Anybody hate the MCUs interpretation of Spiderman trying so so so hard to be subversive?

Anybody hate the MCUs interpretation of Spiderman trying so so so hard to be subversive?
>Clear attempt to never mention Uncle Ben
>Avoiding to use the term "Spidey sense" among other things
>MJ hates web swinging
>Flash is a little short faggy kid

I could make a list a mile long I noticed when watching FFH. I know a lot of these are very minor or nitpicks, but seeing as the MCU is more or less the "definitive" or at least most popular adaptation of the Marvel franchise, I really feel like they owe it to the character to stick a bit closer to the source material. I'm hoping that it kinda fixes itself in the future a bit, maybe have MJ dye her hair red, or go farther into Spiderman's origin in a future film, but for the time being it's trying way too hard to be different.
I know right now everyone is sick of generic spider Man origin stories, but in 15 years kids are likely going to still be watching these films as they are a staple of the MCU, which will still be going on.

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its mcu humor. undercutting moments with jokes and subversion to keep a comfortable light turn your brain off feeling for a full 2 hours.

We have enough spidey movies to have another one exactly the same as the rest

It won't be well-liked long term due to the severe deviations from the comics.
MJ isn't even Mary Jane. He doesn't even remember Uncle Ben. He doesn't know Gwen Stacy. His 'aww shucks' BS is literally nothing like Spider-man.

I'm sure qwen Stacey will show up eventually. Stuff like that comes with time

>Clear attempt to never mention Uncle Ben

I noticed this drives you Yea Forumsfags cRaZy for some reason. You seriously need an origin story every time there's a reboot of a character you've seen a million times before. Yea Forumsfags are the most annoying fucking losers on the planet when it comes to capeshit.

It gives Peter a strong and relatable motivation

I just saw Homecoming a couple days ago and was really confused as to why it never shows how he became Spider-Man. Did I miss something?

You are just supposed to already know

this. glad they also skipped the origin it's been fucking overdone

>"awkward" humor
they really need to stop this

They don't have to do an origin, but it almost feels eerie how they never ever ever bring up Ben, who died no later than 3 years earlier

Well that’s fucking lame

Uncle ben is boring, the character has bigger issues then that

>This tensile strength is insane, who made this?
I did
>Who else knows, anyone?
>Not even your unusually attractive aunt?
>How do stick to walls, adhesive gloves...?
It's a long story, I, uh-
>Whoa can you even see in these?
Yes! I can see fine, it's that when what happened happened my senses got a lot better and so that helps me focus
>So why are you doing this?
>I've been me my whole life, then 6 months ago this happened and sure I could go be the quarterback but that wouldn't be me
And everyone would know
>...look, when you can do what I do...and you could help...but don't...and then the bad things happen...that's on you
like 4 fucking seconds of silence as Peter looks freaked out and Tony looks sad and understanding
>So what you're saying is you want to help...the little guy
>Yeah! Yeah, the, uh, little guy, that's um, that's exactly what it is

They establish 'something happened' and in fact Tony cuts Peter off when he's about to say what it was.
They establish Peter builds all his own shit and it impresses Tony.
When Tony asks why he's doing good things, Peter stammers around for an answer and eventual says 'when the bad things happen to other people that's on you' and then they sit they awkwardly and quietly and the looks on their faces clearly communicate that 'the bad thing' happened to someone, that Peter feels it is 'on him' and that Tony blatantly knows what it is.
Tony then throws the 15 year old kidr a bone about saving the little guy which Peter immediately takes so they dont' have to talk about the bad thing that happened to someone that Peter is blaming himself for as his motivation.

It's a little too obvious in places but that first Peter Tony scene in Civil War sets up the basic rules/concept of Spider-Man in like three minutes of reasonably realistic conversation.
The film-makers expect you to know how Peter got his powers and what the bad thing that's on him is and the scene is built around referencing it

>due to the severe deviations from the comics.

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The writers for FFH literally haven't seen the Raimi trilogy.. Even Snyder had seen Donner's Superman before making Man of Steel

don't waste your effort, it's not gonna stop Yea Forums fags from yelling "BUT THAT'S NOT SPOODERMAN FROM TEH COMICS!!!!"

that literally means nothing. FFH was a really good movie, Snyder's weren't. Also, the biggest complaint Snyder gets is that he didn't understand superman, so what was the point of watching those movies?

what bigger issues? he gets all the girls, aunt may likes that he is spiderman, he is being groomed to be the next iron man... what other issues? raimi trilogy will never be topped because Peter was relatable. he had real issues that a real superhero should have.

>because Peter was relatable
only here because he was a fucking autistic incel

>a real superhero

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why do they not understand that Spiderman was supposed to be relatable and ankward? his cringey Spiderman jokes made sense because that's what he thought it was cool and they eventually made us smile.

you know what I mean faggot. people dox families of ecelebs to get to them all the fucking time. If a superhero where to rise, the first thing people would do is to find his family to force him to drop out of being a hero.

Spiderman was the crown jewel of Marvel even before Yea Forums.

>Tom Holland gives us the best Spidey
>Retards get pissy because MJ is a qt niggress
Read a comic book

Wtf do you think subversive means?

To subvert an established trope

Do you not notice the way they addressed this in the newest movie? We have Peter, after having lost his Uncle Ben, and after having lost his actual father long before, latching onto Tony Stark as another father figure, who then also dies. Following this, Peter meets Quentin Beck and immediately sees him as a replacement "father figure", ignoring some warning signs, and causing the climax of the movie. After this, Peter realizes he's on his own, and that he has responsibility but wants to balance that with a normal life. Honestly, it's a really good exploration of his character and I think the single best element of Far From Home which is perpetually overlooked.


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you're too good for this board.

>Tom Holland
>best Spidey
Pick one


That's actually a very good analysis and I don't disagree with you.

Still though, I expect a bit more clear mourning. A single name drop would be nice

>I expect a bit more clear mourning. A single name drop would be nice
no one cares what you expect. Cool your autism

This is a good spiderman, stop having such a shit taste

Fuck off faggot. This entire thread is just people voicing opinions

This. Instead of a single speech, we actually see him grow up as a superhero from a kid who can't wait till the classes end so he can play like one. Haters are just grasping on straws.

what do you think I'm doing retard?

but autists need to see uncle ben die and say the line about responsibility every time, how else could he possibly learn from his experiences if he didn't hear the line?

I agree, but I hate Spiderman playing Robin for Ironman. He was more popular, why make him his dick sucker?

I hate how shit has to revolve around tony stark somehow. If it want to see spiderman i want to see him not fucking tony stark at every turn.