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Why did they pick a John Boyega lookalike instead of an actually attractive black female? I would really have to look hard to find one less attractive than her in that picture.

Stop getting distracted by the watermelon, 007

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This literally proves they want to destroy everything white men have. Why not make a new fucking concept with a black spy?

Because it's still the direction of the Craig franchise. She is supposed to be a "tough" Bond, not the "sexy charming" Bond.

Ayyyyyyy. Hol up. So watchuuu be saaaying is ima gonna be a spy or sumthin?

So basically Craig will be just some kind of "old, almost retired mentor" type of character in the new Bond. Ugh, did not ask for this.

This will be a new Live Free or Die Hard.

It will be a mix of LFODH and Indiana Jones Crystal Skull. The new energetic character takes over the mantle! What an exciting storyline!

Those eyes... what has she seen bros?

>all women at work angry because they liked craig and say they wont watch the movie
>red head starts chipping in about ariel being blacked as well
>other red head starts complaining that new MJ is black too

oof schlomo these cunts are all liberal whores and even they are getting mad at your shit

What if someone makes a new Sex and the city movie, but you take out everything that females like about it. Replace it with basically Die hard 3 and Bad boys 2 with Moner wearing a bikini for most of the movie. Would it be stunning and brave?

>white supremacists SEETHING
lmao you people are so fragile

SHe looks like a skinny version of fat albert.

I'm no white supremacist I got plenty of black friends, but I like my Bond white. What's wrong with that?

Cultural Marxist are about subversion and Destruction.


They really got the clickbait headlines on overdrive for this one

Time to fight fire with fire.

White Shaft when?

james bond is still white and played though daniel craig, though?
the black lady is a new character not named bond

>Cultural Marxist
Go back.

Yah. I wouldn't like if they changed his name or code number or something major about him either, so same thing goes for his looks.

If Bond was white and they decided he likes to always dress in Aloha shirts instead of what we are used to, I would not like that either.

Big changes about the character are just unnecessary. Just write a GOOD STORY.

Keep the character.

James Bond isn't white in the books.
*drops mic*

"The seeds of communism can only be sowed after we have a black woman playing James Bond." - Karl Marx

Please define cultural marxism for me, big brain.

She is hideous. Note that this is not supposed to be an insult.

>Everything white men have
Literally saying that white people have no culture except James fucking Bond.
Just fucking L-M-A-O at you mayotards.

>t. gay

white fragility: the post

>Just write a GOOD STORY
They're not able to do that user

lol bond is franchise for boomers in need of power fantasies. fucking brain dead monkey BOND is the Brealing Bad of movies. You jsut know it is peak reddit.

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people make fun of incels and nerds until they come for their favorite shit too

Yet you frogpost.

Have sex

You won't make me.

no, its literally them showing EVERYONE openly that their agenda is them replacing white people
its so afterwards they can felate each other over how blatant it is and no one says anything about it.

I have had sex, which is why you won't find me seething about brown characters.

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Is this what black people feel like when someone uses the word nigger? TIL.

i look forward to
>whites cosplaying as starfire, james bond, ariel, Hermione or MJ is raycis!

you people literally get mad over imaginary scenarios in your head

Where do they even go from here? The literary character is exhausted, and really he is a character with morals and experiences from a different era. Trying to fit the character into contemporary settings is getting very cringe worthy.

A period set series of Bond fims would be kino. Start in WW2, SOE against the Germans in occupied Yurop or neutral Spain/Switzerland. Move to the Cold War with the establishment of SMERSH, Commies taking over mainland China, Berlin airlift, Korean War, Berlin wall. Plenty of content. Pick up where the books started and progress into the 1960s. Have him retire in the 70s/early 80s as an outdated old man in the dawn of the modern computer age.

Black fragility confirmed.

i just said i was looking forward to the dumpsterfire, retard

>Why your kids shoudln't dress up as Ariel for Halloween if your white and how this is a good thing
You know this is coming, too.

jusy like blacks get mad about imaginary "oppression" and "racism"

Those characters were never white to begin with, you stupid racist. Just like 19th century London had a sizable amount of People Of Colour.

This. It should have been a historical series years and ultimately it will be.

Sure its been an unashamed advertising vehicle for cars and watches for decades but its increasingly out of place in todays world.

Like she's the first female or black lead in an action movie? Who cares - might have been a big deal in the 80s or something.

i'll take slipper slope for 100 for alex......

Nobody’s going to watch her movie

Sorry you’re progressive movement keeps failing

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Although I am a proponent of intersectional feminism, I believe that this kind of political correctness will do more damage than promote race/gender equality.

The problem is that simply forcefully breaking down the old structures does not create very good new, attractive role models for kids. Examples like Ghostbusters and Ocean's Eight, cheap copies as they are, destroy the whole idea. Nobody wants to identify with characters that are clearly cheap copies of their originals.

The change has to be created from a clean slate, while completely forgetting the old series'. Black Panther was a great example of this. It did not try to be a black version of a white hero, but was an actual original black hero.

In addition to the above, this kind of change and action is seen as a provocation by certain parties, which brings about a counter reaction, further fueling the divide. Nobody wins.

>these are James Bond fans

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>money penny is a black woman
>now 007 is a black woman
Why not just make everyone in the movie a black woman.
Then get Taratino to direct it.

relax guys this just means the 00 agents who were his seniors either retired or died. now hes not the 7th oldest 00 agent so he takes a seniors number

It'll be the 20th century's greatest hits. The Boomers will lap up the nostalgia up and the Zoomers will masturbate over the period fashion/cars and antiquated gadgets.

Its funny though because thats how sad they are trying to have their cake and not upset bond fans.

>what do we do to make our franchise more interesting?
>let's go the ghostbusters route!

i almost wanted to pull a /thread by saying something like that. its obvious this is a compromise for the black bond movement. but i would like to continue the thread since ive read a lot of the james bond series books and my dad and grandpa have read every single one.

the daniel craig era has been more episodic and less standalone then most of the films. M dying, tits mgcee playing a big role in more than one movie, moneypenny character development. naturally another arc they could explore is dealing with the death of another 00 agent, or having bond take up a mentorship role to a newer 00 agent, or even just working together with a fellow veteran. no movie has had bond working with a 00 agent character that didnt go rogue or was played by an extra. i bet they will have a conflict with eachother due to different styles but come together in the end to rekt the biggest danger uk has been in since ww2

Why not Spike Lee?

this shit will bomb so hard

looking forward to your imaginary scenario

>every single movie with a woman or minority = literally ghostbusters 2016
alt-incel logic

is there something wrong with looking forward to hypothetical scenarios?
are just seething because you failed to lol u just mad?

Learn to read.

Black man logic detected

keep trying to play it cool after literally getting mad over your play-pretend, yiiikes

guess there's nothing left to say other than

Well i guess I wont be paying to see it then

One less cumskin in the theater, thank you. This movie is not for you.

Yes, both black and caucasian Americans have no real culture. It's all borrowed from their Yuropeen/african ancestors only to absolutely ruin it.

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what an racist ass

you mean like when we complained that they would black bond and make him a woman? Yeah, we are totally clueless

Looks better than the average white british wahmin desu. All the inbreeding destroyed the british gene pool, their women look like sacks of potatoes.

that didnt happen though, theres just a new 00 agent for reasons we dont know took bonds number. they didnt need to change the number, but since for clockbait they made that one change to the story to get a free 100 million dollars worth of advertising

....why are you mad tho? is there some universal law saying a british spay can't be BLACK?

white fragility at it's peak right here, y'all

Because her name is Lashana Lynch. Lash an' a lynch. The jewish overlords are making fun of black people again. Just like they did with gingers being replaced by black actors, simply because "ginger" is anagram for "nigger".

Except the African-American community have innovated culturally for centuries despite oppression and is currently dictating the musical cultural hegemony of the world.
Meanwhile Mayonnaise-Americans have innovated the flavorless chicken roast.

Look what happened to 24 when they made the new Jack Bauer black.

Does anyone even remember that dumpster fire?

im also american so i am all for bashing different nations but u.k wasnt so isolated a population that inbreeding would have a negative effect. inbreeding requires some tribe/clan size populations to start doing that. plus theyve been invaded a lot so the rape but some more diversity into their genepool. but yeah those sunken bug eyes that scream im british are ugly

So instead of having their already black, already a field agent Moneypenny logically fill this role in the story they added another black lady no one cares about to piss people off and get free press

moneypenny isnt a 00 agent, and having her be comparable to bond is dumb. need someone older to explain why she is bonds equal