>yfw you realized society is turning into that episode from TNG where women are in charge and men are effeminate whores
Yfw you realized society is turning into that episode from TNG where women are in charge and men are effeminate whores
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No, the Jews are in charge. They let women think they're in charge because women are dipshits.
Oh no, women are now 1/100 as powerful as men compared to 1/200! We're being oppressed.
Yikes oof have sex incel dialate.
No it isn't. That society was stable and effective.
So much this. Women are a tool of the Jews. Women are the puppets by which the puppet masters exert their diabolical control
Denish Croshby's nudes are very disappointing
Shockingly so.
Sean Connery?
Hey man
I have almost no problem with this but girls dont wanna bang so I probably still wouldn't be getting any action
that planet was sorely in need of a real man
you saw how quickly that marooned crew gained a following
Nevertheless her Red Shoe Diaries episode remains a fapping high point of the 90s
if only. id love to be a dirty slut boy for the ladies
>men make up a majority of Fortune 500 CEOs
>the 1% bourgeoisie society is predominately still white men like it's always been
>women and minorities are suddenly in charge and ruining everything!
haha imagine tasha being in heat and her pungent vaginal pheromones wafting through that thin lycra uniform all over the ship haha..
Das rite
Tits or GTFO, Emcel roastie.
Look at those nips poking outta that Starfleet Uniform GOD DAMN.
Have children
That´s because it was FICTION.
Actual matriarchies are all found in the fucking jungle or Subsaharan Africa, living in mud huts.
>10 CEOs at the top
>10 million white men at the bottom
wow ok /pol/kin we get it, you're triggered, take your meds and a deep breath
it was never easy to be manly that's why it's called manliness. you all just act like society is this way when it's your own fucking fault, i know damn well your fuckin countries did deployments to either or both iraq and afghanistan let alone all the nasty shit going on in africa since forever.. and even if your country isn't fighting there are always the foreign legion and shit. society isn't effeminate, you're just regretting not being a man and projecting that on the choices of people who have nothing to do with you.
You can be in charge of me, Bash. Dress me up like a girl and make me clean your house pls.
Wow you were so triggered that the joke flew right over your head huh? Good luck with that autism, dude.
this looks like femdom kino, worth a watch?
Was this Gene's fetish? He uses this plot like 3 times
This but unironically, the first part I mean
Yeah, welcome to capitalism buddy. Enjoy your stay. 1% of people have more money than the rest of the 99% combined yet gays, women, and blacks are totally the real problem.
never seen this
girl on the left makes me hard
who is she
Denise Crosby aka Tasha Yar
Her character came from a rape world and had sex with android before becoming a Romulan sex slave
im not sure if that makes me more or less interested
Women will never enjoy the male body the same way men enjoy the female body.
They will for example never masturbate to a man in a thong or a closeup of a man's anus, or buy the bathwater of a man.
If men acted like female attentionwhores, women would just laugh at it instead of being aroused.
The actress appeared in a few softcore films and tv shows in the early 90s too
Giving women the right to vote was a crucial mistake. It's been downhill ever since. White roasties managed to ruin Western societies in little over a century.
>softcore films
what kinda softcore we talkin', like "late night tv clothed sex with camera angles so they only show tits" stuff, or like "solo masturbation video" stuff, or more like "clothed but barely daytime tv" stuff
>linking to a paysite
Epic my brother, totally X to the D
>the evils of free trade
It beats socialism, which is essentially just a way to rob productive white men and giving their wealth to brown invaders and women.
Leftypol retard, if it's ever the case that women are the majority at the top, your society is very unjust. They're not built with the ambition and drive of men. There are also far more male geniuses, since women's IQ tend to be clustered near the mean.
>muh jews
The preview page gives you everything you need to know, I would have assumed that would be sufficient enough for you to then go to the celeb site of your choice where you could freely download relevant clips at your leisure. But you seem to be underage so I guess the sight of Denise Crosby's very average tits will be forever denied to you.
dont bother
peperoni nips
big bush
pretty bad
>peperoni nips
>big bush
But that's my fetish
Good on you, I was just hoping you'd acquiesce to my laziness and post a direct link to the goods
Truth hurts your little post modernist bullshit theories, doesn´t it.
Where the fuck do you even get this figure
>the 1% bourgeoisie society is predominately still white men
Only when they identify as white and not Jewish :^)
I have 2 thanks
Pulled out of xir's neovagina
t. Retard
I'm watching DS9 for the first time and I keep getting distracted by how cute Ezri is.
Great ass though.
wtf is that brown/taint area?
i want to taste that asshole
Wish we could have seen Riker, Troi and Yar have a threesome.
There's a disappointing lack of Riker/Yar fanfic. There was some potential there, given how she looks at him when Riker first joins the ship.
Never seen a hairy pussy, son?
Riker was such a Chad. Even then, his beard was threatening to make an appearance.
Apparently, Frakes had to shave twice a day in the first season, which was partially why he said 'fuck it' and let it grow.
Wish they did a show with Riker in command of the USS Titan, after Nemesis bombed.
>shave twice a day
Is it possible to learn this power?
Have fast-growing stubble, brah.
Bash deletes posts when she realizes her anti-white rants could be considered anti-Semitic
She has a nice fur burger though
During the few times I have gone out in the evening I would need to shave an additional time too (not that it would have mattered).
Usually I shave at like 6 AM and have visible stubble at 5 PM.
Fast growing beard but almost bald, would trade any day for good hair on my head instead of sonic speed growing hair on my face, cock and back.
Don't be fucking retarded Jews obviously run advertising and the media
Fun fact: Gene Roddenberry had been pitching an episode like this since the earliest days of TOS, and tried to work some version of it into nearly every series pitch he ever wrote for the next two decades.
I think he had a fendom fetish
they want to bang, just not you
Why everyone was so ugly and old looking in season 1-2?
>"riker, you know you dont really have to wear that. you can retain your dignity."
nah, im gonna go with it. suck it, fags.