How are people actually upset about this black female 007 shit...

How are people actually upset about this black female 007 shit? Imagine being retarded enough to not realize James Bond will still be the main character in the movie. Retards just like being outraged.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I cant wait for box office bomb

It's because she's fucking ugly

She still took 007 from him and will probably star in the next one if this doesn't flop

I don't care that she's black, there was a black bond girl in die another day (it was shit but that's beside the point).
The problem is she isn't sexy, which is the core and soul of the bond films. There's no point in watching a sexless sterile ugly bond movie. Notice the people celebrating this are the people who hate James Bond anyways because it's sexist or toxic or some other buzzword salad.

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Its the forced aspect of it though. They could have easily made a new concept, an always female agent sidekick and even started a while new franchise to empower women and be inclusive. But what they choose to do like always is force already established concepts to change because women and minorities should be allowed. I'm actually all for women and minorities being featured, but redesigning things in stead of just making new groundbreaking concepts isn't helping anyone. It's the dumbest, cheapest worst choice possible and they just keep doing it.

News flash: people are fucking retarded and only read the headlines before forming an opinion about something.

>How are people upset
/pol/cels get upset whenever a black person is portrayed in remotely good light. Did you expect them to not throw a shitfit over this?

They call her beautiful for no reason except that she's black. It's like praising a child's drawing when it's basically just a scribble. The realistic bigotry of low expectations.

They should really be more careful with this shit, right now everything that isn't a Disney musical or capeshit is flopping hard, even other established franchises (with a few exceptions). The last bond movie already grossed a lot less than the one before it, and if this one follows the same pattern they will lose money on their huge budgets. Its pretty bold to remove the main selling point of that franchise, which is male James Bond as slick, bad ass womanizer spy.

I never liked 007 so whatever. conceptually the changes are retarded

White fragility is hilarious

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It's going to be hilarious watching your types skulls get smashed right the fuck in when DOTR comes.

It's a provocation. I'd respect it more if they'd thrown out Craig and went with the niggress entirely. But instead they're gonna keep Craig (because they know they'd kill the franchise) but also take a piss on the white man that got them where they are today in favour of collecting points with the social justice crowd (who aren't even interested in anything other than seeing whatever their heart bleeds for this month being represented).

>new agent
>uses the same codename as the old one


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>ree it's a provocation to MY people ree
Poltumblr SJWs with their identity politics are hilarious

>circling an architect thread
based retard


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No it because she's black. And your type has no business setting eyes on our land much less starring in our culture. Especially when it is for the soul reason of replacing us.

And it's for interesting plot and not identity politics the new 007 happens to be a black women? They could as well have a new 007 as a white male since it would be an interesting and entertaining plot with someone replacing James Bond as the new 007? There's no pass the torch symbolism or virtue signaling what so ever behind this decision?

>black "people" call white people whiteys, crackers, etc.
>zero fucks given

>white people call black "people" niggers, chimps, sheboons etc.
>hell breaks loose, niggers crying about muh oppression, contact Mr. Shekelstein to sue for muh reparations and so on

Sure thing buddy, you're all stunning and brave.

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>soul reason

If you take out the womanizer aspect out of James Bond you just got a boring spy

>tfw when you accidentally look like a meme


it was inevitable that they would ruin James Bond as well

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There's not any particular reason for them to be a white male either, you fucking ape. Please put a bullet through your own fucking skull. Jesus fucking Christ.

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So she's a lesbian too

As a Bond fan I'm pleased. The franchise had been dead since Pierce Brosnan's last 2 abysmal ones. This just cements it. James Bond is gone. James Bond is Dead. That's fine. The classics with Connery and Moore are all we need.

This further highlights the Anti-White agenda and the divide among Whites (in our own countries) and Anti-Whites looking to destroy us. And I'm good with that. DOTR can't come soon enough.


>and then James Bond himself tried wooing me but I jut, y'know, rolled my eyes and told him to buzz off and everyone applauded!

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How they at least get good writers

No, she's a proud, strong, intelligent, woke woman of color.

When that's still not enough to shut people up, then, they'll make her a a lesbian.

Then trans.

I cant believe they cast Judi Dench as M to appease the sjw feminazis :(

Being a womanizer is a key part of his character though, which is why it makes no sense for a woman to be bond.

It's a british series and the lead is native british men idiot


>new black female 007
>first thing they do with her is establish that she's a strong independent woman who need no man
Like pottery.

The sad thing is how unaware women are.
They really think that they wouldn't fuck a guy like bond when face to face with him. There definitely are women that wouldn't find him attractive, but much less than those who would say that

ironic a nigger calling someone else a ape

>there's not any particular reason for a member of british state intelligence written in the '50s to be a white male
fuck off you pathetic leftist subhuman

It's not "virtue signalling". It's ethnic replacement. They want you dead White man.

It's clear from their behaviour over the past few years that if they could they would have us in camps pulling out our teeth, our finger nails and our toe nails before they really get started with the torture. Look in to the "Bolshevik revolution". This isn't funny. It isn't amusing. It's dark. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

>why should you care being replaced literally in every pieces of your OWN culture, white boi/goy???
Geez yes I really wonder why.

>Caring about Bondshit
>When the entire franchise only has 2 good films
Poor man's Mission Impossible, which has had the most based black character in any franchise in all its films


Bond has retired and has to come back for one more mission. It's about as forced as your butthurt.


>It's not interesting if it's not specifically a WHITE MAN replacing Bond!

Nice virtue signaling there, racist.

they're even stealing other people's insults. Where does it STOP?!

>July, I am forgotten

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Why is it that people still don’t understand that 007 does not equal James Bond? Its not even called the 007 series, so there won’t be a movie about her with the lead role. Bond will always be the main character in every movie and this won’t change anything.

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weeew lad

>Ghostbusters bombs
>heh got em fucking sjws, go woke and go broke
>every other ''lol this one is gonna fail'' prediction has failed
>people are still clinging to this delusion that a black female Bond movie will crash purely because of disdain for identity politics
Do you use a sander to get your brain that smooth or were you born this way?

Actually makes you wish it was idris.

Brendan Tarrant seemed pretty competent...

Nice damage control. So you are saying the plot idea of someone replacing Bond as 007 came before the feminist virtue signaling, that at the idea stage they had the plot of simply a new 007, before they settled with a black woman?

can't wait for the scene where bond pushes ADA off a skyscraper (symbolizing the defeat of western beauty standards) for REAL beauty

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In the future once we have our nations back (and have wiped all the kike blood off our streets) these Anti-White films won't be burned. No. They will be used for education as to what happens when you let in foreigners. And bloody useful education it will be too.

because everyone knows they're testing the waters to see how well people respond to this. If they think it works enough they'll switch Bond out for her as the new lead and woke points. If not, they'll sweep it under the carpet like Ghostbusters 2016

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No she won't. Journalists are just blowing things put of their ass as always.

Craig Bond is shit.
Now with forced diversity.

You are so fucking stupid.

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You are missing my point, would they ever come up with the idea of a replacement 007 without the politics? Would they have written a replacement 007, male ore female, black or white, simply as entertaining plot device if it wasn't for identity politics? I highly doubt it.

>scribbling out a screen name
back to plebbit with you!

I don't think anyone really cares if they cast a black woman. I think people care more that our societies are producing journalists like Noah Berlatsky.

Pic. related

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Only thin skin blacks actually get offended by those words.

It's not fucking virtue signalling. See

More controversy marketing, if you hate it so much don't fuel the fire

You niggers seem to have a lot of chafing problems then cause you get offended by everything.

Because 007 belongs to James Bond

"societies" don't create creatures like that. Their genetics does.

Maybe it did. I am not a mind reader.

because 007 and james bond are the same person no matter how hard you try to push it otherwise.
it's like if "the boy who lived" and harry potter now were two different people.
Retards being retarded online is now leaking into the 3D world

But then how would people know I'm racist?

Online joy? I've seen nothing but hate even outside of Yea Forums. Nice echo chambers they live in.

>Only thin skin blacks
That's literally every black person in existence

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And complaining about it on Yea Forums will chance something? Go kill those kikes and niggers of you hate them so much.

so all of them, agent 007?

user, there is gonna be white man in next Bond movie.

I agree fellow redditor racism is worst thing ever

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Nice try leftie, you are not getting an outrage from me.

Imagine if this was true

Cause it worked so well for Ghostbusters.

I can’t find the initial article now because it’s buried underneath the newer news but Lashana’s character was described as a Bond girl.

Where is my sleepless in seattle reboot starring jason statham and idris elba?

If you have any brain cells left you can figure this all out and what it means.

This is a test, a test will it affect the ratings. This will be a slow movement to try to make Bond a black female.. it starts small:

1. Speculate in media that the next bond will be a black male (Idris Elba)
>didn't get much backfire and seemed like most fans would have approved it

2. Success!

3. Instead of him, start pushing in a black female 007
>"she will not replace bond she will only be 007 and a side-character" -fans

4. Success!

5. Slowly make the new black female 007 the main character and forget about James Bond
>"insert approving quote from fanbase"
Don't be a fucking retard and say this doesn't mean anything, this is where it all starts guys.

You are an imbecile who can't see details and patterns with bad analytical skill, that's for sure.

>was described as a Bond girl
and after they realized that it just wouldn't be viable for a whole host of reasons, and that they couldn't drop her, this is what they came up with

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user, i am white
Well in my experience i know tons of blacks who can take a joke and not get offended by everything.

who gives a fuck just don't go watch it

You guys could have prevented this, but you aproved black Felix Leiter, that's where it all began, then you aproved black Moneypenny.

who even cares about 007?

Ghostbusters spent $350 million on marketing isn't that nucking futs

De Armas> Seydoux>>> Niggapenny>>>>>>>>>> Dennis Rodman

>Have Ana De Armas at their disposal
>The goddess will probably get barely any screentime

>and she is black and she is female and she is beautiful
not if she's in the same photo as anna de armas she isn't

The name's Bond, Jail Bond
Chicken wing, fried not grilled

Dr. Sheeeit
From the Ghetto wit Love
You Only Loot Twice
The Man with the Stolen Gun
License to Steal
The Spy Who Shanked Me
Tomorrow Dindu Dead
Quantum of Shieee
Casino Robbery
Diamons Are Mine Nigga
Never Nig Nog Again
Quantum I Stoledis
Dr. Nog
From Compton with Drugs
I've Only Been Arrested Twice
On Her Majesty's Social Services
Spades Are Forever
Nig and Let Jive
The Man with the Golden Rims
The Spy Who Robbed Me
For My Attorney's Eyes Only
The Spy Who Robbed Me
The Welfare Is Not Enough
Dr. Nig
The Man With The Golden Grill
Diamonds Are For Stealing
License To Chimp
You Only Parole Twice
Video Poker Royale
Welfare Is Forever
Octopiece Family Bucket
Never Say Nigger Again
A Witness to a Robbery
The Daily Fistfights
Licence to Steal
Baby Travon Never Dies
The Reparations Are Not Enough
Work Another Day
Crown Royale
Dayquan of Soul Ice
Call 555-BOND25

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wtf is she even wearing

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>$350m on marketing
Bullshit, even the biggest movies spend $150 - 200m on marketing max

I can't wait for her one movie.

Georgia Lazyniggerby

white people are easily triggered that's why they do it
free marketing for their shit ideas
headlines were all misleading, fakes news etc...

white people never learn
we're taking over all your shit
white people are cancelled

>i am white

doubt it

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cool anecdote
try calling them a nigger next time and see how they react

I look exactly like that dude, have a switch, and drink almond milk because regular milk makes me feel like shit.

A lot of these images are just serious self hate from these people. But it's also bashing people who latch on to the stereotype of that shit to fill their void of a personality. It doesn't apply to everyone like that.

Can't wait for the dialogue between these two.

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What about all those other times there have been black female in Bond movies?

are you retarded?
the rule of thumb is that the marketing budget is equal to the production budget.
with horror and blockbuster films the marketing budget can be 5+ times the production budget.

we are talking about 007, not actual side characters.

007 can't be a side character in fucking a fucking 007 movie.

>She's beautiful
She looks like Wesley Snipes and if they are arguing that all women are beautiful in their own way they might as well cast Steve Buscemi as James Bond that every woman throw themselves over, the feminists themselves would rather have Craig than Steve Buscemi.
Also, why should I call her beautiful out of respect even when it's clear she prefer black kangz and in her delusion thinking she's genuinely beautiful and it's not just out of kindness would just be smug and laugh about how black kangz only can have a black queen like her?

Leftie? Leftie? How is it possible for someone to be this retarded?

That's Dennis Rodman, you fool.

>tfw balding and short sighted
>wear contacts (eventually got lasik last year)
>embraced the hair loss and went full cueball (nothing more pathetic than the reverse widow's peak)
>keep my face clean shaven
you have the option to look like a badass or a soiboi
your choice

>white people are easily triggered that's why they do it
>but we are actually trying to take over your shit.

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Looking forward to villains capturing her and playing with her ass

>She looks like Wesley Snipes
lmao it's true

Shaft played by a White guy when?

That's pretending the jerkoffs this is pandering to even remembers the past Bond movies.

To be fair, they are mentally unstable and prone to violence.

Doubt all you want.
If you go and call some random white person an jackass you are gonna get punched in the face too. But hate blacks all you want i am not gonna stop.

You are an undercover leftie trying to provoke retarded outrage which you can use to make people who dissaprove female black 007 look as retarded rednecks.
I'm not falling for that trick anymore.

>she's literally called Lash and Lynch

AM I living in a simualtion designed to torture my consciousness for all eternity?

based and white goodman-pilled

>an jackass
that's neither a racial insult nor grammatically correct
and I guarantee if you walked down the streets of one of the most belligerent cities in the US (NYC) and called every single white guy "an jackass," "hey asshole," or "pussy-ass honkey," fewer than 10% would even address you, let alone get violent.
How many black people do you think would attempt to fight you if you said "hey nigger"?

Was it Lynchian?


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nope, just clown world, friend

It's like a South Park episode.

she is way too beautiful so they'll probably cut her entirely, no way you can have that sharp of a contrast

>browsing Yea Forums
user please.

Nah, they will probably reboot the franchise with another male Bond after Daniel Craig leaves. I'm just worried that his final movie will be plagued with corny "woke" humor. The screenwriter who decided on a black woman for the new 007 is a self-proclaimed feminist, and her script has been described as "funny" in interviews. I think having Bond paired up with a black female agent could work if done properly, but all we know about it so far sounds like it's going to be cringey. It doesn't help that the actress looks like a female version of Don Cheadle.

I'm not going to see this movie.

Quantum was shit, Skyfall was shit, Spectre was shit, and rather than actually come up with a good story they're race baiting. Fuck those Broccoli cunts.

Bondeshwa will sass her over her white privilege.
>>whole theater erupts

Looking forward to her never having a love interest and just getting ass blasted by the villain in every movie



>look like
it's like you can't read

KYS boomer. Craig's Casino Royale was the best of the series.

Well shit.

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Well i guess you do have a point but i would still not call all black people thin skinned. Also why are you blaming blacks for this and not the people in Hollywood?

He allready was in Skyfall.

Looking forward to where she goes to Russia and is immediately blackjacked and sold into the sex industry

Because it’s completely unnecessary and out of touch with the fanbase and the creators wishes. Other than that, most Bond movies will always have some kino parts but forced progressivism for the sake of earning social credit points is retarded.

>theater erupts
Was it built on a volcano

Yeah I forgot they already made Moneypenny into a negress.

We found the nigger

i will not watch this bullshit to protest and vote with my shekels

I'm not slamming anyone. Just pointing out the retardation of this post:

>Imagine being retarded enough to not realize James Bond will still be the main character in the movie.

Craig has been touch and go with the franchise (mostly because of godawful production) for a while, you think this isn't setting up for a Janiqua Bond spin-off?

Drop dead, honkey

Why is British media so obsessed with black people? Arent there barely any blacks in the UK compared to the US?

It is the best of Craig's Bond movies but not the best Bond movies.

well thats just how people talk in new york

>black people deserve representation, they’re 13% of the US population but if they’re not at least 50% of leading roles that’s racist. Also they should be in every single commercial or it’s racist. Also they should always only be paired with white women or I’ll cry racist. Also if you dont vote for Obama you’re obviously a racist. they’re rioting again outside because a black guy was shot by the racist police just because they were waving and pointing a gun at police. But if u complain about them rioting / burning down ur neighborhood then you’re racist. Also little mermaid is black now. So is Spider-man’s Mary Jane. So is James Bond.
>wow can you shut the fuck up and stop complaining about race and injecting it into everything?
Fuck off baitster

white guilt and antiwhite ideology knows no borders. it's a genuine mind virus

Nice strawman, but try actually engaging with what OP asked.

And without fail, your kind has to protect every black casting. Why is that?

this is going to backfire so spectacularly
james bond isnt ghostbusters or star wars
james bond fans arent 12 year olds or nerds
james bond fans are normie as fuck like my brother in law
they're just not going to see it

What if SJW is Russian sleeper agents promoting cultural propaganda to destroy the west, and it's been going on sice the "end" of the cold war, and it's working?

why would a man with a literal loicense to kill care about the world of #metoo

There are people ITT, on this website, on the internet, on this planet, in this universe, in this dimension, in this timeline that are complete faggots. Think about that.

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If they're alone and unarmed they'd start screamng about your racist attacks, but if they're armed or in packs, you'd end up either crippled for life or dead.

Because you know, civilized people.

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OP is a retard. This is bad enough already.

Idris Elba must be pissed.

kys op

Like Ghostbusters, James Bond is normie stuff. Your parents don't want to see some spook. Also, have sex.

Don’t worry they got the bots ready to make everyone who isn’t interested in bond to be an incel women hating nazi

because catcalling is worse than killing people for the government

She is hideous. Everyone knows this. That's why she was cast. They wouldn't have to call her beautiful if they actually thought she was.

hello merchant friend

How long 'till we start seeing the "the new 007 will have racist alt-right trolls shitting on their pants" articles?

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If you cant create, corrupt. Thats all leftist art is, a corruption of original ideas.

Don't pretend you wouldn't

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Here is what is going to happen.

>movie does well because Daniel Craig is in it
>studio will say "See look! A black female Bond will work!"
>next film they give her 100,000,000 contract
>it fucking bombs because Daniel Craig isn't in it
>studio is confused as to why it didn't do well when the last film did

Probably by the end of the day

She looks like top cornerback recruit out of the the ACC. Literally no one in the world would fuck her.

I hope so. Everyone gets burned on the woke train, black men with mishappen heads included.

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There is more to a woman then her excrement producer.

>box office bomb
That doesn't exist anymore. They fudge the numbers, blame conservatives or the general population ACTUALLY likes this shit. I can't tell anymore.

>le short haired strong black woman with the smug raised eyebrow face meme

I dont like this one

oh i get it, they brought her(?) on so brie would look like a million bucks

Not in Bond 26 there isnt, we are going to see some prolapse defying anal stunts from this exciting new secret agent jungle woman

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I'm not into zoo

Excellent bait /pol/ :^)

You might be the dumbest most spineless person in this universe. And you clearly don't understand this place.

Are you a Boomer? Don't answer just GTFO.

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Remember when you would get multiple choice tests in grade school and one of the answers to every question was very obviously wrong? That's her in this photo. There is no question involving profit, marketability, longevity, etc where she is the answer.

This was a move to insight outrage. And they are right. Why shouldn't I be outraged when they are specifically going for "Haha fuck you whitey". They can insight anger now, and when the backlash comes, we will be the ones insighting the outrage.


There are attractive black women. She isn't one of them.

Honestly very excited for the new intro where a high def camera zooms in on her twerking cheeks, right down to the wrinkles on her sphincter while Billie Eilish mumbles a theme song

Will Incels ever stop seething?

James Bond: Turdcutter

dunno. will niggers ever stop murdering, raping and stealing?

its in their DNA so no

I've not seen anyone being outraged. As usual all I've seen is people complaining about the imaginary outraged people.

Stop. "Prolapse defying anal stunts" actually sounds like something I'd pay to see. Its gonna be hard diarrhea on a carpeted floor.

>still seethe over a movie
YIKES@that white fragility

not saying it's brave and beautiful = being outraged and triggered
get with the times grampa

With leftists ever produce OC?

>british genetics
>uglier sheboon

I never thought Ana de Armas was a 10/10 literal goddess but standing next to these slags sure makes her look like one.

This so much. They like to invent imaginary racists because it generates controversy and brings attention to the film.

KYS You stupid little cunt with no taste.

>representation matters!
>inclusion rider!

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America's SJW views leaked into Europe

What decides if a loser goes to the far left or the far right? This image really makes me wonder.
Everyone on Yea Forums is an ugly cunt who probably got bullied at school but so is everybody on tumblr, so what decides whether you become far left or far right?

It’s real simple. We know they didn’t do this to tell a good story or make a good movie. They did this to turn a profit off a social movement, in an effort to rectify the floundering franchise after the last one underperformed. It’s transparent as fuck and people will eat it up

genetics and neurology

they also did it because the producer is a roastie with the sjw mind virus

God I wish Ana had big hooters.

Why do SJW's love to use the word shit so much?

I don't have to pretend I wouldn't

>whenever a black person is portrayed in remotely good light
imagine being ok with lies

>>Lashana Lynch takes down the haters in one tweet and it is GLORIOUS.....please see our movie

Edgy tryhardness. Also a horrible vocabulary because they read nothing of value.

beause the 26th "Bond" movie won't even have Bond in it, she's set up to be his replacement, that's why.
Plus they're all trying to make us think she's "stunning" and "beautiful" when that is one ugly ass woman.

he doesn't have a license to objectify

(((Noah Berlatsky)))

a volcano of black RAGE.


You believe anything a website tells you, huh?
Craig will be as much a star as Mark Hamill was in TLJ. Wait until the move comes out. You'll see.

Why the fuck would you have a last name of LYNCH as a black person?

There would be no controversy and no outrage if she looked like this: ( pic related)
They pick a really ugly chick so that women and feminists are not angry and sour about men being turned on by her. Just like with little mermaid or tessa Thomson in men in black.
Women, white women feel threatened by hot black women. Hollywood cant allow that.

Hollywood cant allow half of their paying audience to feel jealous, unconfortable and annoyed.
White women are the reason hollywood hires these hideous chicks

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There are a lot blacks like that but i would not say all of them are that bad.

Movies are not just made to make money. Movies are controlled by the highest echelons of the establishment. Movie are SOCIAL ENGINEERING.
All of this is being perpetrated by the establishment from the top down.

Did you know Bond movies are premiered in front of the "royal family"?

When this new Bond movie comes out starring a nigger, it will be premiered in front of the royal family who all of a sudden at the exact same time have a nigger married in to them. We. Are. Being. Replaced.

You know who the self-confessed match maker of Harry and whatshername is?
A Jew.
You know who controls the movie industry?
You know who wrote this article?
A Jew. All this when they are only 2% of the population.

now I want a movie of James killing a bunch of woman while saying woke things like "its her turn" or "pink tax is wrong"

i remember there being some pretty fucking handsome aesthetic looking nazis at the Charlottesville rally.. why do they only use nerds?

Believe all you want that all the blacks are ghetto niggers.

They should've cast Lupita instead

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Niggers are like 4% of the British population, why do they account for like 50% of all british actors?

Better kill those jews then but you have balls to do that.

Part of it is your brain.
We are predestined to choose a side.
Some people choose globalism and open borders while others choose to respect police and borders are nationalists depending on how your brain works ( there have been studies on it)

Another part is your upbringing and your surroundings. If you live in california and are indoctrinated and constantly taught liberal values then you end up a sjw.
If your family, your school, your friends are liberals you end up griwing up liberal

If you brain was right leaning then as an adult you get red pilled and go.back.

Maybe blacks actually do good in societies where they haven't been enslaved and oppressed for centuries, unlike america? Hmmmm

99% are yes, they are a sub race and that's simple science. the world would 100% be better without them.


>the general population ACTUALLY likes this shit. I can't tell anymore

it's this one. imagine thinking it's any other one. do you seriously think they can "fudge" a billion dollars out of thin air?

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Nobody complained about Halle Berry in die another day that's for sure. She even played an NSA special agent. No complaints. #1. She wasn't threatening Bond's role, and #2. Halle Berry is legit beautiful. Lashana Lynch is ugly.

Think of the action.
Burning cars.
Exploding tires.
People hurt and screaming everywhere.
All that because she tried to parallel park an aston martin.

Minority privilege.. Same thing happens in Football i've witnessed it first hand. family friend who's pretty much an uncle works as a talent scout for the Chelsea football club in the UK. (he hears about young players and goes to watch them play and if they're good enough invite them to the youth club). he pretty much came right out and said out of all the kids he recommends the club should pick up.. 80% of them are white, but for some reason 80% of the kids that actually get accepted are black.

friendly reminder that racism can save your life

Even if there was they still don't have any kinda balls to do anything.

prettier for sure but still not a knockout.

I raffed

weren't the English the ones that originally bought the slaves from Africa?

Friendly reminder if all niggers and muslims died tonight, the world would be MEASURABLY better tomorrow morning.

They were going to do that with Jinx and they couldn't get it off the ground with prime Halle Berry on board.

As an Asian, I am disappointed in Hollywood by their lack of diversity.

Look here. We are all just glad that bond wont be a black man blacking white women. We are very happy for the new female Bond and wish her all the best. Perhaps she will get colonized by a few norgods? I heard they will shoot a few scenes in norway

>Even if there was they still don't have any kinda balls to do anything.

Lmao.. Shut up you faggot leftist larper. When the Right wing death squads show up at your door you'll be seig heiling and calling them your brothers.

Leftists are the type to become violent against their political enemies but then get absolutely destroyed by them and claim to be victims.

There's probably one in a million of them that can hear the word nigger and not chimp out though.

Why are you so sure people will flock to see this?

I just think it's funny cuz i'll never watch it

Legalize mayocide

Remember Lupita is who they wanted initially but she turned it down

She has her own original spy flick coming out. I bet it will do better.

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I would say that is bit too much. And maybe world would be better place without but then you would have to get rid of white trash, spics and chinks.

smashes a mirror over a womans head
>objectification is wrong
hangs a woman from a rope and walks aways
>I be-left her
sprays acid in a womans face
>talk about toxic masculinity

Which "woke" movies that succeeded are you talking about?

She looks like Black Panther guy in drag

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>be in college walking back to my dorm late at night
>see a really fat black guy in nothing but a toga walking through the quad
>pretty funny
>next day be talking to a friend and tell him "it was almost like the start of a joke: big fat black guy wearing nothing but a toga walking through the quad"
>black guy within earshot storms over
>"So we a joke to you, honkey? You wanna fight me?"
You don't even have to address them or say anything even mildly offensive. Blacks have the thinnest skin of any race by far.

The difference is that twitter wasnt a thing back then. Social media was not as strong. Women did complain about "objectification" and sexism and all that crap, but they didnt have a loud voice like now.
Halle berry got naked in the Swordfish movie, and i remember some women were upset at her outfits in that movie and the objectification, but Hollywood wasnt paying attention.

Anyone else looking forward to when we hear about who's being cast in the new lord of the rings billion dollar funded amazon series?

I guarantee you they're gonna shit it up with a bunch of minorities and completely destroy the texture of the fantasy.

no just ridding the world of nogs would make this world a much better and safer place

crazy that I might consider seeing her film and not Bond because I would want to help push the message that bait and switches aren't okay and if you want black women in lead roles in action movies do an original not fuck with an established character.

Friendly reminder it's racist to say blacks look the same.. When they all have same skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, negroid facial structure.

White people are the most colourful diverse looking race on earth. It's honestly like we're living in upside down land in 2k19.

competent at what? autism?

It's not the jews fault people are repulsed by you m8

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Men certainly weren't complaining about Halle Berry nude in swordfish, we were too busy rewinding and watching that shit again.

removing parasites

not really, if that was his goal he missed a lot

Fund it

ok? He still removed at least 40 parasites including a broodmother, good results from 1 pasty white dude.

it's literally a question of whether you have a functioning self preservation center in your brain
there was some lefty article not too long ago that tried to spin this by saying "if you experience fear you're more likely to be conservative" when in reality all that's saying is "if you would willingly jump off a cliff without thinking you're probably a leftist"

>dayum nigga
>looks like you be needin
>a lash 'n a lynch

only if you are a retard with no sense of scale. his sperg out only made his nonsense position that much more vilified by powers that actually matter

>I think having Bond paired up with a black female agent could work if done properly
Wasn't that Die another day


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There are shit tones of black people down south of the uk

Femamnesia strikes again.

Is that why Souf FC has Ngubu?

no that was the jews

also michelle yeoh can go fuck herself apparently

who the hell is Femamnesia

your mom

I can do that for her

feminist amnesia

Where whatever woman they're pushing now is the first one to ever do that thing that was male dominated 100% up until this point and "It's about Damn Time!"

"femnesia" is better


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People who work products branded as "007" cares a lot.
Imagine how to sell most masculine three digits after stronk black female has taken over this codename.

>james bond will still be the main character
>is a black woman
literally kill yourself

>Yea Forums and /pol/ once again get lead by shills into an embarrassing racist incel tirade that will achieve nothing but increasing this movies sales figures due to the publicity they provide

I need a hobby so I can stop coming to this brain rot website. If you're not a shill and you're replying to these threads seriously you should fucking kill yourself you retarded dog.

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>Retards just like being outraged.

Sure kike

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not with that fucking face, sorry, there are trannies in my country (colombia) that have a more beautiful face than that nigger.

Are you mad that he called your ilk out?

1. She's not attractive but they keep trying to say she is.
2. This is just the first step towards fucking the James Bond character in later films.
3. Fuck all this unnecessary agenda bollocks constantly pushing women and blacks all the time.

Honestly, I preferred the old method of just making a film, and then letting the minorities make an alternative version themselves.
>Wizard of Oz and the Wiz
>A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and Black Knight
>The King's Speech and Straight Outta Compton
>Captain America and Black Panther
That way, we all get the film we wanted, and they get their film too. Shit, Hollywood does the same but in reverse for most Asian films, so why the fuck not?

where does A Madea Family Funeral fit into this?

You mean like Captain Marvel? A movie that was so fucking average and yet still made over a billion dollars.

If anything this will get more people to see a new Bond movie, at least out of curioisty. Nobody has given a shit about those movies since Casino Royale.



Mrs Doubtfire, probably.

nothing, went from far right-ish to far left over a couple of years.

So people (including you apparently) are so fucking dull that they can only relate to characters that are of the same (American Chattel Slavery era defined) race.

but Madea (in the TPCU) is actually a woman

What, it's okay for blacks to constantly whine about lack of "representation" because they can't relate, but not for whites?

>wow, how progressive! a multi-million dollar company, which exists only due to capitalism imperialism, an inherently suppressive system, is diversifying a multi-million dollar franchise! they sure are in touch with us little folk!
why are capitalists so bluepilled

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Reading books

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She's replacing James Bond, meaning the character is now dead just to make room for muh diversity. Of course some fans are upset.

Eh, i think fat people in general can get offended easily.

What a smooth brained shitter you are. I did not say that, if you (or anyone else [including black people {aka Niggers}]) cannot relate to a character because of their race they are a moron.

>capitalism imperialism, an inherently suppressive system
Always get a kick out of strawmannning tards speaking the quiet part loud.

>the horrors of free trade
Yeah, that pic is how you look.

Imagine being so stupid that you still believe Disney lies about Captain Marvel saids.

Wouldn't surprise me if they'll use this movie as a litmus test and see if the audience will tolerate this decision or not, and make sure the next movie is either progressive or not based on how it's recieved and sells.

But isn't also racist to say that asians look the same?

Is this a serious question?

corporate endorsement for "progressive" values hinders actual progress if it's still perpetuating the same cultural and economic system. the west has always been corrupt and oppressive, and adding a black woman at the helm of a highly successful hollywood franchise only aims to hinder any progress. it is kind of a placation of progress, whereby people will believe that progress is happening and will be further enticed to support the conglomerates that continue to oppress the underclass.

Imagine being so stupid that you still believe Disney lies about Captain Marvel sales.

shut the fuck up nigger

cringe and narrowminded pill. keep licking those boots, or shining, whichever you're best at

Do they really though? Because a lot blacks like martial-arts movies and if we go with white movies they like Bond movies too.

Sony are the usual suicidal morons.
Soon they will close down and Disney will buy their IPs for a pittance.
And the next Bond movie after this will probably be a JJ Abrams reboot.

the fat black guy wasn't the one who was offended you low IQ moron

Based and underrated

>SJWs want a black Superman, not a Black Superhero character of their own.
>They cry about being inferior, but project their inferiority complex by self-Inserting their own likeness towards Caucasian people's IP's.

This is what is happening. And they can't see the irony of it.

no that's comedy

Are you saying a black british man born in Britain isn’t a native Brit?

he's not though

but i suppose you're native to the country you come from because you were born inside the borders and under its jurisdiction?

In the same sense that native Americans are considered the Indians, native Europeans are the Native populations of their countries.
The African dude is from an immigrant population.

Britishness isn't a credal thing like Americanism is.

yes i know, i was just seeing if he was going to be a hypocrite but so far he's consistent. however, he didn't explicitly state where he was from, i assumed usa.