Do you think she ever came to realise that she would have saved hundreds of lives including her own mom's if she'd just...

Do you think she ever came to realise that she would have saved hundreds of lives including her own mom's if she'd just quit being such a Stacey and jerked Brightburn off a couple of times?

Attached: brightburn-caitlyn.jpg (1351x683, 152K)

Women don't understand the concept of taking one for the team. It's why they'll never have true friends.

Women are selfish this ain't new.

>an alternate ending to the film featured Emmie Hunter's “Caitlyn — [ending] with her in a lab fastening a robot arm on her broken arm, and her just pissed off”
>yfw the Brightburn Saga ends with RoboCaitlyn giving Brightburn the cum of his life with her pneumatic cyber-handjob and he ejaculates so much that he shrivels up and dies

Are they planning on making a Brightburn 2? I'd like to see a movie where he goes around the world and just conquers everything and the movie kind of gave off a Red Son vibe even though it was set in America

They definitely intended to set it up for a sequel at the end, but I don't think it was successful enough. Then again it was a low budget movie. It took in 30 million dollars on a 6 million dollar budget, my perceptions have been too warped by hundred million dollar blockbusters to understand if that's a good margin or not.

Hope so. They even reveal that evil wonder woman and aquaman existed in the movie.

His name was Brightburn in the movie?

Since Paranormal Activity horror movies are expected to make its budgets 10-20 times over so it sort of underperformed.

no his name was Brandon Breyer

Is this movie worth watching or is it just Superman fanfiction?

I enjoyed it. It's very much "dude what if Superman but evil lmao", as said in the mid-credits sequence they allude to "dude what if wonderwoman and aquaman were evil too lmao", and he wears a red mask-cape thing. But it's fun.

women would rather let the entire earth die than fuck an incel like you

you do realize that, right? NOTHING will convince them to have sex with you. even if you tell them you're going to kill them. no, they will never sleep with you consensually.

one day I will have sex

then you'll see

you'll all see

based "I'll show you" poster

What if Wonder Woman was evil and went around raping men?

If you have to threaten them then it wouldn't be consensual anyway.

>girl rejects the highest status male she'll ever meet
When you think about it that's extremely unrealistic.

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speaking strictly as a breeder, who has several kids by several different women, to the incel community, sex is a bit overrated.

Frankly I'm bored of it. I find jerking one off on my own time is a much more zen experience then putting up with a woman's bullshit. Granted it took me 20 years of sex to reach this zen, but I have zero interest in dating another woman again.

-but hey, you know, that grass is always greener on the other side, I'm sure there is something earthshattering I'm missing, that has you incel fagots tied up in a knot wishing you could get some other guy's leftovers. haha, good luck. I'm sure when you finally have sex it will make you a better person too.

gunn already said they're working on a sequel

So the whole child mol was a lie a sort of weird front? Is that how he tested the females?

It's true even the ugly ones. They all want chads, which is fine.

I can't wait for the sequel where they follow the girl around while brandon just randomly shows up and rapes her, tells her he loves her, then leaves. Completely at random. When she's at home, in public, with her family, etc. She'll try to get committed and brandon will break her out, rape her, then leave again. someone will try to convince her she needs to date someone to convince brandon she isn't his, but he'll show up to the date, rape her, tell her how much he loves her, then leave again, without even acknowledging the person she was with.

Of course it was a lie. It proves a point, which is that some women are as shallow and superficial as some men. Some men will willingly stick their dick into a woman that they know is crazy, as long as she's hot. And some women will willingly fawn over a man that they know is dangerous (and not in the classic bad boy sense), as long as he's hot.

would he rape her at super speed to be stealth-like, or in normal time so everyone would see?

It's not fine. Non-Chads need sex too.

dios mio

it's really bad in my opinion. took what could have been an interesting concept (an evil superman) and just turned it into a bad horror movie with lots of gore. wasted potential.