So when's the investigation gonna begin into how the lion king remake has managed to scrape together the bare minimum for a Fresh RT score?
So when's the investigation gonna begin into how the lion king remake has managed to scrape together the bare minimum...
I'm sure all the incel detectives are on the case
Real question is why does Disney keep trying? Every single one they've remade so far has been completely forgotten
>boosts by 5% before the release
damn disney isn't even trying to be subtle anymore
Because they still make a heap of money
There are many things I care more about than how a computer movie remake scores on some site
I'm still not gonna see it
Its disney dude, they will always have a heap of money.
>still 42% top critics
Audiences care. If they saw that it had a rotten rating before deciding to go see it they probably would decide not to.
RT has a massive influence.
Only if they keep bringing in money. How do you think businesses work?
it matters because now advertisements can say "GO SEE THE MOVIE THAT IS CERTFIED FRESH ON ROTTENTOMATOES"
>If they saw that it had a rotten rating before deciding to go see it they probably would decide not to.
Yes, you look at what what happened to Venom!
Or Aladdin!
Or The Meg!
pic related
If retards keep seeing buying your shit product, why would you stop producing it ?
China doesn't care what your shitty tomato website says.
They still made money yes but a rotten rating does have an effect on the box office, even if it's small. They care even if it's small.
aladin did shit number in the domestic markets but thanks to the bugmen it made 600mil easy
First investigate why Disney "allowed" its previous live action remake to dip below Fresh
i just checked.
why the fuck are you fags so worried about a fucking review score anyway? do you go on the internet to have ''''professional'''' critics spoonfeed you every time a movie is released?
Did you know Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Warner Bros, Disney's rival studio? Did you know 90% of the plebs who go to watch shit like this don't care about RT scores and just arrive at the theater on the weekend and buy the tickets to whatever is playing next?
it's just for shitposting purposes. without it, movie critics would go hungry because no job. in a way tv shitposters keep movie critics alive. they should be ashamed of themselves
Even Chris Cuckman trashed it and called it soulless.
Are the normies finally getting fed up?
I just checked too.
might have something to do with the forfeit of unused IP