Best film of 2019

>Best film of 2019
>Nobody topped it since
Based Toei.

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>weeb shit

please go back to your anime neet containment board

Stay mad bitch.

pure kino
i literally wept

the first half is great if not only for the fan service and nostalgic lore retelling, second half starts off amusing and then devolves into perfunctory dbz screaming and punching matches with stuff blowing up. i miss the old days when db was a team effort and it wasn't just the goku and veggie show

have sex
have sex
have sex

Animation was great but Broly is still a shit character and they ruined Bardock for no reason.

have sex

Will do, thanks for the feedback

Dragon Ball is far too mainstream to be weeb shit.

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check em monkeys

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>Yea Forums - Television & Film
What if WW2 never happened?

What movie ?

Broly movie was bad..

Yea Forums is an anime site and this thread is on-topic on Yea Forums. Why do we have to go over this in every thread?

>dragon ball


It is, actually. Weebs were associated with battle shounen.

Attached: 1537868519699.gif (400x225, 1.86M)


Anime is a form of televison

Super is so bad that it makes GT look good.

dilate more
dilate more
dilate more

there's your (You)

Super had its ups and downs, but its peaks were MUCH better than GT. Which had 2 decent ideas with bad execution, mostly butt "animation", and edgy SOULLESS character designs.

Attached: GTanimation.webm (720x540, 2.15M)

Dragonball is the least weebshit of all anime. None of the typical cringe