What's the least satisfying conclusion to a movie/TV series?

What's the least satisfying conclusion to a movie/TV series?

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The Simpsons



damn that was impressive

Pretty sure you could write a doctoral thesis on how pants on the head retarded the end of How I Met Your Mother was.

Quantum Leap


That shitty Jindabyne film. No resolution on whether the chick gets an abortion, and the film ends with the murderer getting stung by a wasp. No meaning, no theme, not even the Abbo uprising subplot gets resolved. Just EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED and no fucking ending. Ahead of its time for 2006 I guess lol

Who are you quoting?

in many ways, the ending made sense, there was foreshadowing that the mother would the die and the whole show was indeed about how ted likes robin. the problem was more that the show went on for a lot longer than originally planned, if it ended sooner it would have made more sense

Original vision or not, spending like 20 episodes hyping up Barney and robins romance as true love and then breaking them up 10min into the very next episode is the dumbest shit I have ever seen (except for game of thrones S8)

>Spend a whole season on Robin and Barney getting married
>Introduce the Mother
"o they broke up btw and your mom died, can i fug Robin now?"

This sounds like Stockholm syndrome

Muholland dr

you sound like you have cockblown syndrome, because you're gay bitch

It's sad because the show peaked that season with the punching Derek, meeting the mother etc. All fun stuff then the finale just sucked so badly it retroactively ruined all of that

after watching new girls I realized that HIMYM actually sucked the whole time

you sound like someone who thinks HIMYM's finale was good


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Battlestar Galactica

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GoT, the only satisfying thing was that it was put out of its misery

Was this made by Marvel Studios?

Star trek enterprise. Series got axed prematurely so they came up with this retarded idea to make it part of TNG episode. At least we got to make fun of fat Riker.

Hereditary completely shit itself in the final act and took all the ambiguity and intrigue of its first two acts and just shat out a "dude it's all to do with some fucking cult bullshit lmao".

Avengers 4

Nothing will ever top this.

>You enjoy this show and want to see a satisfying conclusion? Lol fuck you this show sucks and all we ever wanted was to write bad TNG episodes so now we're gonna do it. Too bad for you, thanks for watching.

I don't understand how anybody can be this retarded. Lurking the entire movie is building towards it and there are constant references and hints and foreshadowing. If the cult came out of nowhere to you, you're a fucking idiot.

Apocalypse Now

He's not completely wrong. There are hints and foreshadowing that something weird is going on but literally the entire final act happens because she finds a photo album that explains that there is a cult to her.

Penny Dreadful just went off the fucking rails with the cowboy shit in the last season.

Frasier being so open ended was unsatisfying for me. Guy was in his 50s and he's supposed to thrive in a new city? And he loses the family connection they'd built up as so important for 10 seasons, and he doesn't resolve any of his issues that are sabotaging his relationships. Everyone EXCEPT Frasier wins. Kind of shitty.

Hopefully they do make the sequel show Ive heard rumours about

Game of Thrones

he's a homo and rich, of course he'd strive in a new city

He's 100% hetero
shit meme

It has the perfect ending though.

Unless you lived vicariously through Martin sheen and expected him to take over the village after finishing his mission?

Patrician Greek tragedy, plebivs brainlets need not apply

But the cult was literally everywhere. The director beat you over the head with the symbol during the funeral and with a 30 second close up of the symbol on the telephone pole

The Godfather Part 3

This, I can't believe they dropped the ball so badly after Infinity War.

the third act of this. i've never been more frustrated by feminist shilling and last minute subversion in my life. and the final fight was awful.
>awkwardly throwing weak punches while submerged in water
>shaky cam
>constantly cutting to harrison ford looking bored while half-drowning
the opposite of a payoff. i can't belive any of you fucking retards defend this film past the 2nd act, let alone say it's better than the original. fuck all of you for making me think it would be good.

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oh and don't bother replying if you disagree. i already know what type of person you are. kill yourself.

It was shilled by literal incels. You should have known better

In what way?

Get better at bait please, this is embarrassing


Lost is the only correct answer. We need to close this thread, because there is nothing more to contribute.

>>>>in what way?
>builds main character to be a likeable incel who wants to find his place in the world
>finally finds his place
>gets immediately knocked down a peg by underground nu-force
>"aww, sweetie. you didn't actually think you were the main character? so sad. inconsequential side character is actually the most important one here. have sex, incel"
>rest of the film in total shambles. no weight to anything that happens.
>K is now suddenly 100% okay with having no importance

not bait. kys reddit

The Brittas Empire. Great series ruined by a shitty it was all a dream ending.


wasted trips
nigger nigger nigger


I am in actual disbelief at how hard you misinterpreted this entire movie

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Black Sails

They made my boy flint into a gay pirate who retires in prison with his homosexual lover

do you have an actual argument?

>hurr durr their captain is still alive this is an emergency for some reason and we can't just go back to Galapagos after we tell them about it either

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>let's transport our prisoner from our impenetrable corporate hq fortress to a ship in space for some reason
That logic made absolutely no sense.

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finally, a comrade.

The final act of this was shit but not for any of the reasons you said, in fact the final fight scene was the best part of the movie.

The third act was shit because the script completely fell apart. The replicant resistance movement completely comes out of nowhere because the plot needs it to and the prostitute character being part of it happens for the same reason. The prostitute literally could have been a different character in every scene and nothing would change. The mystery of Rachel's child shit is also needlessly convoluted for the sake of forcing an DECKARD IS A REPLICANT subverted expectations twist that adds nothing to the story.

I laughed so fucking hard. Can't believe that i was the only person in the theater that found this funny.

you make a good point. my theory is last minute studio interference to keep from having backlash for not being political enough

sick burn

I liked the movie, but that part in particular has always fucking bothered me. You could just see the lazy writing being done to get Harrison to a point where he could be easily rescued.

E;R's review of the film was pretty well-rounded

God taking part in the story was all foreshadowed, the problem is the characters all started acting retarded for no reason other than to serve the plot
>hey we found this planet
>let's just fly our advanced starship and all technology into the sun and fuck some apes
and other mysteries and arcs that had been set up before were abandoned. Basically the last season was them revealing they were just making shit up as they went, much like LOST.

There's literally zero evidence to support that outside of your perma-triggered victim complex head canon. Michael Green is a consistently B / B+ writer and his clunky scripts are elevated by director's with great visuals and this is no exception.

I couldn't even make it to the third act, the movie is so fucking boring, the visuals are all it has going

Once Upon A Time In America

the movie is pretty good overall, but there's a plot twist that lacks any impact

>femme fatale will never understand...

>Do you have an actual argument
When your post starts off with 'They build the main character up as a likeable incel', it's obvious you're just baiting for (you)s

based retard user

blind praise

Which was why I'm glad I saw it in IMAX. It wouldn't have made nearly the impact it did on me in front of a TV

>lives alone
>waifu AI wife
>actual likeable incel
>somehow bait

This and the Terror are very similar in that they are A caliber creators adapting pulpy period piece books so when the pulpier shit happens it's kind of jarring. It's this perfectly crafted movie and it ends with "Lol be sure to grab the sequel, in stores next Christmas!"

The X-files

>spend entire finale summarizing plot
>confirm it was bunch of nonsense

an hour of Mulder and Scully watching Plan 9 on the couch would have unironically been better

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i should acknowledge superior intellect. sorry for trespassing on your grounds, hawking

It's explained. Are you stupid?

I saw this video once, it was a lesbian from Spain. Short hair, stylish but still reasonably pretty. Body was TIGHT though, like one a them soccer dames. She agreed to have sex with a man. Dude was pretty well hung. Anyways, they took it slow and it was sweet and tender, the guy was being nice and very considerate of the woman.

When he entered her her face looked like the greatest weight had been removed from her. Dude knew what he was doing. It was very erotic and passionate. She began quietly sobbing while this guys doing long thrusts all up in her, her eyes were full of tears when she came and he kept going. Eventually he spurted all over her tight stomach, but by the blessed St. Christopher I wanted to see him bust in her face.

S9 exists and there is nothing you can do about it

It ruined the shows legacy

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Prison Break is a strong contender because they made a new season where they exonerated Scofield (yes, he survived) in the end. T-bag turns good again and the other guys barely appear.

>Doesn't hate women
>Literally has sex in the movie
>Has multiple women want to fuck him
Him being lonely is due to him being a replicant, and the fact that they're heavily looked down upon, not that he's a fucking incel you dumbass

I'm aware it's foreshadowed, it's just not a worthwhile conclusion in my opinion. I liked it when everything was ambiguous and what we saw seemed to be more of a reflection of a mother and son dealing with grief and loss. The cult shit just felt like they were trying to tie something tangible to something that should have just been left intangible.

well you better fucking post the link

Rate these sitcom finales from best to worst

1. Friends
2. Malcolm In the Middle
3. Cheers
4. Scrubs
5. Frasier
6. Seinfeld
7. How i Met Your Mother

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>"Lol be sure to grab the sequel, in stores next Christmas!"
There never was a sequel and there were no plans for it. It is possible for characters to continue having adventures you know.

Fuck this was like in the mid 2000s, I doubt it's still up

>It ruined the shows legacy
nah, it always felt like a spinoff to me and I can easily compartmentalize it into its own shitty thing. Season 8's ending was perfect.

>spending like 20 episodes hyping up Barney and robins romance
Dude it wasnt 20 episodes, it was like 5 seasons

not going to spoil it but it is bad
>once upon a time
I will spoil this Time travel so multiple of the main characters exist at once and all the realms are combined into one. It's also hinted that it is a prequel to kingdom hearts games as well.
>avengers endgame
You know why it is shit
underwhelming and killing off the joker was retarded
>Garfield funfest
bad story but it got worse with Garfield getting away with everything
>That one cowboy film
Forgot the name but the ending was fucking shit. Like it had a cowboy hunt this man down and in the end he lets him go for no reason.

>dude, it was all in their head lmao
it's only the most cliche shit ever

Exactly my point. It is an ending taken from a pulp series that has 20 installments.

>It's also hinted that it is a prequel to kingdom hearts games as well.

yeah but it was still rad

I sort of agree but The X-Files had been in a downward spiral for so long before all of the 'finales' that it didn't hurt as much as things that had generally been good for most of the runtime. They should have just ended it after the first movie and left us happy in the knowledge that The X-Files had been reopened and Mulder & Scully will continue investigating and fighting against The Syndicate's plans, after that point the mytharc just became a bunch of contradictory nonsense.

>It's also hinted that it is a prequel to kingdom hearts games as well.

you're joking right?

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>not going to spoil it but it is bad
what is this, fucking reddit? you really think you gotta be wary of spoilers for a 10 year old show with a famously terrible plot?

Aubrey bested the french captain but the game is still afoot in a way. What's wrong with that?

1. How I met your mother
2. Malcolm In the Middle
3. Scrubs
4. Friends (boomer shit)
5. Frasier (boomer shit)
6. Seinfeld (boomer shit)
7. Cheers (boomer shit)

Everyone was dead the whole time and nothing you have been watching mattered.
Most things were unresolved and the writers told people to fuck themselves when questioned about it.
I'm not they show a bunch of shit and symbols from kh in the final episodes.

The point wasn't that I wanted it spoiled, the point was you acting like a redditor. You can't just reverse that, faggot

t. zoomer reddit tourist

Been here since 2008

1. Cheers
Only actual finale on the list that wasn't just okay but Good

2. Frasier
Not excellent like cheers, but still good

3. Friends
Like a pale imitation of cheers. The final seasons were bad but the finale really was fine.

4. Malcolm in the middle
Not bad, not good

5. Scrubs
Really ended on a poor note. Scrubs had high highs and lows lows and the whole final season was dogshit. Penultimate finale didn't have much closure either so pretty shit.

6. Seinfeld
The whole show was shit (maybe you had to watch it when it came out? I can't recall laughing at this garbage) but from what I've heard, this finale has no closure so it probably fucking sucks even harder than the rest of the show.

7. HIMYM. Literally ruined the entire final season in one finale. Garbage is too positive an adjective for this finale

Carlito's Way

Dexter ended pretty terribly, but it was already going downhill since season 4

>The whole show was shit
Imagine being this wrong

I'll do you one better

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The finale was a fucking clip show so he's not even wrong about the ranking


Season 1 was kino

Yep, eternal newfag
Least I don't have a reddit account though

Heroes isn't so bad if you're not watching it week-to-week, I picked up the blu ray for about $20 and went through it again a few months back, season 1 is great, season 2 is weak because they had to try and write a continuation to it instead of new characters and a new story as the originally planned which meant they had to do all sorts of silly power limiting stuff on Sylar and Hiro because they were basically demigods by the end of the first season, but it improves after that, all the stuff about the government trying to round up the mutants was great, and I really liked T-Bag's carnival.

Green mile always had a nice one. Seeing the mouse peacefully pass on, let's us know Paul will eventually pass on.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I'd rather they leave it ambiguous and never really give you an answer like in The Shining, than force some bullshit cult mlarkey into the movie in the final act.


>not knowing the difference between thrive and strive
Based fly-over education.

>and we can't just go back to Galapagos after we tell them about it either
But Jack literally says the bird is flightless, so it'll wait for them.

Even if you don't take that as a joke (which it clearly is), he also says they'll escort the Acheron to Valparaiso which is completely unnecessary once they tell them about the captain

>than force some bullshit cult mlarkey
It's all foreshadowed, they weren't even subtle about it.

I liked it.
Subverted my expectation.


Was pretty great once you realize how they spelled out what the bells mean throughout the season.

>opinions are like assholes
> Neil Patrick Harris wants to stick his cock in them
>no wait that's just assholes

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>which is completely unnecessary once they tell them about the captain
No it isn't, because with the captain alive he'd try to rebel all the way there, as that's his sworn duty. This is especially clear since he faked his own death, showing he's a crafty "dishonourable" fucker who'd definitely do it, and since he's an actual captain he'd be able to make the normally docile crew go along with the uprising because now there's a captain around to report them as traitors if they don't follow his orders and do their utmost in the name of their country, instead of getting to sit out the war in a warm jail.

The English sailors manning the ship would be outmanned by a lot, because the Surprise's crew was small after their voyage and they weren't about to put any more people on the ship than was required to sail her, so they would be in danger of being overrun every day of the trip, knowing the captain's there would do nothing to save themselves from that. They'd either have to work themselves ragged manning the ship on their own, which they're probably too few to do, or risk a mutiny every time they brought out fresh enemy sailors to man the sails. The precarious situation can be amply solved by having another ship to escort them in, so the enemy knows that any mutiny would only lead to them being blown out of the water. Having the captain travel on your own ship as your "guest" would also help amply. This would be the duty of any captain, especially when there's no other enemy warships for leagues and their only other idea was taking a leisure cruise to Galapagos for his friend's natural history research.

The Leftovers


both endings are shit and they could have simply cut the show off at any point and slapped those endings on them

but that's just the thing: it was making fun of shows like LOST before LOST was even a twinkle in JJ's wallet

oh fucking shit, thank you!!!!!

>the ending was good if you introduce headcanon
you're worse than Evangelion fans

It's all set up in that very season. Educate yourself user.

who the fuck even gives a shit go back to fucking youtube

>Educate yourself
are you ok sweaty?

Fucking loved the ending to the Mist

ok retard


Leftovers should've ended with one season. It would've been great.

I never considered that they have too few men to man the ship properly without enlisting some of the French sailors (which as you say would obviously lead to a mutiny with the captain still in play)
I still don't see why they can't just, say, lock up the captain on the Surprise and still let the Acheron sail off on its own

Fuck off retards, ending is great

>the opposite of a payoff. i can't belive any of you fucking retards defend this film past the 2nd act, let alone say it's better than the original. fuck all of you for making me think it would be good.
Agree. The original was far, far better. Even when you feel the film is slowing down (when he returns to pick up Rachel), you get the sudden revelation that makes everything so good. And then, the elevator shot and the TUDU-DUDUN.

Blade Runner 2049 has nothing like it.

Unironically this.

It's worse because they started every episode saying "there is a plan". There was no plan.

>show builds up to this cataclysmic event and an all out attempt to stop it
>here's a 2 episode psycho analysis session with nothing plot related at all
>the end
wow such a great ending
so deep
if you didn't like it that just means you didn't GET it

came here to post this
what a fucking waste of a series

clearly you aren't

>they have another special after the series is over called The Plan
>there's still no plan

sorry to do this but I'm going to have to report you for harassment

can somebody greentext lost for me? I never bothered to it watch when it aired but im kinda curious about what the hype was about.


>cool setup
>plane crashes seemingly randomly, but there's a lot of crazy stuff on this island like a giant smoke monster and an underground facility
>this specific sequence of numbers keeps coming up - what does it mean? we just don't know...
>vast conspiracy unfolds
>the smoke monster is actually a person
>wait no it's actually a machine
>but controlled by a person
>and the island is controlled by a secret government organization
>oh wait actually they were just dead the whole time and the story you just watched was their judgement in purgatory
>forget all the mysteries we introduced, they didn't mean anything
people actually defend it as "deep" or "intellectual"

Seinfeld finally works better if you preten they all die during plane crash and the trial is in afterlive. HIMYM finall would work for 4th season

The show was very interesting because it showed otherwise normal people placed in a very strange setting, where they would witness unexplainable phenomena most of the time.

These people crashed on an island and they were trying to survive and come to terms with each other. All of them had a broken past. Slowly but surely, the show drifted away from this into full "mystery" and most important elements were NEVER explained, so you were baited and switched into watching the show in hope of learning some answers, but never received them.

My biggest issue is that a show that was VERY interesting because you saw how these people dealt with each other (and the strangers present on the island), slowly turned into a series about time travelling and people existing since ages ago and so forth, that had the most stupid, convoluted, and nonsensical explanations.

A lot of people didn't get the ending so they disliked it. I did get it, and disliked it anyways because I thought it was lame and a cheap nostalgia grab.

While I don't watch The Walking Dead anymore, I believe it will eventually turn up in one of these threads, many years into the future. And I would have ended it at Season 5, episode 13. The one with Spicks and Specks.

I would have ended it after the barn burning

>he didn't watch End of Evangelion
based retard


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>forget all the mysteries we introduced, they didn't mean anything

okay im glad Ive never watched it, this sounds pretty rage inducing

>here's your ending, bro
>oh wait, shit no, that ending didn't make sense, did it?
>here, watch this alternative ending as a standalone movie
>yeah, that was the real ending
>fucking retard
unironically commit toaster bath

more like season 1

except EoE was the planned ending all along, they just ran out of money for the show. Try again

If you eblieve as many do that Supernatural ended when season 5 ended then in the last 5 seconds of the last episode the finale goes from immenseley satisfying to very not satisfying at all


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It was just in bad taste.

>they ran out of money for the show
>wait no they ran out of time
>wait no the ending of the show is the true ending, EoE just puts it into context
>wait no, you must just not understand it
you people are fucked in the head
had they simply used those last two episodes to actually set up the movie, I would have given them the benefit of the doubt
instead they just raised a giant middle finger to the audience and said "pay for a movie ticket if you want me to explain this shit"

It really was. I watched it again last year over the span of a month, and you could really tell how each season got worse and worse. It's a shame because, for the most part, the first two seasons are really good.

>>wait no they ran out of time
>>wait no the ending of the show is the true ending, EoE just puts it into context
nobody says these things. It's a pretty well known fact the budget of the show was fucked by the end

Stop after season 1. Solved the problem.

>and most important elements were NEVER explained
You one of these faggots who wants Walt backstory? They explain most of the mysteries. Like it or not, there was explanation.

What they did to Flashforward hurt me, it didnt even get an ending.

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Stop browsing Yea Forums for a while. In fact, get off the world wide web completely, because I think it has made you sick

Castle Rock

>they were just dead the whole time
No, people can't be that retarded to believe that, right? Someone watched the final and start memeing that they're were dead and then it became like sneedposting

It's too late. He's at the stage where he revels in ignorance.

they were dead the whole time/they were in purgatory was one of the main theories that was there from like the time season 1 was airing. it was also one that people were sure was too retarded to be true. it was kind of like "lol imagine if they were all dead the whole time lmao"

when it turned out to be kinda true (but not entirely) at the finale, that's when it started getting memed really hard.

It comes at night

Worst horror movie I’ve ever seen for multiple reasons this one included. It’s like the movie tries to build up to something the entire time and then nothing happens. Nothing comes at night. It’s not scary. It’s not exciting in anyway. The takeaway from the film is literally “actually, we were the bad guys the whole time”. I am embarrassed for this flick.

And now JJ Abrams gets promoted to Star Wars because brainlet audiences are so enamored with "mystery boxes" that writing a plot is an afterthought.

holy fuck. owned

Jesus christ. My old school teacher was right, kids vacations are too fucking long

the last NGE hate thread had an even amount of people making those arguments as the money argument
and it really doesn't look good when you try to say an ending isn't shit because they ran out of money

The whole finale fight scene was cringe as fuck.

Season 1 was so fucking kino lads

>Jack asks his dad how he's here: "Didn't you die?"
>"I did die. The question is: how are you here?"
>"I'm dead?"
yeah, they literally said the characters were dead the whole time
it was a bunch of horse shit

to be fair, Jew Jew Abramson was only involved in the good parts of LOST

I'm surprised no one said Game of Thrones

It was another timeline of flash-sideways, which literally have nothing to do with the island itself. You either baiting or degenerate

It was satisfying unless you were expecting a Disney ending like every other normie out there, doesn't take a genius to have figured what was going to happen. Starks winning was just the cherry on top of a beautiful Dead T*arg cake.
You could argue they rushed the shit out of the finale and a ton of shit didn't make sense but hey, the journey was fun.

everyone has selectively blacked it out of their memory. if the books are ever released they're going to be just as shit, and all the trauma will be turned on George.

you mean, he was involved when the ending was decided, then made the decision to pad the show out to more seasons to make more money and left other people in charge of executing it so he couldn't be blamed.

>he can't ctrl+f


He's eaten by an invisible t-rex and everyone goes "oh fucking well."

Actually I take it back. That's the best way to end your TV series.

Jack's dad literally says they're both dead

>alternative ending
This is why you are a retard. EoE and the last 2 episodes are the same ending just from a different perspective. The whole fucking plot is mostly symbolic and it is implied from the first episodes on because why would the main characters even visit school in such a situation?

>nobody says these things
this guy just did lmao

Jack died in the end. He wasn't dead the whole time.

Jack and every other character, right?

>it was also one that people were sure was too retarded to be true. it was kind of like "lol imagine if they were all dead the whole time lmao"
I remember posting about how Arya is going to kill the Night King while Rules of Nature plays. It was just too retarded to actually happen.

have sex

>the weeb calls someone an incel


Gods plan was to have a cylon and a human fuck and produce offspring. This is supposed to solve the endless cycle of humans creating robots that rebel but i dont know how.

L O S T finale.

Other characters died later, Jack's father said that time doesn't matter there. In that afterlife/purgatory LA X was the point where they should already met then destiny or whatever lead them to each other to help remember things. Why? Because they we're the closest people in their lives and should go to "light" together

no, Jack's father says everyone dies sometime and some people die before you while others die after you
he didn't directly reference any of the other "survivors"


>and it really doesn't look good when you try to say an ending isn't shit because they ran out of money
fair enough, but my point is that you shouldn't judge the ending based on episodes 25&26. EoE is the real ending and should be judged on its merits whether or not you agree with the way it was released

>you shouldn't judge the ending based on episodes 25&26. EoE is the real ending
hardcore fans like say they're the same ending and the show stands on its own
are you admitting the show has a shitty ending on its own void of the movie?

no, I appreciate both endings. The tv ending wraps up everybody's character arcs and summarizes the themes, while also tying nicely into the movie if viewed as a companion piece. But the original guy was complaining that the plot wasnt wrapped up or whatever and if that's all you care about then EoE is perfectly satisfactory.

>The tv ending wraps up everybody's character arcs and summarizes the themes
it's a complete and total shift of narration style
episode 24 is part of the overall plot, but certainly not a conclusion in any way, shape, or form
episodes 25 and 26 take place inside shinji's head as far as the viewer is concerned because there's no setup saying what's going on or where we are
everything that happens in those episodes is told by an unreliable narrator, so no one knows what the fuck is happening, and then it just ends
with nothing
it's fucking garbage

Death Note. Light didn't lose because he got outsmarted, he lost because of bad luck.

that's basically my point retard. If you only want the plot resolved that's what EoE is for. Whether or not it was released later is irrelevant. I think 25&26 still stand up on their own, and don't believe the story was largely important to eva in the first place, but either way it still got resolved.

>If you only want the plot resolved
I ALSO want the plot resolved because if there's no conflict followed by resolution (even an unsatisfactory resolution), then it's not just a bad story, it's entirely incomplete and deserves a failing grade
>Whether or not it was released later is irrelevant
we're talking about television shows with terrible endings
NGE is a television show with a terrible ending. Possibly the worst ever made.
>either way it still got resolved
please explain the resolution without referencing anything outside the television show or using headcanon

Black Sails ending was fine.

The comic had a shit end already

Near in the anime jumped to stupid levels of conclusions to beat Light at every turn in double speed. It really dumbed everything down.

Wrong answer.

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Good post user

oh yeah i did the same but dropped it at the nuke part of season 5. I couldn't bear watching it anymore, retarded as it had become. Which is an absolute shame because the first two seasons are absolutely stellar and have some pinnacle cinematography in my opinion.

Attached: Locke.png (1920x1080, 1.75M)

>Black Sails
The ending was fine. Silver's plan was the right one.

Good to see no one mention Breaking Bad

Dexter was doomed the moment they killed Doakes

LOTS finale might be the best plebfilter of all time. Only brainlet room temperature IQs fall for the dead all along meme. The ending was so good that it salvaged what was an admittedly garbage final season.

Barely made it three episodes in, spoiler it for me plz


They hype this stupid battle up for two hours and then they just have badly choreographed dirtwrestling

Endgame. What were they thinking with this scene?

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I agree user. Lost is truly remarkable show and final is one of these things why its so special

They split the group and Dracula. That's pretty much it.

>unless you were expecting a Disney ending

The hell are you talking about? It was a happy ending. Everybody got what they wanted except Jon Snow. And he even ends the series smiling of satisfaction.

Yes, he does references the other survivors. He literally says that was a place they all made so they could found themselves again. Because that time on the island with those persons, was the most trascendental time of their lives.

no, the island was made for them to transcend

Everyone got what they wanted behind some make-belief!

ITT: People who still don't understand the ending to LOST of all fucking tv shows.

For me it's Battlestar Galactica.
>lol dude was Starbuck an angel, nobody knows! 8D
>scuttle our fleet because reasons
>racemixing with the local babboons
>muh permanently persisting ghosts
Ironically BSG also has my favorite pilot of all time

This, but also this

I totally agree. I personally also hated how the Jared Leto character's plot didn't get any kind of resolution.

The explanation was shit. Luv can blow up people with drone strikes in broad day-light and assassinate people in the police station, but torturing some guy stuck in the dark depths of your future-fortress is just impossible?

>What's the least satisfying conclusion to a movie/TV series?
The Strain

>Show about space mormons
>Get pissed when "it's god"

Shut your month. That movie was amazing.

Seinfeld's ending is kino and I don't get why people still hate it. A show "about nothing" ending with them going to jail for doing "nothing" was brilliant.


The second to last episode is also a clip show so they're probably mad that the finale is also partially a clip show
I skipped the second to last episode and thought the finale was great

I liked Hereditary, but True Detective S1 did the "unseen cult" thing way better. Of course, TD had 8 hours to work with, Hereditary had 2+, so I supposed it's to be expected.

it wasn't a good ending by any means, but for me to be considered "least satisfying conclusions", the ending needs to make me never want to rewatch any of it again. BSG is one of the ONLY series with more than 2 seasons I ever rewatched

say what you want about season 2-3 being worse then 1 but the ending was perfect and no show will be able to come close

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why did it have to be the chavs parents house, bros?

I thought the movie insinuated that Deckard was a human since he had a child with Rachel and survived all those years though?

never watched it
can someone tell me how this guy managed to stay that fat on an uninhabited island for the whole show?

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They find supplies in the hatch, and then food was dropped in time of lockdown. He was there for 108 days, its not that long

nice 1181 btw

Psycho's ending besides Norman's stare was pretty terrible, no idea why Hitchcock decided to add in that awful explanation scene.

The show goes downhill after L dies

Ending to Star Trek DS9 was stupid fight me. Even Voyager had a better ending.

decided to give this user the benefit of the doubt and went to read the EoE wiki page

>weeboofags will unironically defend this shit

Attached: lmao.png (2510x1221, 215K)

I've heard so much about how bad the ending is to LOST that I wanna watch the show just to see what it's all about. Minus the ending is the show good for the most part?

>being this proud of being a newfag
This fucking board is dead

The ending is good don't fall for it

Most people who don't like the ending just wasn't satisfied with the answers or don't get any at all. Either that or they just don't get it and think the characters were dead the whole show

the only good xfiles was monster of the week episodes
all storylines longer than 1 episode were terrible

no u

Attached: >kino.png (1294x1136, 1.06M)

shinji is supposed to represent the audience by proxy, especially so in eoe based on the director's experiences with fans sending him death threats in the mail and making pornographic comics of his characters

there's literally shots of the real audience at screenings of the recap movies in end of evangelion

it's extremely fucking on the nose

Attached: end of evangelion.jpg (1366x768, 104K)

>fans sending him death threats in the mail and making pornographic comics of his characters
classic NGE fans heh

>torturing someone in their Fortress is impossible
This was never said, mentioned, or hinted. You're just bad at understanding movies. And when you don't understand a movie, you blame the movie instead of yourself.

Yhe weebshit board is that way

Black Sails was always shit. Still waiting for an actual historical pirate series/film.
Breaking Bad got shitty when Lydia showed up but the ending redeemed that off-season or two
S3 of Penny Dreadful was shit

lmao that's literally the first scene of the movie
it's such utter garbage

regardless of whether they were dead the whole time or not, the show continually set things up with no payoff
the most egregious of which was the fucking numbers