Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

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all he had to do to avoid this was look mel in the eye when he shook his hand.

The black man for having sweaty hands.
How rude!

The interviewer was extremely rude for not properly looking Mel in the eye while shaking his hand. Maybe they don't do that in Africa/Europe, but when in America, you should adopt the social customs.

Based Mel

unironically this

Holy shit dude wtf

Fun fact: Mel has a half-black child he raises.

your hero is not really redpilled nor based.

I hate having sweaty hands. It got better with aging though. Still, sucks to have it as a teenager. My hands were soaking all the time.

The black man for not being white.

You weren't supposed to post that. This thread is supposed to reinforce racism on Yea Forums. Who is your team leader?

the inverviewer doesn't seem like a good proffesional, you should look in the eye to those you are asking questions, even when you don't agree with your political views

Am I allowed to say I'm black and I don't think Mel was in the wrong here? I do this all the time as well. Fuck you if you don't dry your sweaty hands before shaking someone else's.

Only good post.

that's michael strahan, a true american hero with 22.5 sacks in a single season

you fucking commie

I've always had the exact opposite, my hands never sweat but they get cold really easily, which is a nightmare in the winter. I always wondered whether it'd be worth dealing with sweaty palms over cold yeti hands.

I had to watch this like 15 times before I realized it wasn't Will Smith

Maybe his hand was sweaty.
Mel went for the handshake with no hesitation.

i dont shake hands anymore cause i find it disgusting, instead i bro fist everyone.
am i in the wrong here?

No you are based and I wish more people did that.

Basic human contact is disgusting ? Is this a zoomer thing ? Is it to do with your shitty immune systems ?

who is that qt Mel is with?

What? Deleting all of my Mel kinos.

>And I'm proud to be an American...

brofisting is gay and I hope someone brofists you in the face and knocks out your teeth

Saying this as a racist, what Mel did was wrong.You can surely wait one minute and not show instant disgust for something this little.

The guy had sweaty as fuck clams. What you on about ?

And that's a 50-60 year old man making that exaggerated face.I understand a small thing like scratching your hands but making a face like that?

Mel for being a manlet.

isn't Mel doig this just because the black guy shook his hand too tight ?

Thats Mel Bibson. Not some random 50 - 60 year old. Mel has a few mental issues you might not no about.

imagine living in that world. imagine the restraint

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i dont shake hands anymore cause i find it disgusting, instead i lightly rub the person's crotch in a circular motion
am i in the wrong here?

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He has his eyes on the bounty, the white wymen

Modern faggots doesn’t wash their hands. It’s gross

The find it gross how weak you are

The old guy at work does that but he just completed his cancer treatments and is trying to avoid contact due to a weak immune system.