As a child for some reason I always thought this lizard mounts were cool as fuck and wanted the toy version...

As a child for some reason I always thought this lizard mounts were cool as fuck and wanted the toy version. But why the fuck do these things exist? They look pretty slow. What function could they possibly have? Does the empire have stables for them? I'm really confused, childish ignorance is a bliss

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Komodo dragons look slow but those fuckers are insanely fast

Well in LEGO Star Wars they buck you off and give you a jump boost so it might be something to do with that

and then what? they're used like cavalry? that thing the trooper holds is a lance?

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I have that lizard. It’s called a Dewback.

Damn. I only had that sandtrooper with the orange epaulet

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Minimal food, and water requirements with high stamina, weather resistance and are able to walk while they sleep.

It's Monday: time for Disney to fill the catalog with Star Wars spam.

>He didn't get the toy version

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>What function could they possibly have?
modern military's still use mounts in certain scenarios

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It's an aesthetic choice by the filmmakers, but it can be easily excused in the writing.

>you will never be the spec-ops vanguard of the American intervention in Afghanistan in 2001
>you will never make contact with Northern Alliance fighters in pashtun
>you will never grow a beard to adopt their custom
>you will never ally with them to wage war against the taliban
>you will never take place in the last cavalry charge in world history, at the Fall of Mazar-i-Sharif, killing hundreds of taliban with zero American losses
why even live

Why bother when they have the technology for speeders

They probably were put on the movie because they were cool. I don't think lucas wrote a book about why the troopers rode these things

How did Raimi get away with this?

It's an animal that's adapted to this environment. It doesn't need power or maintenance like some hoverthing and still provides improved mobility on this terrain.

yeah, laugh at me for growing up poor. Asshole.

It looks like a LR Arm. Sorta like the smart sticks in Aliens
>let's rock

What are the differences between a speeder and a slow moving mount?

The dumbest thing is why the CGI versions have such tiny forelegs for such a giant reptile.

I thought they bought them from tatooine, maybe the sand was too hard for their tech so an animal was better

maybe the speeders run out of gas while these fuckers eat sand or something

Rugged reptillian[1]lizards native to the deserts of Tatooine, dewbacks were able to withstand the heat of the world's binary suns, as well as the dust that caused mechanical breakdowns in high-tech conveyances.[2] They had thick hides[1] of scaly[5]green skin, with long, rounded heads and short tails.[3] They plodded through the desert sands on four clawed feet, and while capable of brief bursts of speed,[1] typically became lethargic at night and in colder climates.[2]Female dewbacks laid fifty to eighty-five eggs each standard year. The species was so named because of their habit of licking the morning dew from their backs with their[6] flicking tongues.[7] They made strange, lowing noises, similar to that of a bantha.[8]

what the hell I never notice that transport on the left
I though it was EU

I bought the lizard mainly for the trooper.

What? Why? The trooper's only for the mount, look at his legs. And you could buy an actual sandtrooper for less money.

Why not use a sneeder bike? They're a lot faster than a fat stupid lizard, and a sneeder won't need any feed

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He looked fine on the shelf by himself. The set was on special and only cost a few quid anyway.

dewbacks were able to withstand the heat of the world's binary suns, as well as the dust that caused mechanical breakdowns in high-tech conveyances, retard

those people have space shuttles and shit, and what the fuck do they do? they settle on a desert planet with two suns.

bravo, lucas.

Yeah they look cool as fuck
It's one of those moments to turn off your brain and enjoy it

If you turn your brain on you can probably find some convoluted explanation but that only makes things worse

are those men's armor suits leaking coolant or something? or is that lizard excrement wiped all over their kevlar? what's going on?

It's a cool space opera scene because we know the Imperial Stormtroopers come from a society that makes extensive use of FTL spaceships, but here they are riding giant lizards.

The incongruous mixture of space-age technology and Bronze Age technology is one of the hallmarks of the space opera genre.

speeder bikes can't hover and require tabana gas

they eat sand

I still have the toy lol

>yeah, laugh at me for growing up poor. Asshole.


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I'm gonna get you user

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It's the noses, OP. They're used for tracking like super bloodhounds. Speeders can't do that


Gotta mine that sweet mineral ore.
Only reason why I think anyone would settle in that wasteland.

>Only reason why I think anyone would settle in that wasteland.
ACKTCHUALLY... the original offworld settlers landed on Tatooine because they thought there were lots of great ores there. Turned out the sensors were faulty on account of the twin suns screwing with the readings, so their first venture was a complete loss and it was less hassle to leave their equipment behind than to try and bring it with them.

This is where the Jawa sandcrawlers come from.

FUCK OFF with your expanded universe you stupid fucking manbabies the mouse decides tattoinnes fate from now on

thats why threepio has the oil bath, to throw them off the scent

>t. Kathy Kennedy