Movies for this feel?
Movies for this feel?
based incel
Why do guys get so angry and assume you hate them if you don't immediately respond to them? Like, I got stuck talking to my professor for an hour and a guy I was talking to me went psycho because I didn't respond in 5 minutes...
Somehow both cringe and based at the same time
open bob and vagene
too much mountain dew and let's plays
Punk is great, metal is for faggots.
Text him back before you get into a long-winded conversation with someone else, you stupid, entitled bitch.
I don't think its universal. I can't be assed to send more than three or four texts at someone in a given week
>because Anthrax lived in NYC and were exposed to old school NY hardcore they are "punk influenced"
Get the fuck out
The last girl probably gave him hope and then ghosted him without any indication as to why and that shit is stressful :(
i never understood appeal of metal
>text gf
>she doesn't immediately respond
>start worrying she's fucking some guy
Am I the only one who does this? How do I stop?
teenagers are s fucking cringey
Then don't take out your frustration on others, stop being such a massive faggot. If you're being ghosted you just try with someone else.
>people need to keep reporting everything they do to you so you won't feel insecure like the little bitch you are
>they're the entitled ones somehow
because 100% of their attention is currently focused on you. Meanwhile you're talking to 5 other guys, your friends, and doing your makeup at the same time so you don't really see the problem from your perspective
tinder is shit
What's wrong with ghosting? Do you seriously prefer to be flat out told you're not interesting enough, attractive enough, or successful enough for a woman?
cheat yourself
Because the rules of conversation dont really change just because its virtual. If in talking to someone IRL i dont hear them, wait 30 minutes after ive heard them just to seem aloof, and then reply... no i reply when i hear them, and if i have to recuse myself, i let them know before they are ignored. Its really just basic human decency and the fact women have none pisses people off
>text gf
>she tells me shes having dinner with a guy she went to school with
>dont care because my life is good with or without her
feels good
Must be nice fucking your professor for grades while some beta bursts into tears over you not replying. Even fat ugly chicks can find a man easily enough. Some men are insecure because they're expendable which makes sense. Women don't become very expendable until they can not longer have children. Especially now since many women don't even do household chores for themselves let alone an entire family.
yes. its called closure. don't be a pussy
>Meanwhile you're talking to 5 other guys
You know they have medication for paranoia, right?
Because they're insecure and think if you don't immediately reply they've fucked up and you hate them now. Obviously this isn't every guy, just very insecure and anxious ones. I know someone who was in tears because a girl hadn't replied to him within an hour but she was just busy.
You're just extremely rude. That's how you got the reputation for being a bitch.
>exchange a few messages with girl
>send a text to her yesterday
>still no answer
>can see that she's online on whatsapp
i really like her, bros. and it hurts.
Imagine being unable to consider a circumstance where someone can't respond to you immediately
>white knighting for the modern female on Yea Forums
You're going to die alone with that attitude
Of course it can happen. But very rarely in life are you actually incapable of sending a quick message saying "busy for a bit" or something similar. Are you asserting every time a woman is being a tardy stuck up cunt theyve just gotten in an accident, or are being attacked? Those are literally the only 2 scenarios in which you absolutely cannot be courteous. Fuck off zoomershit
dont take it so seriously roastie that post was meant to be taken in a broad sense
>what kind of music do you listen to, user?
>oh wow me too! I just love listening to my dad's def leppard cds!
>any bands in particular you like?
>um...darkthrone, candlemass, and mercyful fate to name a few
>oh wow, i never heard those!
>goes on youtube
>sees translyvanian hunger & kathaarian life code
>is this it? wow looks kind of scary lol!
>hmmm, could this girl be in class, driving, at work, taking a nap, or otherwise unable to engage in a conversation?
>no, she must be a stupid whore trying to fuck other guys
Big yikes
What a sperg OP
Pretty cucked
user, you're the one acting like a bitch.
The Last Jedi filtering plebs
me neither, until i listened to burzum. check dunkelheit, it's the most accesible
>Do you seriously prefer to be flat out told you're not interesting enough, attractive enough, or successful enough for a woman?
Yes, definitely 100% would prefer this by a lot
pretty based
>text gf
>she doesn't respond
>think she died in a car crash
>feel sad
Ya no one brought up your cheating cuck fantasy there pueblo. Modern women string along multiple guys if you dont agree you have not interacted with women.
And literally none of those things are an excuse for not saying "preoccupied for a bit" its common decency. Do you just walk away from people IRL mid conversation
nah, she pays for most of our meals and is extremely low maintenance
She's right though in her reaction. Black metal is for fucking tryhard faggots. She sees how she misjudged you as someone possibly worth her time instead of a bitch who listens to edgelords larp in the woods about satan.
Didn't say it was justified, just answering the question of why he would do that
What do you think is the height of this guy?
You see user, most other anons here haven't dated much. So they're still in the
>I have to be flat out told I DONT LIKE YOU to know that a girl isn't interested, otherwise hope still gets the better of me