What's your favorite cinema snack?
What's your favorite cinema snack?
WTf is that?
What in the fuck is that?
skinned frog
>Chinese "people"
Uma delicia
have you seen a frog? there's not that much meat on it
seriously what's that
It's a slug
good taste
Some real Lovecraftian shit, right there.
a nice pipin’ hot coffee
whats wrong with asians
why do they have no love of animals
Baby turtle
The Chinese call it the meal of the three squeaks, because the mice squeak three times before you eat them. When you pick them up, when you put them in the sauce, and when you bite on them.
China, everyone.
they are not soibois
At this point this is not eating, this is some fucked up fetish.
Absolutely soulless creatures.
Post more
This is a myth
This is cursed
Isn't that a Japanese snack?
Attention, quiet, and sufficient warmth
i dunno
>Rico, you know what to do
>This is a myth
no, it's a fact, brainlet. google it. that's literally what the chinese call that meal.
they are obviously eating live mice without any sort of procession, why would it be a myth that they call it that?
>eating live mice with no preparation
>the mice have poop in their little mice colons
>you are eating the mice poopoo
"We torture animals and make them die excruciatingly painful deaths, cause we think it makes it taste better! Ching Chong!"
Annnnnd nuked
There's no way that tastes good. Why do the Chinese try so hard to be edgy?
Anyone got that webm where those two chink gardeners discover the bird's nest and one of them immediately chows down on the birds?
A lot of animals in the wild like to play with their prey before killing it to adrenalise their blood. Killing swiftly out of nowhere like a sniper shot is not common.
>Three Squeaks. “Three Squeaks” is the literal translation from the Chinese name of this dish and hails from a variety parts of China, mainly in the Guangdong (Canton) Provence.
>The reason why it is called “Three Squeaks” is due to the sounds made when eating this dish.
Name one animal besides cats that does this
This is staged just to make China look bad. Reported.
The Chinese are not human
why the fuck are asians so fucked
like I get they stole this from the French, but even they just eat the legs, not the entire fucking frog, not to mention they kill it beforehand
Seeth more, insectoid
It's been debunked ages ago. Look it up on snopes.
Suck more nigger dicks. White boi
shut the fuck up kid
>White boi
You wish. Everyone is disgusted by you chinkoids
>shitting on website dedicated to debunking misinformation and retaining objectivity
Are you a trump supporter or smt?
Isnt it literally the opposite tho?
My grandpa used to grow pigs when I was a kid and I remember that they always tried to make the calm as possible before shooting its brains out suddenly and slaughtering it, otherwise the meat tastes shittier if the pig was scared and tense at the moment of death
what has been debunked? the name? why do they even care? the fact remains that chinese eat live mice. or is the video fake?
would it matter? its really not the name thats disturbing about it
>the eels
that can't be the best way to prepare that dish
some Temple of Doom shit right here
All Asians lack empathy and unironcally should be nuked before the jews and nigs, change my mind.
One vid of a person eating live mice doesn't mean it's a common dish. I can cover my balls in ink and dip them on my gf's while filming it, that doesn't mean it's a sex thing that dutch people do.
the question is, is that "normal" chinese food? is it normal for chinese to eat live animals? or are those weird fancy rich people dishes? or weird traditional dishes?
I've been shopping in chinese shops before, i've never seen anything like that
dude look at this thread, alone this it's not that far fetched, what are you on about?
i'm still laughing
>asians lack empathy
>let's nuke them along with niggers and jews
Nuke yourself my man.
I have never seen the ink ball dip but I've seen probably over 75 videos like the ones in this thread. Shoo, bug.
see I have a chinese friend that says it's not common, just a rare niche thing that regular chinese are as disgusted by as we are.
I see your point but this is funny
>the little octopus
I've been bamboozled
I'm not Chinese but I fucking love octopus. That shit tastes great. Not sure if I would eat a live one, maybe. But probably not. Still, they taste really good. No matter if sliced up and raw or fried.
Shove it, ching chong
I'm not a vegetarian, I love meat, but for Christ's sake don't skin something alive. Holy fuck.
Can we stop this thread for a second and clear up WHAT THE FUCK THAT IS?!
I think it's fake