Other urls found in this thread:
>Chuck Norris
Area 51 better watch out
One wants to meet the aliens and the other wants to kick out the aliens.
>me when area 51 and I find they have soi that tastes like real milk
Damn Chuck Norris looks like THAT
Yes reddit, this thread is ALREADY in the catalogue you don’t have to post it again for upvotes.
>We didn't make the meme, therefore we hate it.
>my little alien after area 51
>why you always on Yea Forums lmao
Area 51 was funny for 1.1 seconds but now Reddit will milk it for a week just like the Shaggy meme while the Jeffery Epstein case is quietly swept under the rug.
What's with Area 51 recently?
The Area 51 shit is to cover up the Epstein case, prove me wrong
Oh shidd
woke bois are going to steal ayylmao tech to fix this planet
That’s what’s James Bond is for
i was thinking this
imagine the same meme but about the island
Chuck's looking great
You know other things dont just stop happening when something happens
normies can only think about 10 different things in a day, so yes, these distractions work.
this, ain't he like 100 years old already?
>dude they won't be able to kill us all because the missiles would damage the base as well!
No, americans are just bored idiots. This kind of shit happens every day in muttland
As opposed to the vibrant minds such as yours on Yea Forums? Have you seen the catalog? Which thread is yours? Lmao
The Epstein case isn't going anywhere since it's drumpf!! No way people who hate Trump are going to let go eaisly not with shit like this meme.
Psyop memes drown out actual news on social media
Fantastic post, brother.
Formerly looking bad
Is there anything this man cant do?
Is it me or did 'memes' take on a different meaning somewhere around 2017?
This shit is not a meme, it's just people saying 'Area 51 haha'. There's literally nothing here, it's absolutely empty.
I think it started with the harambee shit when every normie on the internet found out that you can regurgitate the same shit with a slightly different template.
I am officially out of touch with pop culture.
Cuck Norris
No you're just officially a try hard faggot. Loosen up, nerd.
by the time these betas get there area 51 would be emptied out.
>omg don’t ruin your second reddit celeb flavor of the month meme thread
You Game of Thrones posters are the God damn worst cancer this site has ever had.
Well, it is a meme. There was some Facebook event getting everyone to storm Area 51 in September, the joke being, in numbers, they can't stop us. Since that, there's been a bunch of variation. It's not funny but it does classify as a meme.
government distracting the population while they do something shady
yeah, pure fucking coincidence that the bob lazar doc is released and then a week later this happens? pure fucking coincidence.
don't lump me in with you or the rest of these losers, hearing the same shit a million times is never funny
I look like this dude. Am I attractive?
what did the homeless man and the grandpa mean by this?
Raid theme
Sins is actually a good looking pornstar user. No homo though
No you were just a kid who had no idea what meme meant, thinking it was just funny pictures.
>The word meme originated with Richard Dawkins' 1976 book The Selfish Gene. Dawkins cites as inspiration the work of geneticist L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, anthropologist F. T. Cloak[19] and ethologist J. M. Cullen.[20] Dawkins wrote that evolution depended not on the particular chemical basis of genetics, but only on the existence of a self-replicating unit of transmission—in the case of biological evolution, the gene. For Dawkins, the meme exemplified another self-replicating unit with potential significance in explaining human behavior and cultural evolution.
>Dawkins used the term to refer to any cultural entity that an observer might consider a replicator. He hypothesized that one could view many cultural entities as replicators, and pointed to melodies, fashions and learned skills as examples. Memes generally replicate through exposure to humans, who have evolved as efficient copiers of information and behavior. Because humans do not always copy memes perfectly, and because they may refine, combine or otherwise modify them with other memes to create new memes, they can change over time. Dawkins likened the process by which memes survive and change through the evolution of culture to the natural selection of genes in biological evolution.[17]
Fuck GoT, you're just a fanny wobble.
Yes, the doc is what got people talking about it again. I don't think anyone's denying that.
Fight me noob
I know for a fact this person suffers from autism.
I am, and I'll deny the holocaust too.
You're probably pretty Chaddy, yeah. You should start putting bitches (female) on your dick.
That's literally what a meme is. It means "mind virus"
Ok but first you have to defeat my GET
Remember Kony 2012? Blue/gold/white dress? This is just another psyop distraction.
you now remember the NFL shop banned people from putting Harambe on jerseys
Meme basically just means "internet inside joke" now. Anything that gets referenced online as a joke is a meme
>*blocks literally everyones path*
what you are describing has always been a meme
because that's literally what a meme is
Is that how little bandwidth your tiny brain has available at any one time or what?
>I-I-I-I-I-I do a johnny sins
>well, you can penetrate any place you go
>yes, you can penetrate any place you go
All well known jokes are memes. Fads are memes. Religious movements are memes. If it's an idea that spreads from person to person quickly, it's a meme.
Nah, it's just mind + gene. Furbies were a meme. Fidget spinners were a meme.
Kek. Red pilled.
No, a meme is a unit of cultural data that changes as it's passed around that group. Internet jokes are memes because they changed as people got their hands on them, there would be the initial joke and then it'd morph little by little
It's the fact that it changes that makes it a meme, like a gene, that's where the name comes from, not the fact that it's a joke on the internet.
>Autistic AND wrong.
>implying Yea Forums doesn't suck his dick dry
Where did you get this picture?
What are THEY up to this time?
I'm shocked at the idea that hundreds and thousands are going to storm Area 51 in September. I am.
Like. Is The Apocalypse on its way? This is insane. Has everyone given up on the charade and lost their fucking minds?
Tfw you'll never be a cyborg boomer.
nobody is going to storm area 51 retard
at best there will be a few hundred people who fell for the meme and get stopped by a small police