Why didn’t you save her, Yea Forums?

Why didn’t you save her, Yea Forums?

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unironically what the fuck happened

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How do you hit the wall at like 15 years old holy shit

From what?

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some women just hit the wall at like 14. Sad but true

Things are going to go really wrong for her. Like Lindsay Lohan wrong. Poor girl. No sympathy for the devil

Winona requires souls to stay young

Attached: Winona+Ryder.jpg (415x594, 54K)

why doesnt she smile anymore?

my man

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Shes cute

She still looks the same as she did when the show started, are you all fucking blind and retarded?



full makeup in the last two

She looks older because of all the cakeup, i don't even know why naturally attractive people bother with make up. the only difference you really notice is around eyes

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she is wearing make-up in that picture, you retard. just look at her lips.

>Finn just wanted to keep things in a pure friendship way like they used to be
>Millie wanted more than that and ruined the friendship
Is Finn unironcially the Will Byers if real life?



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Is that the chick from Big

incel detected, most women are fucking ugly as shit without makeup.

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Why are you constantly posting about television actresses who literally are only in dogshit things Yea Forums

Mouthbreather. If she's had teeth extracted, she's fucked.

Why even bother to save a television actress? Lol she isn't a movie star , godzilla floppped

He's too pure(gay) for this world.

give her your soul

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she always looked old

I can't.
She stole it from me back in '98

idubbbz is looking fine these days