Makes 960 million dollars

>Makes 960 million dollars

Based or cringe?

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It made $1b farming free money from Disney moms, now most people hardly even remember it came out.
Its neither based nor cringe, it hardly existed and just pulled in nostalgiabucks.


She made it possible

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Really good movie. Jokes and punts are dry humor but still the intro to the movie makes you respect will smith and the role he knew he couldn’t best as well as Robin.

why does this girl looks like she just sniffed a dog shit across the street?

Was it as lifeless as the trailers made it look

She's Indian

Literally perfect. Fuck how can a woman be so damn cute

Lotsa makeup

It's a shit movie just like Dumbo and Mary Poppins
Fucking kys



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Based Disney is always based

And any reason to laugh at Yea Forums for never leaving their echochamber hugbox and interacting with the real world is always a good one

Her hubby is literally the next Riley, as Naomi becomes A-lister he is stuck playing football in third English league, she is gonna leave him for some co-star any day now

I dont know a single person that has seen a live action remake from disney. No colleagues or their children. My nephews and neices have never watched them. I dont know how these make billions every time. Everyone goes to capeshit and fast and furious and other trash, but i honestly cant find a single person that has watched these at any time, let alone in theatre.

there are already blind items that she slept with guy ritchie. fucking whooar


My boomer cousins took their daughter to see this piece of crap. They have awful taste in movies.

Makes sense then. Gotta follow your nose like a homing beacon.

It was really good except the scene where Princess Jasmine time froze then disintegrated the entire palace guard while singing a shitty new song. That was pointless and cringe.