Every guy is dumb

>every guy is dumb
>every girl is smart

why are they doing this shit?

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Remind me again, which sex watches Netflix more than the other?

Because jungle peaked in 95 and clubs haven't been the same since!! That feel!!!!

lefty memes never manifest in reality so there's a lot of demand to see them represented in fiction

is there any statistics on this?

Have sex

having sex doesnt prevent me from thinking you mongoloid

Women need competent representation.

Because the stranger things writers are fucking hacks. You should see them now on twitter, they're patting themselves on the back for introducing some unnecessary lesbian character

who? give me names

I'm starting to think it does, based on the number of retards havesexposting

Because why the fuck are you watching this crap beyond season 1?

>science fiction show
>women act in a fictional way
whats the problem?

Real men don't concern themselves with this shit dude. Go outside and cut some wood. Might grab a few beers with the lads and go fishing later, you're welcome to join.

Fuck off boomer faggot

i would literally slit your throat if you asked me to fish with you in RL. MOTHER FUCKING ARE ELL

Yes, exactly. Boomers don't care about this shit because it's irrelevant. Just you sit there behind your screen and be eternally mad at some TV show while life passes you by. I'll have a wank for you later bro

Have you not watched TV in forty years or is this legitimately a new thing for you?

>you’d trade our friendship for that- that bitch?!
>look at her mike, LOOK!
>she’s a fucking retard Mike! I mean, she can barely form sentences for Christ’s sake!
>we all knew you were just pounding that for those powers, god only knows what she’s like behind closed doors.
>but now she’s lost them, Mike. Without them she’s just a brainless hole to fuck. And with a face like that, not a good one.
>is this really the road you want to go down? Abandoning your fun DnD crew for some retarded whore? Get a grip mike.
Will was petty correct about the effect of girls on close friendships.

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i want to know the context of this post and also don't talk about it on pleb boards

Just like real life

I can just see the beard, flannel shirt and Starbucks latte bursting from this post.

No you wouldn't. You say you would, but you wouldn't.

More like
>every guy is attractive
>every girl is average

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I'm not mad at the show, I'm not OP. I'm just saying your post is shit.

Joyce is not smart at all.

Sheriff friend gets beat up with possible major injuries and instead of taking him to the hospital she takes him home to sleep off the concussion. Doesn't even call his cop buddies.

The only attractive girl got BLACKED

>No you wouldn't.
whatever helps you sleep. im surprised no one has fucked you up yet. you most likely dont even talk in ARE ELL

I can hear your hair falling out from here, bro. Might want to hold onto it and sell it to poor saps like . I bet he's almost got enough for a blanket of chest hair haha bless his low-test heart

>I can hear your
no you don't. you say you do, but you don't.

You're killing me bro xD

Finally something realistic

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This but unironically

To be fair every show is doing this.
Show me a single current show where the female character is a cannonically dumb or incompetent.

And forget about sitcoms, men are shown as complete fucking retards.

imagine being so dumb you think the girls are smart

I haven't watched season 3 but who is this perfect qt, does Winona have a hit daughter I wasnt aware of?


have sex

im not aware if Winona has a daughter in the show

If you could take the incel glasses off for a moment, you would notice that while the girls are more bookishly smart, the guys have way more practical and common sense. Every girl in the show besides El would be utterly fucked without their male counterparts bailing them out of trouble more so than the opposite is true.

Is than Anne Frank?


Have you guys ever been obsessed with a female celebrity?

How did you get over it?
If you did get over it, don't you still feel like you're missing out by not being with them?

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Based junglistposter

user thats a child. stop

It's not sexual :(

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Why do you want hollywood's sloppy seconds,or thirds for that matter?

>How did you get over it?
You're lost in the sauce. Literally do anything else.
>If you did get over it, don't you still feel like you're missing out by not being with them?
I've never felt like this for a celebrity ever. Try a real human connection user.

>show set in the 80s
>man dumb, woman smart trope

Fuck off zoomer.

>is there any statistics on this?
In 2017, there were more women watching Netflix than men.

Mother fucking Mr Clarke

>You're lost in the sauce. Literally do anything else.
But what? It literally hurts when I'm not thinking about her.
>I've never felt like this for a celebrity ever. Try a real human connection user.
Don't have any friends and the family I still have abused me and I have no idea how to socialise.
I literally can't communicate with people in real life, I don't even know where to begin.

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That's because it's harder to watch netflix at work.

came here to post this

Some lucky jew got to drill those two for oil

>why are (((they))) doing this shit?
You forgot something, any actual questions?

Kys faggot


Too bad Finn got older. His jewish genes caught up to him faster than that little faggot from Game of Thrones.

But Eleven isn’t smart

Incels are the funniest kinds of people, I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't all so physically disgusting.

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>getting older
Kill yourself pedofag

Just let your love for her make you a better person, you'll eventually find people to spend time with and you won't need your idealisation of her anymore to keep on going, you'll find a new source for love, you.

t. Former waifuist, survivor of the 2010 cleanse and /cel/ expat

If you actually watched this you're probably a homosexual and/or a pedo.


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Add Dacre in that pic

Nancy was an idiot who should have quit that job. She also murdered her boss without even trying to save him knowing he was possessed.

Steve and Dustin are the Smartest and best characters though Will gets points for being sick of cunts and just wanting to play some DnD

if only there was some way to make her notice you

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steve is retarded all throughout the season tho

Its not so much numbers but how each gender views media. Women identify with every female on the screen. If there is a stupid woman, its an insult to every woman in the world individually, hell this is why mary sues exist, women cannot handle nuanced and human portrayals of themselves.

But this is not true, most girls where moved by irrational emotion, mostly through fear or pride. There were just two girl (sussie and robin) who were actually smart, and one of them is a manipulative bitch (the other is gay, sticking to the age old trope that smart women are masculine in some secret way)

Most, if not all problems, where solved by guys, there's just one instance I can think of where a girl 'outsmarted' a boy, when Joyce and Hopper where trying to figure out a pattern or something on the whole properties deal, which, wasn't much of a help if I remember it right.

Im going to be honest with you bros...
I only watch this series for the character interactions.

The monster is the worst part about it

The interactions are the good part. Almost skipped all the Billy monster parts.

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Steve is a goofball but not dumb, Jonathan just wants to get on with life and not be bothered by this shit anymore, Murray is objectively a genius, just paranoid, Alexi is also a goofball but competent, Billy literally saves 11 and the rest of them in a redemption arc

You just know

There is a shocking amount of truth to this statement. I don't identify with every man on screen but every single one of my female friends refuse to accept that some female characters are truly shit without taking it personally. They typically end up downplaying their atrocities or trying to rationlize it away with their fee fees.

>Dustin smart enough to build his own radio
>Alexis smart enough to build machine that opens the portal
>black guy smart enough to think of using the fireworks
>Jew guy smart enough to speak two languages
Try harder incel

Its netflix what do you expect?

Also you forgot to add that they killed the chad and the cop the two strong male characters

For mrs.Wheeler obviously

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dont worry hopper be back

Holy shit, the more I learn about her the worse she gets. Why couldn’t Billy have hit her when he T-boned the car?

It's kind of true, if you took an AP or Honors course in High School, most of the students in AP/Honors classes are female.

This. It isnt coincidence either

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Imagine being American and paying for a platform that does nothing but feed you leftist propaganda, and, despite knowing this, still watching it.

Yeah, I should stop watching television, I saw some parts of the newest Euphoria episode, and when Rue was doing the narration, that Maddy girl watched a lot of television or played on her smartphone a lot.

Do americans really do this?

This is the most likely case. Plus it's a show about kids with Finn in it, the fan base is probably 80-90% chicks. This would explain all the ugly bitches that are always right.

Don't forget, most books in America are written by people from the left, conservatives don't write much, well, they do write, just not as much as liberal/progressives do. Can you guess what happens to film or television adaptations written by right wingers?

Random chick seems to have the hots for the man Steve, but last minute is like LOL I'm a lesbian

Look at Yea Forums, it does nothing but discuss shitty Netflix shows, and this place is overrun by Americans.
It's amazing how even the right wing in America supports the leftist agenda.

Grade A milf, best part of the season

Obama's cabinet are the board members of netflix.

Big up

>Yeah, I should stop watching television
I did, and I had no problem with it.
All television nowadays is absolute garbage.

Hes starting to look like a vegan lesbian


Women watch more television than guys, but guys play more video games than women.

>knowing the number of a constant further than 4 digits

I should really do the same and just try learning new skills that will be helpful. Still working out despite watching television, but television is cutting into the hours I need to read books.

>ywn never be in a human sandwich between them

who is the american?

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The one that really does that?

Mike. They kidnapped him to become the soviet soldiers boy toy

I mean. There are dumb females and dumb males. Smart females and dumb males. Op is really just shitposting and has no idea what he's talking about.
He's just an bitter virgin or boomer who is is upset that all or most the female characters on TV aren't bond girls or dumb bimbos with more dimensions to thier tits than their character.
I haven't really watched the show but i doubt all the dudes are stupid. And actually name me 5 popular shows right now where all or even most of the male characters are stupid.
GoT is already absolutely off so don't bother trying to bait with that.

I just had sex 10 minutes ago and I gotta say- women are obnoxious, soulless, childlike, selfish, bitchy, sexy little cunts.

Did they really just pick the most Jewish looking kid up in a synagogue to play him?

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Have sex.

Not our faults that the only ones you can get to fuck you are whores and gold diggers you paid.

What are you talking about you weird little man?

Dilate weirdo freak

I'm Delon-tier compared to Keery. If he's considered a really attractive guy I have been selling myself short massively.

Why the fuck are you watching a Netflix show?? Read a book or listen to audiobook

His first role was in a Spielberg movie, who’s known for picking up actors in bar mizvah. Go figure that out

Lol, imagine if the Duffers make the Byers a Jewish family in s4 to add some 'poverty Jews oppressed by WASP scummy elites' thing. That means Jonathan will have been retconned into some oppressed poor Jew boy that shoah'd Nancy's WASP pussy.

>tfw the only blonde kid I can remember in a tv show off the top of my head is zack morris from saved by the bell 30 years ago and his hair was bleached to be blonde

The kids from the Simpsons?

Going on this site automatically makes you an incel, though.

What was her problem?

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>The monster is the worst part about it
Fuck you the monster was the best part, it's a damn good design wasted on a mediocre series

Because they wanted to receive praise for "strong female characters" but they don't know how to write smart female characters because they writers themselves are stupid, and stupid people categorically cannot write smart characters. So instead, they just artificially dumbed down all the male characters so that the female characters would appear smart by comparison.

Not really, the actor is a tranny now

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wtf lmao

>realises I've never seen an interview with the Duffers
Do they come across as smug, self-satisfied faggots that are no where as intelligent as they think they are? Cause that's what I imagine.

she got blacked and became a shrill, bitter harpy.
thats always how it goes

Thats not actually hair, thats skin flaps


Stubby fat ugly legs

whats wrong with being a leftist?

Her master plan was to breakup Mike and El so she could fuck Mike

Lol, I literally just left my dark bedroom because Mom has repair guys here fixing her doorbell and gutters. I had to move my car so they can do the gutters some more. I can't even see because it's so fucking bright and hot outside. I moved my car but not before changing my radio to a good, loud song that would impress these tough white niggers doing grunt work. Then I got out and didn't look any of them in the eye and waited for one of them to laugh or say something so I could call them a nignog. What could they even do. It's technically my family's property.

>and it's everything
what does that even mean?

That it's a self-destructive ideology that prioritizes the safety of everyone and attacks your own people.

Are the rumors that Nintendo wants Miles to play Link true?

Vice Principals. Mindhunter.

Only for Billy the based

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Who’s Miles?

Fake and gay

>being this desnse on purpose for cope.

Women are the face of rampant consumerism

The actress is Maya Hawke. Daughter of Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke

What does that have to do with anything?
Anericans arent even mostly naturally blond. It was always a meme that people used to larp ad Nords.
Only whites that are majority blond naturally are Nords, Russians, and +/-Germans.

True, not him/her but there are varying degrees. I admit im kind of autistic for poating on this site in general, but i still have friends(who are mostly nerds), and a job.

the last scene of the season with the Demogorgon is a rip off of Silent Hill

S3 of this show is BEYOND retarded
>Russians building an enormous underground base in the middle of Indiana
>The base being basically a labirynth, but bunch of kids maneuver in there flawlessly
>Ridiculous melodrama, fake conflict and redundant flashbacks taking up to 30% of screen time
>Ridiculous cuts and montage
>Deus ex machina
I've never seen a series dropping in quality this hard.

Dude, give it a rest. Why do you think there are literally no intelligent arguments being made in this thread? Its obvious that user is just a shit posting incel. That or incels mistake female higher emotional intelligence often displayed heavily on TV means men are total idiots incomparison over all because autism.
Eitherway, it's stupidity so leave it. Just sage and move on.

Yeah, every boy on a hollywood show totally isnt a jew! blonde hair is just non existent~!

Why do you care? Triggered by it?

If you're watching JewTrix, you're the dumb one.

I remember when this became the thing in the 90s. Guys always bumbling and stupid or the "bad guys", and girls always outsmarting them and winning , often only because they were girls. I was about10 or 11 and told my mum about it. She was intrigued and so watched all the shows with me and was mind blown at how obvious the agenda was. The same was happening in adult television at the time with the fat, useless, bumbling husband and the hot, inexplicably smart wife trope popping up everywhere.

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>>Jew guy smart enough to speak two languages
imagine being a burgerboi thinking that speaking two languages makes you smart.

It's probably an homage to Silent Hill.

Jungle revival has been pretty strong last couple of years

Dude, see .

For anglos that's like magic, man.

Give sex whore

Anglo holocaust when

I know. Most of that has to do with, t the same time all this TV bullshit was happening, schooling and higher education became more and ore tailored for females. Boys were punished for their natural behaviour in school. Class structure is far more tailored to girls. The focus was placed on getting more women into university. You cannot, with a straight face, say that real life intelligence reflects the stats of AP/Honour classes.


How? Wendy is shown to be this super elite schoolar and basically put the research together(when in reality she was more a consultant).
Holden gf is a slut but she is not dumb.

Conviently ignored post.

i have the same problem except i usually have to reiterate how this isn't a gender thing and if she had a penis, then he would still be a shit person.

fucking crazy desu i thought it was just the women around me who were fucking stupid. pretty ironic really.

Stop watching Netflix crap, it's your fault for falling into their propaganda.