Wow, it's actually gonna happen

Wow, it's actually gonna happen.

Attached: (747x94, 6K)

Who cares

Hell yeah my corporate media will make more money than some other corporate media!

Attached: basedboys.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

Doesn't matter. Avatar has its own section in Disney parks. Avengers doesn't.

imagine giving a shit about this

>A jew own property will make more money than the other property owned by the same jews
Fix'd for you


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doesn't count

Then it has already surpassed Avatar long ago.

haha you wish mate. it doesn't have legs.

basedboys buy 12 tickets and don't even go watch it at the cinema

Avatar 2 will surpass both

What about when you factor in inflation? Where do they both rank?

before today:
>"Haha! Avengers isn't going to beat Avatar! Sorry Marvelfags! You lose again! Watch DC movies they're real kino!"

after today:
>"imagine giving a shit about this"

DCfags are so transparent. You need to APOLOGIZE.

it's exploiting what the Jungians reference as the Mythological aspect of the psychological mind. Because all humans need this so badly due to the make up of our mind, and the standard NPC is not allowed to believe in religion because of their "scientism" programming, they latch onto the next applicable substitute.
For example, it's easier to think of the sun and moon as father and mother, than it is to comprehend the vast distance of nothing in between us and these celestial bodies of flammable gasses and rock.
Once religion and the "magic" of the world was stripped away, things like this become a religion. And one of the tenets of so many faiths is to believe in spite of evidence. Well, the evidence that this story is being played by actors for money is certainly present, but the belief is enough to make dullards cry. And once Jews figured out that near endless supplies of money could be made from it, well...
It's also why Harry Potter is so successful, and Star Wars, et al. Because the myth is contained in the walled garden of their defined parameter. e.g. book cover, movie duration, etc.

It’s literally the most important cultural milestone of our generation

At this point I think we can agree that Disney is buying the tickets

It's already forgotten

Everything pales in comparison to Gone with the Wind

>get banned for replying to 'off topic garbage'
>Disney shill threads hit bump limit

Attached: ok.gif (396x465, 3.13M)

fpbp, it's incredible

And is that an issue?

>um holy shit, this generic cgi action blockbuster is gonna beat other generic cgi action blockbuster from 10 years ago, omg!



What is it about the make up of /tv posters that make them always wrong? Is it the lack of real world experience or their autistic over reliance on numbers?