sperging over artfags before it spirals out of control. I've been to certain generals on /vg/ and saw what it can do to people.

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I made a video by stitching together all the lecture clips from Chernobyl where he's giving lectures on various things or telling stories. I wonder why no one bothered to make one such vid. It's so beautiful.

Attached: 1560463599235.jpg (394x401, 38K)

I could post more gay shit to trigger you if you'd like

Attached: 1562969304993.jpg (3024x4032, 1.18M)

seconded. let’s talk about more important things like nagaitis’ beautiful milky thighs

Attached: 581DEC0F-FBB4-4B9F-80E9-4854F1EFE635.jpg (540x304, 57K)

How can you tell it's a phone poster?

Do it you fucking won’t

Attached: 215B58FA-1981-4940-AC14-713E6DD54D91.jpg (981x1080, 246K)

>thigh acne
God I know this feel

By filename.

shut up, they’re perfect

Attached: 52B42C76-91DA-4A1C-9B39-618BC065A430.jpg (708x914, 58K)

I assume he's older in The Terror and his hormones are more settled.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: user, I --
HBO miniseries full of errors but nailing atmosphere: [geiger counter sounds]
user: oh my god it's true!

you think this fucker knows who Solzhenitsyn is?

>check out: Sailor Simulator
they're onto us

I'd take all the beating for all of them to make him live user


Attached: 1561316315931 (1).gif (316x306, 15K)

The guy got a reading on his Geiger counter of 30 or so microsievets per hour. Your typical plane flight gets you about 3 microsieverts per hour. You could ride this claw for 1 hour and it would be the equivalent amount of radiation of a 10 hour long plane flight

Unironically if you want Terror feels you should play Sunless Sea.
I already made 2 Hickeys and they both died (one by getting stuck in the northernmost region of the map and having to cannibalize everyone no less) but my current Crozier character is doing really well for himself.

Attached: 1561749773197.png (500x670, 387K)

imagine caring this much

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Attached: 99B30E40-45C8-41B7-9164-442E2470554F.jpg (1440x1440, 211K)

Why do people ship these two, Jesus christ I can understand 2 hot bitches scissoring or 2 beautiful young men sucking each others' dicks but is someone actually aroused by this?

I'm just calling a roastie a roastie

Fujos and homosexual incels are gross. They are aroused by corpses, scat porn, cockroach mating frenzy and whatnot, what do you expect?
The longer they dwell in the realm of inceldom the more twisted and perverted they get.

What does roastie mean?

t. Slav

Attached: 3.jpg (1169x760, 460K)

You are losing your mind because everyone is the same person

I love when you idiots get triggered by Akimov/Toptunov, but the hickey fantasizing doesn't phase you at all.

A derogatory word for a woman because female genitals look like sliced roast beef.

Die in a graphite fire you piece of shit

It means he is an uncle unironically

You seem mad.

You can post however much Dyatlov, Toptunov, Akimov, Hickey, whoever fuck you want but do NOT post Legasov porn you sick sack of shit

Attached: 1562706528416.png (980x675, 1.89M)

Is it a code word used by the homosexuals?

What's it called when I'm a woman and I want to be in a hetero threesome with Akimov and Collins?

Attached: chins.jpg (1936x1452, 234K)

No, it's just good old fashioned misogyny.

No, I think it comes from /r9k/

Report the sick cunt!
And no it's not ok to post any porn of any of the Chernobyl dead. It's fucking wrong and calls for the firing squad.
Insulting Legasov's memory like legit calls for Law Abiding Citizen treatment.

why did Crozier just ignore the poor guy? maybe Hickey was right after all...

I think they are closeted homosexuals who are disgusted by female genitalia and crave cock.

Still not acceptable for him to ruin Crozier's tasty feast. Crozier did nothing wrong.

And to think I got banned for posting a cartoon picture of Hickey where there's a tiny sliver of his cartoon butt cheeks visible while this gets to stay up.

t. faggot

Oh good it's time for another thread. Can't wait for anons to fight about art

>And no it's not ok to post any porn of any of the Chernobyl dead.

So you're saying Terror dead porno art is ok?

This shitflinging is why I come here bros, I love it

That's fucking wrong. To hell with that sick cunt

Move your asses homos

Dunno anything about Terror. Is it about real life people who died in a tragic disaster? Or fictional shite?

It's based off a real expedition, all the characters were real people. Go watch it, it's probably even better then Chernobyl.

This whole thread

>Ah yes the totalitarian country that nearly fell into civil war before falling apart was extremely stable and had reliable and accountable people in every leadership position in its last decade and some change of existence.