He did nothing wrong. Why did they kill him off in such a disrespectful manner?

He did nothing wrong. Why did they kill him off in such a disrespectful manner?

Attached: DonaldGenarro.png (1207x780, 1.46M)

They had to kill off somebody to raise the stakes, so why not the blood-sucking lawyer?

His death was a little light comic relief in an otherwise pretty tense scene.


The same way they killed off Mundoon and none of the other characters even mentions it

If they really wanted to raise the stakes they'd have killed off a character people actually liked. No one cares about a dead lawyer.

He was a jewish lawyer, god knows what he covered up.

The mafia had the left wing media in their pocket

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>did nothing wrong

Nah guy was a cunt.

what is the lawyer/accountant trope

All lawyers deserve to be eaten by large reptiles desu.

It's a sneaky way of killing off the Jew character without anyone screaming antisemitism.

Because he's a blood-sucking lawyer.

In the book, he was a scheming, conniving, blame-shifting prick who helped Hammond get the funding to create InGen, despite knowing full well that Hammond was pretty much a conman. Grant had to basically choke slam the jackass in order to force him to do the right thing towards the end of the book (counting all of the raptor eggs on the island before the Costa Rican military carpet-bombed the place, so they could determine if any raptors made it to the mainland). It was more satisfying to see him humbled than to see him eaten, in my opinion.

They absolutely mention the lawyer
>"I think this was Gennaro"
>"I think this was too"

Not waiting for Muldoon can be kind of be looked at as an error in the film. No mention of him at the jeep or anything. They just assume he's dead cause all the raptors were alive. Though it comes from the original ending where Muldoon's fight scene was a fake out and he lived and saves the group at the end and not the T-rex.

Gennaro lived in some drafts. Actually a lot of Malcolm's lines come from Gennaro, as there was a draft where Malcolm dies and Gennaro lives. Note how suspiciously quiet he is at time after they rescue him.

In the book everything was different so I don't see how it's at all relevant

I was just offering that as a comparison. Every other character was mostly the same as they were in the book, except for Gennaro, who went from being a middle-aged athletic man with a muscular build to being a 140 lb sniveling coward who flinched at the sound of thunder.

He did nothing wrong. Why did they kill him off in such a disrespectful manner?

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He didn't say the magic word.


He died because he didn't anticipate a tropical storm fucking up his plan. If he had prepared well enough, he could have easily navigated his way to the dock despite the rain, and then have gotten back before anyone knew what he had done.

nobody likes lawyers either so it was cathartic