What would dexter be like if it was made today?

what would dexter be like if it was made today?

Attached: ustv-dexter.jpg (480x639, 22K)

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Something something black disabled woman. Bad guys that look like trumpfz and only killing white guys. Also idris elba is in it somehow


How to spot a nu-channer neoreactionary election tourist from reddit in 5 seconds

>alt-right dog whistles
>slippery slope
>instantly starts projecting his interracial cuckold fantasies onto movies
>white fragility

Now this isn't a term I use lightly, but YIKES!

deb would ask dexter what he thinks of the trend in incest videos in porn

Why isn't he wearing a belt?

Dexter was such a chad. Michael C Hall really is peak manlet.

back to your chapo chud house reddit, fag

Audiences today are much less able to handle morally complex protagonists, or at least, people who break rules for the common good. Dexter would have to be made less sympathetic and more of an obvious bad guy. You couldn't have him as being good looking and buff, as this makes him too aspirational. He would have to look more like the guy in Mr Robot or the lead character in Nightcrawler: an obviously dangerous lunatic who needs putting down.

pants that fit properly don't need belts

You dumb nigger I've been here since 06, my response was that of the typical MIGA tourist and the reddit faggots who've infested this place. Go fuck yourself you flabby shitheaded meat sack

dexter should've mentored astor

Attached: DEXTER-Season-7-Episode-8-Argentina-20.jpg (650x433, 67K)

dexter's sister was blacked in the show.
there were gays and trannys on the show

I really don't think it would be different


it would be shit, dexter would be a hood nigga who somehow got a degree in forensics despite all social odds, by which I mean his inherent need to sell drugs and rape white women

deb would be a literal tranny, prolly that gross bitch from euphoria, and doakes would be white and a racist toward black dexter

also, he would not just struggle with being a killer, but also being a closeted homo

literally fucking kys or go dilate your mutilated neo pussy and cry on discord, you're a genuine fucking retard who has added nothing to this discussion except YIKES posting like a legitimate faggot

Dexter would detroy libtards epically with fact and logic and then kill them


his sister as a real ayyylmao

Dexter is the only thing showtime owns that was in any way popular. Why haven't they rebooted it yet?

would he also be a 5'2 jew warhawk with a smug, punchable face who wants impoverished white men from the Midwest to die for Israel?
oh wow you still have literally nothing to say, what a goddamn pleasant surprise


do you genuinely only know meme responses that you see other people use?

>no ritual aspect, kills would be clean and half of them would be accidental.
>deb would never fuck him and would swear a lot less.
>There would be a very special ep where dex learns how hard it is to be a woman and how privileged he is.
>there would be a female killer side character who would be better than dex at everything and act like Irene Adler.

>you're gonna rape and kill me?
>I am a feminist. I'm only killing you because you're white

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>do you genuinely only know meme responses
Lmfao that's great coming from you

Let's go take a look at your previous reply where you rattled me with transphobic bullshit....
>dilate your mutilated
>neo pussy
>legitimate faggot
Fuck off back to plebbit.

There is no "less", now matter how unlikable a character is they will have fans.

Cope harder

hur dur seething

Dexter get iPad

>antifa gives him tips about alt right terrorists
>only it turns out he was lied to
>he advances up the chain
>it leads up to the mayor
>mayor is responsible for dozens of deaths by antifa
>kills mayor
>season ends

my point was dexter was already a pozzed show. and that show came out when bush was still in power. so, no, it's not a recent, and it's not because of trump. therefore proving op WRONG.

> replying to the same post twice


Pure, unfiltered, undiluted, distilled and concentrated reddit.

what post?

Attached: lol.png (960x349, 16K)

yeah it'd star a vigilante woman who kills sleazy men

Woah white boi knows how to use ms paint. lMAO some high IQ there

