Sprinkles nutmeg on your post

>Sprinkles nutmeg on your post

Attached: townsend.jpg (900x899, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what show

Very comfy.
And the simplicity behind the dishes make them easy to recreate.

>that one vid where he cooked the super dank bacon that is not available to the public

This guy is too jittery it's very uncomfortable to watch him.

>He doesn't know Townsends


Even as an American I've always found colonial America dreadfully boring, however that girl he had that churned butter was qt.

he just gets pretty excited when he cooks new dishes

Attached: handsome.png (657x527, 13K)

>watch the cheesemaking video
>never eat cheese again

thanks quaint reenactment guy

Attached: 1559946400499.png (883x1144, 597K)

His egg episode was awesome. Now I know how I can keep eggs if the power goes out.

>His egg episode was awesome. Now I know how I can keep eggs if the power goes out.
But... you can just keep eggs in room temperature.

i bet you also tell people how to make nice crystals

depends on country, washed eggs lose protective coating and need refrigeration.

These posts could do with a pinch of nutmeg.

Honestly if this is one dude he might just be the first spammer I actually support. Those vids are prime comfy

How did he ever get political?

he made a vid about some custard called an 'orange fool' the washingtons used to eat and red-hatted people assumed he was making fun of their daddy trump

You're a cancerous Yea Forumsedditor

Psh. I doubt you can be as disciplined and interested in history and self-sufficiency as much as this guy, and be a deranged liberal at the same time.

I did see him snap and cuss a guy out in his comments one time, though. Don't know what the guy said.


>*adds suet to the pan*





Based Townsends

What deepweb psyop shit did you just link me to

He's a goofy, spaghetti-laden little fellow to be sure.

I find it funny that his primary videos are about cooking but he's not good at describing food tastes at all.

>mmm, it's good. it's really.. good. it didn't come out bad at all, you can really taste how it's, ah, good..

>libtardos desperately trying to derail a based Jas thread
ain't even got time to hate, yall need jesus

>you'd think with just those ingredients that it would be pretty bland but... it's actually very tasty

That video of him burning the American flag while chanting "Fuck Trump" for twenty minutes seemed a bit too political for his channel

>still pushing this fake narrative despite getting BTFO in the last thread
oh no no

That video when makes an Orange Fool a drink George Washington liked. Even sourced the 38 slaves that took 13 hours to make it.

So what really happen

This guy is larping a bit too hard, he's quite knowledgable but he doesn't really fit the part in terms of skills. I watched his dugout canoe build and he and his crew didn't look at all comfortable using hand tools.

The video was completely apolitical but liberals made a bunch of orange fool jokes in the comments, which prompted the obvious replies and derailed things (as much as a youtube comments section can be derailed). So the next video he uploaded was him just sitting in the woods saying how saddened he was that everyone thought he was making a political statement and he deleted all the off topic comments.
But the mad hilldawg in these threads keeps trying to tell everyone that the MAGA supporters were sending death threats, which is just utterly retarded.

>really enjoys the material but is awkward with his hands, but tries to do it anyway
Were you trying to make me like him more?

Poor guy

I'm frustrated

Attached: I'm frustrated.jpg (1280x720, 143K)



>Be Townsend
>Find cool recipe that was served to George Washington
>Get to make it at Mt. Vernon!
>Make nice and comfy vid
>Hope people will try the recipe for themselves
>Commenters ruin your shit
Fucking people


absolutely based