Best snacks for watching kino?

Best snacks for watching kino?

Attached: Munchy_Box.jpg (800x561, 99K)

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hot wings

Bong kino incoming
All for 1.50

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Definitely not some eurotrash poverty food.

At Alamo Drafthouse I like their Thai chicken wings and their baked pretzel with dip. Their sandwiches and burgers are actually very bland. For a drink there I either get ice water with a lime wedge, a Redbull or their grasshopper milkshake with booze added into it.

I don't know what it's about but there was a Cinemark kinoplex where I grew up and their popcorn was amazing. Now no matter what theater I go to, no popcorn comes close to that. Really weird and disappointing.

>t. fatso

Pie Floater, obviously

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god i'm hungry. that looks so good

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Where? Out in some village? That’s easily like 5 quid in london


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feed thyself user

I just had celery sticks with cashew butter and chocolate whole milk, very good actually.

I mostly watch movies at home, so usually, I just eat my normal lunch or dinner with my movie. If I'm just looking for something to snack on, I like tortilla chips and salsa or Carolina Style BBQ chips. I hate popcorn.

At least they’re direct about it

>That’s easily like 5
Come to Sheffield

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What is something good you can cook easily with little ingredients?

better not look at this then user

Attached: bbq.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Not for London natives, if you are muslim or black you'd get it half that price

bacon and egg pie

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Spanish rice
not British but I would like to visit some other cities in the UK. London was not that great aside from the museums and historical sites. Expensive beyond reason and filled with allahu akbars, the actual brits seemed pretty unhappy and impolite as well.

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Based and benefits pilled

looks like a thicc quiche

Where can I find this video with audio? I know it's Nigel but any search with Nigel and McDonalds just gets shit to do with Nigel Farage and milkshakes.

Rate my NEET breakfast

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Too much broth, looks like dirty water from the dishwasher.


Diarrhea inducing/10

where the fuck do you live?, i live in a shit part of Glasgow and its still 3 quid for a burger drink and chips

Attached: sunday-roast.jpg (2560x1920, 1.23M)

>Bongs talk shit about fatty American food all day then whip this shit out and brag about it
The absolute state of that island

NHS Doctor: Nurse, get a dietician here. This man is endangering his health. Proscribe a caloric restricted diet. Confiscate any external food that he orders, its for his own benefit.


>shit part of Glasgow
three of those words are redundant

Absolute ledge, thanks lad.

Western "civilization" needs to go tbqh

how low does your self-esteem have to reach to eat shit like this?
god i fucking hate people who "pig out"

is that a strip-burger?

Man I miss Glasgow now

I had a whole chicken and chips for dinner and in about an hour or two I'll have a sticky date pudding and ice cream.
How mad does that make you?

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it is sad how gorging like a fat fucking animal makes you happy
you are probably depressed as well

this would cost around 3 quid in my area

Tastes good, man.

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Nothing too heavy. Usually just pic related so I don't spoil my dinner.

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Can eat a 2.5kg bag before a movie gets to the second act. Anyone else know the struggle of being addicted to these.

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which is better, mega bust, or micro bust?

>inb4 foreigners chimp out over the bread

only ze germans will autistically pick apart that bread

There can never be equality when even between siblings you get this kind of disparity in genes.

You'd be mad as fuck too if you had to live in london. shits trash


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Chicken wings, fries, pizza.

rude and uncalled for

looks delish, where is this?

I wish I could eat like I did before and not gain weight. Past my middle 20s I had to be much more careful with my diet

Im nearly 30 and can still eat almost like I did when I was 15

Wot about is uman roights? innit?

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Those fries look cold.

same, 28 with a high as fuck metabolism, negative is i also lose muscle too quickly when i dont eat enough for a few days

Heroin for lardasses like myself. Those aren’t allowed in my house any more, this is a house of god now.

I reached 240lbs and have basically been able to eat whatever the fuck I want without gaining any weight. If I forget to eat breakfast then I'll lose like 5lbs water weight not even kidding

Char Bar in Kansas City

Completely agreed.

Me in the back

German here. There's no bread in that picture.

Nowhere in Sheffield can you get a burger, chips, piece of chicken and a can for £1.50. Every takeaway menu I've seen has that combo at 4-6 quid.

Put a plate of 100 of these things in front of me and I'd have to force myself to not eat them all

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Brits please please please you need to export this cultural delicacy I need a Munchy box in the states ASAP! I will never make fun of silly walks again.

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>sweaty plastic tupperware

NO, dude don't do this stay away from the bpa jew.

What is it with americans and having to eat as soon as your hands are free for more than 30 seconds?

No way you could eat 100 peeps

What the fuck is it?

they are really not good

some look good in pictures but they are really cheap quality cooking and cheap for a reason

they get away with it because everyone takes the piss when drinking and cant taste anything

Its so bad its effected the quality of fast food normally and no-one seems to care, It used to be good food that was bad for you that you maybe got now and again

you can't even find a real donner kebab anymore, its anemic fatty meat sherds now

>munchy box

pick one

Sweet and sour chicken. They are good as fuck, try it next time you order Chinese

I don't eat anything that colour
Fucking trash

I like a salted pretzel with mustard myself.

I live in a tourist town in Wales and that would be 6 quid for me