ITT: post critically acclaimed movies that you think are shit
ITT: post critically acclaimed movies that you think are shit
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That capeshit with the nigger. Captain Nigger or whatever it was called.
schindler's list
Doctor Strange
True Lies
American Beauty
Forest Gump
The ending was great.
Fuck you it was great
Ah, what an intelligent criticism sm. No wonder you don’t get Altman.
Sappy melodrama trash.
>when it's one of /our guy's/ favorite films ever
It also glorifies violence and war but americans are too stupid to realize it.
Is there even any movie by Robert Altman which is considered timeless classic?
the Popeye movie unironically
McCabe and Mrs. Miller?
My favourite of his is The Long Goodbye, but I don't think that quite gets the amount of praise as McCabe.
Not OP, that's some other guy calling you ribbit
Hes never done capeshit so no
exactly this...
Space Odessy 2001
The Godfather.
No country for old man
Pic related. Felt like a bad B horror movie.
I didn't really hate it but I thought it was extremely overrated.
but thats exactly what it was
He said "critically acclaimed".
It was not an entertaining one, then.
Eyes Wide Shut
Indiana Jones 80s Trilogy
Jurassic Park
Romero Trilogy
Edge of Tomorrow
Memories of Murder
Suspiria(The Original)
Rio Bravo
The Master
There's Something About Mary
Zero Dark Thirty
Manchester by the Sea
Big Trouble in Little China
Gone Girl
Terminator 2
Get Out
The Birds
Casino Royale
The Tree of Life
Halloween(The Original)
Bringing up Baby
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Exorcist
The Thing
Point Break
Midnight in Paris
Phantom Thread
I’m sorry but the only good part was the getaway scene in the beginning.
Godard is a hack
Anything made before 1977
The Conversation is a great film though
Terrible bait
bait aside, there are people out there — possibly on this board — who seriously hold this opinion
But it’s true though. Star Wars came out in 1977 and is historically the first good movie ever made
I liked it but as a 6/10 for a comfy work week evening. I won't defend it beyond that.
The films of Adrian Lyne
I agree.
The Player maybe?
Star Wars is trash.
I hate that movie.
O.C. and Stiggs
any capeshit and other similar 10s blockbusters
No Country for Old Men
Manhattan - pedo plot too
Hitchcock - seems like Jewish backpatting
A Touch of Evil
Saving Private Ryan
Million Dollar Baby - I fucking hate this manipulative predictable Oscar Bait trash
Black Swan / The Wrestler - Aronofsky is smug Jewish hack
Good Time - a24 is trash but Pattinson is based
Rise of Planet of the Apes - Matt Reeves is so full of himself took based franchise into SJW shitfest
Moonlight - propaganda that emasculates blacks for agenda
As Good as It Gets - thankfully not
Get help
Absolutely based, the dialogue in that movie is also fucking awful
Nashville is kino of the highest order, summerfag.
eh, I wouldn't die for these but I suspect you're pretty gay
This meandering piece of trash
How about the elevator make out scene??
Ms. Hendricks getting her head blown off?
This is your brain on trumpism.
Saving Private Ryan
anything made past 2008 also
The Godfather.
In fact, I can't stand mafia movies. It's all the same, with the same characters, the same stories and clichés.
Yeah goodfellas is so bad. It feels like a teenager wrote it after watching the godfather.
What's bad about Touch of Evil?
Is it wrong that I enjoy episodes of The Sopranos more than the Godfather films?
You're only watching The Godfather on the surface level, moron.
Exactly how I feel
kids in the hall brain candy is the best altman movie
truffaut is better
varda is better
rohmer is better
etaix is better
demy's non-musicals are better
is there a french director who isn't better than godard?
Muh Trumper. Fuck Trump. MIGA? No thanks. And I'm more movie savvy than you are munchy waters.
That Orson Wells guy plays a fat greedy cop. Big whup. Predicted ending about 10 mins into it.
I thought this shit was terrible.
>dude everybody talks over each other so you can't tell what's going on at all
>also the camera is perfectly still so you can't tell who you're supposed to be paying attention to
>dude trust me it's innovative :^)
not him, but Heston as a Mexican in a plotline that was meant to be specifically about interracial marriage was a huge flaw that Welles himself hated and was forced into by the studio.
generally Orson's movies after Kane were tonally uneven and in love with themselves, but singling him out is a meme.
>this thread
Yep, it's summer.
litmus test movie: worth watching just for the music. if someone thinks it's shit they have ADHD and you can ignore any of their other opinions.
>he actually rates Saving Pvt Ryan above 5/10
or it's just a shitty movie that gets acclaimed for no reason.
I didn't really like The Great Escape.
I thought the soundtrack was pretty repetitive and it was like a worse version of the grand illusion
Also didn't like funny games or eden lake.
All Altman movies are overrated.
Found the muzzie
Yes, several
What the absolute fuck
I don't dislike it as much as I dislike the cult of worship surrounding it. There are few movies I can think of where the disparity between the heaps of reverence it receives and its actual quality is so massive.
The DnD scene in the beginning is the best in the whole movie.
Everyone loves it because they saw it as a kid, but I also saw it as a kid and it didn't leave an impression. Same with The Lion King.
I dislike the entire trilogy because Batman looks and sounds goofy.
The absolute state of this god-forsaken board
The Dark Knight Rises
All James Bond movies
Fear and Loathing
anything Tim Burton
Blank Panther (absolute dogshit)
saving private ryan
cringe jew
Well, go on, what are those hidden altman kinos?
They've already been posted ITT you utter pleb
Altman wasn't Jewish. He went on air raids in WWII yet came back to America, grueled in commercials and technical films for more than a decade, and went on to direct some of the most based, completely stoned to bejezzus American films ever. He bet his fucking house like four different times. He was so poor at one point his family lived in a hotel.
Funny story, Altman barely earned any money from MASH, his only monster seismic hit movie. Meanwhile his kid son wrote the theme song to the movie. When MASH became a TV show, they used the kid's song. It was multi millions of dollars lol. So Altman's son becomes a hippy, buys a van, spends a decade bumming around, fucking sluts. Until he goes broke. So Altman offers to give him money in exchange for the song rights. This then allowed Altman to keep directing. Without Altman, there's be no Paul Thomas Anderson, and without PTA no There Will Be Blood. Altman was also blacklisted for years because a rumor spread he disliked Jews.
3 Women, Secret Honor, The Caine Mutiny Court Marshall, Brewster McCloud, Thieves Like Us, The Long Goodbye, McCabe & Mrs Miller, MASH
American Beauty is pretty good tho
Black Panther was like a 4/10 movie
Knocked Up Superbad
Pineapple Express 40 Year Old Virgin Anchorman
Judd Apatow is an insufferable prick who deluded himself into thinking he was Woody Allen. These movies were so overhyped. And faggots ate them up especially Superbad
It isn't though. It's overly-sentimental trash like the other movies that guy posted
this shit is overrated af, same with Taxi Driver
>The Long Goodbye
>hidden Altman kino
Funny, I feel the same way describing Italian food.
Pleb. Anything made before 2010
>wins 3 oscars
How can anything with 3+ oscars be bad?
Everything from Kubrick or Hitchcock
All Altman kino in 2019 is hidden. The only Zoomers who know about Long Goodbye know because Michael Cera had a band named after it when he did Scott Pilgrim. When indie video stores died I'd bet Altman's annual hours of viewing per year in America dropped by 60%.
Imagine being this guy
Film professor in NYC said none of his sophmores and juniors have seen a single Altman movie. And this has been ongoing for roughly five years.
i thought it was a classic
absolutely based and large brained. movie fucking sucked asshole
I unironically cannot enjoy these movies because other people like them. Not simply because they are popular, but more than I saw Batman Begins opening night and was super hyped for heath ledger joker because i wasn't a fucking retarded kid that spoke on subjects he didn't understand. An inconvenient truth of the internet is 99% of people thought heath ledger was going to be shit and ruined all preamble to the movie. To watch them turn around and act like the series is GOAT because of one movie then ac t like TDKR is terrible is fucking retarded and I hate all the fans for it.
my faith in people lead me to believe 100% u are trolling or just using the always amusing sarcasm
>the godfather was based on a book that did not accurately portray the mafia
>goodfellas was based on a book by a former mafia member
does anyone know where the quote is from?
This is what happens when a teenager has an above average vocabulary on Yea Forums.
This. The dialogue is horrible,and none of the guido faggots are intimidating in the slightest.
>Two retards and a black guy walk around the city being stupid and obnoxious
Overrated and forgettable
Mob movie are just for Italian Americans and various plebs to feel complex or emotionally deep.
anything made in the 21th century, any american melodrama like green mile or titanic
Honestly, I like Altman but Nashville was pretty boring outside it's music. The Keith Carradine song was really good though.
For other Altman films check out A Cold Day in the Park, Images and 3 Women.
name me one (1) other kino that has won 3+ oscars and is shit. protip, you can't
Patrician answers
Million Dollar Baby
Everything by Michael Moore
More so this movie, but since it's problematic in 2019 Yea Forums will probably pretend to like it
They're more likely to know about it because Cowboy Bebop
Absolute cringe
>t. Tranny
Inherent Vice also, though not that popular.
Is that movie any good?
All of his movies except maybe Jurassic Park are bad, but this is the only one I walked out of.
different user. I just remember the intro being very good and then Everything else being meh.
It doesn't glorify violence or war, Spielberg was very clear to make it anti-violence. It does however glorify America's contribution to the liberation of Europe.
As it should.
The Shining
I like Nashville a lot but McCabe and Miss Miller is my favorite.
>Forrest Gump
Funny People was the one where the woody allen pretensions got outta control
Every modern comedian sucks at tone when they try to do the slice of life/serious movie thing. Theyll have a scene where a main character breaks the news that they have cancer interrupted by a ten minute long dick joke that makes no sense at all but seemed clever in their head
Compared with these dipshits woody is like yasujiro ozu
There is this great video essay on spr that argues that the film starts out portraying the ugliness of combat accurately with people dying slow agonizing deaths etc. only to later become more like a video game or action movie as it progresses, with people dying instantly from a single gunshot wound with no blood and so on. I had never thought of that but its a very convincing analysis. Let me find it
not really, it was stylish but the plot was a mess.
Easy Rider
The film is not really about the plot.
It's fun.
Watched Hardcore the other night. Written and directed by the same guy who wrote Taxi Driver. I actually liked Hardcore better I think.
Arrival is objectively great
>Written and directed by the same guy who wrote Taxi Driver.
You mean Martin Scorsese? He's a bit more then "that guy".
Just watched Nashville for the first time the other weekend, it's super comfy even though I'm not a big country music fan. It's nice to play in the background on a warm summer day.
the 6th sense. actually anything by M Night. the guy is a complete hack retard. I hate him and wish harm upon him
Melish gets stabbed very slowly almost at the end of the movie in the final act and it's probably the worst death of any of the squad mates. So no.
McCabe & Miller, Nashville and MASH you absolute pleb
My old roommate hated watching any movie made before the 21st century.
Please, someone, explain to me how A Beautiful Mind, won 4 Oscars.
Congrats on being the first pleb to hate Goodfellas' dialogue I guess.
and that getaway scene was ripped off from another movie
imagine being refn and making a movie where the only memorable scene was literally stolen
what a fucking hack
Lars Von Trier has never made a single even passable movie or series in his entire life, and it's all some sort of mass delusion that is driving me fucking nuts.
It's not merely that his stories are incoherent (The ending of the second season of Kingdom Hospital is literally that "Satan did it, and he did it by utilising the cult we've never spoken of or mentioned which lives next door, which we find out about because the old lady suddenly knows a magic word which can force a possessed person to reveal the truth". None of which has any connection to anything that has happened in the show so far), it's not merely that his editing is terrible (Seriously watch the cuts in Nymphomania or Dancer in the dark. And don't tell me it's a fucking stylistic choice, the motherfucker has never shown the capacity to do it right), it's not merely that he can't shoot a scene worth shit, and it's not merely that he casts seemingly based on throwing darts at a list of random names, it's that he's the fucking worst and NOBODY calls him on it.
There has never been a good Von Trier film, and the best Zentropa movie is a stop motion movie about a talking cow and forest elves defeating an evil witch made for five year olds.
That whole scene with it is kino, I'm convinced Altman made Nashville just to film this scene:
>that look of desire from every woman there he's seen or might see thinking he's singing to them
Scorsese directed taxi driver, the other guy wrote it and wrote and directed Hardcore
not really
when you do a movie thats about nothing you need those good side characters to really keep it going (like big lebowski) which this movie didn't have
Actually looking it up. The Hunt is a Zentropa film, and that's pretty good actually. Probably because Aalbæk stayed the fuck away from it, the creepy fucking weirdo.
Didn't Zentropa make the Lukas Moodysson films? They're great.
It's a good film though Gosford Park or Fellowship of the Ring deserved Best Picture over it.
I was just about to call you out for not liking The Hunt. Have you seen Dogville? I didn't like Dancer in the Dark and I thought Nymphomaniac was pretentious.
Hurt Locker
Not because of "niggers" or "fags" but it comes across as like a television show pilot
Ah ok, Paul Schrader made it. He did First Reformed which was one of the best movies last year. I'll check out Hardcore, I heard of it before but never got around to watching.
Hidden Figures was really boring, I felt like I gained no new knowledge from the movie.
Never watched those.
It's 3 hours of Von Trier wanking on the screen about his own poorly understood nihilism, and I don't like it.
It got shit reviews at release for the fact that all it's got going for it is being "Visually experimental" (Read: Poorly shot, crappily edited) and being "Deep" (Read: Meandering), while everything else is cobbled together nonsense with bad acting. It's only with hindsight that everyone suddenly decided it was super great, and at this point most of what it's got going for it is hype.
The movie's characters were great but I think PTA was too enamored with the book and thus afraid to make necessary cuts. The movie is too long and too intricate for him to spend any extra time having fun with the characters, so we spend the entire runtime on an overly complex and opaque plot when the book was never really about the plot to begin with.
Doc, Bigfoot Bjornson, Coy, Blatnoyd, and Sauncho are all really fun characters, but each one other than Doc gets sparse screentime as the movie is rushing to introduce more characters and keep the plot moving.
Not enough explosions. No CGI. No representation for the LGBTQ community. Mexican wasn't even played by a Mexican.
Even the opening scene was shit, it went on forever. Doesn't the director know you can call "Cut" and edit things together in post. C'mon man - Make the faggot film editor do some work.
No one outside of 'woke' critics liked Hidden Figures, not even former NASA employees
based, i thought that antiwestern was boring as shit. i dont know how many normies pass boring movies as great. if you dont have fun watching it, why pretend to like it?
What movie was the getaway scene ripped off from? I loved the opening scene and hated the rest of the movie. I've been wanting sometime that kept the theme of the opening scene but I haven't come across anything.
>it's not merely that his editing is terrible
That's what he get criticism for. Malick also has similar editing, it's because of how they shoot their films.
The reviews were divided on the film, just like the rest of Von Trier's films. It's well shot and the performances are great.
I can see why some people would find it boring. It's my favorite western personally and I'm putting that above Searchers, GBU, Liberty Valance etc.
For me it transcends the western genre like The Shining does with Horror.
>movies have to be fun to be watchable
>calling others normies
Go back
It's underated and worth your time trust me.
>It's well shot
It's literally not, the dude couldn't find a good angle if his life depended on it.
>the performances are great
No they aren't. Everything is either overacted or not acted at all, and that's his main way of doing characterisation, except for having the character state their motivations, goals, ideas, and philosophies.
Arrival is a good time but it’s extremely derivative of several better executed sci fi novels. Only plebs who think it’s original are that impressed
McCabe and Mrs Miller
The Player
its the bergman tarkovsky battle. bergman is fun and full of life, tarkovsky is boring and full of pretentiousness. you are a faggot. btw capeshit isnt fun, its annoying. its like a pop song on a radio, it can be catchy to the normie but annoying to anyone who has delved deep enough to understand whats vapid bullshit and whats joyous. again, faggot
>What movie was the getaway scene ripped off from?
The first Transformers movie.
Yes it is. His films are well shot in general like the beginning of Melancholia, Antichrist, the ending of The House That Jack Built where he does more stylized visuals. In Dogville the scene where she opens the drapes is good.
Yes they are, even people who don't like his films can admit this. Most of his films are well performed, Nymphomaniac being the exception.
Tarkovsky is the most honest filmmaker out there. He is not pretentious at all. Anybody who thinks that he is pretentious is a dumb cunt.
>entry-level Criterionfag who praises Bugman
>calling out others for watching capeshit
nah, tarkovsky sucks ass. i didnt need to watch 5 minutes of three fags sitting and sleeping to absorb the importance of the site.
Cure your ADHD and low intellect, then watch again.
>Most of his films are well performed, Nymphomaniac being the exception.
Nymphomaniac, the idiots, Kingdom (Which was literally high school theatre level), The Boss of It All, basically everything is the exception.
They are literally not well performed.
>Yes they are, even people who don't like his films can admit thi
The ones you named are good. Nymphomaniac has some dodgy performances. Breaking the Waves put Watson on the map, because that was a great performance. Same goes for Dancer in the Dark and Bjork. Kidman is great in Dogville. Antichrist has great performances. Dillon gave the best performance of 2018 under Trier's direction. Dunst was great in Melancholia.
Yes Boss of it All is an exception, still pretty based technique if you ask me. The rest of his films are well shot, he has a good eye for visuals.
It's a fucking sled.
Whiplash is a cliche sports movie retrofitted for music school dropouts
>The ones you named are good.
If you think "Kingdom" has good acting you are literally more retarded than the weird psychic down's syndrome greek chorus he included for no fucking reason. It is the worst performance from literally every single of these actors.
Soren Pilmark does weird stage sketch comedy vaudeville things, and him dressed in drag screeching about cocks is significantly better acting than "Kingdom", and he is by far the best performer there. Everyone else is screaming, monologuing, or asleep.
If you think "The idiots" has good acting, I just question your taste or if it's this weird American thing where you think anything foreign with lots of pauses is actually well acted, when in reality it's super stilted and none of the lines come out naturally.
Dancer in the dark had Bjork acting like Bjork. Bjork was already famous prior, and didn't become more famous after.
Bjork will also never, ever work with Von Trier again after the experience, because on top of being a dipshit he's a sex pest.
> The rest of his films are well shot, he has a good eye for visuals.
He repeatedly tries to do weird dutch angles with a handheld camera, he zooms like a moron, he can't find good angles, and the lighting tends to be crap when he isn't doing some weird CGI thing. Which admittedly he can sometimes pull off(The opening of dogville).
The fact that he is so shit at it is literally something he himself admits, and something even if he hadn't admitted by words he admits by his action of thinking he can be replaced on this front by literal random camera movement.
>Yes Boss of it All is an exception, still pretty based technique if you ask me.
It is literally retarded.
is this your first spielberg???
Seven Samurai
I generally really like Kurosawa but that movie is lame, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
Best cliched sports movie out there, though.
Gosford Park
>True Lies
>critically acclaimed
I wanna live in your world.
I didn't love Seven Samurai. Was Magnificent Seven any better?