Movies that tell it like it is?
Movies that tell it like it is?
> pixelated reactionary infrograph filled with false stats
Kek. Posting this to /r/TheRightCantMeme
Der ewige Jude
>ammo is more carefully controlled and monitored than diamonds in those countries
WE debunked this in 2009 zoomer
History repeats and much like sisyphus I will push this rock back up the mountain and then rape u
post this one too, comrade
that's a socio-economic coincidence
>Gun Crime is down in San Francisco by 30%+ this year.
>It's also down niggers, after they kicked them all out to neighboring cities and towns outside of San Francisco due to evil and scary process of gentrification.
Glad to see that gun control worked, amirite guys?
do you guys have a clock that tells you when the mods are asleep or something
> hurr centuries of oppression means nothing
Yikes. There are people still alive today who had to live through Jim Crowe you stupid stormtard
Stay there
The idea that the right can't meme is a basic projection. Anything the right says about the left is immediately projected back, e.g. safe spaces (invented by the left).
Us kind of told it like it is. It displayed the pure evil and cancerous nature of niggers in full HD 4k.
oh ok
...And in 50 years, after all those people who experienced Jim Crowe have died, Niggers will still be murdering each other by the thousands each year in US cities - and will still have an 85 IQ average.
Crazy world.
there are people alive today that had to live through being FUCKING NUKED IN A WORLD WAR, and they still don't act like ameriniggers do today.
False. NYC is becoming less-white and safer every year. Stormtards can't explain this.
BTW Ya'll, I'm pretty sure we're being raided by Discord Incels. Just report and ignore their pixelated infographs.
>No-nooooooo systematic racism isn't real!!
>Going off outdated US Census data.
The gentrifcation of Harlem didn't start until 2015, and you're going off data from 2012 or earlier.
Can't wait to see the look on your face once the new data comes in.
yes, racism from blacks
Are they discriminated against though?
>there are “”””people”””” who actually believe this
Have you been to Harlem in the last 10 years? Every run down nigger-hole and empty vacant lot has a Best Buy, a Whole Foods, etc.
No way niggers can afford to live there anymore. Jay-Z would have to be raining dollars from Empire State for that to be a reality.
Obviously theyre going to band together after being systematically targeted by whites
American history X
>hates niggers, chinks, spics
>has a reasonable rant about them at the dinner table with his moms boyfriend
>goes to jail
>learn that his dad was killed by them
>says to his brother that not all niggers are bad
>gets killed by niggers in school
That was a movie made almost 30 years ago.
I dont know, looks quite a bit higher than Europe with its 2-3 rates.
If being systematically targeted leads to ghetto culture and gun crime, why don't Irish-Americans have the same problem?
so racism is ok when blacks do it. got it
>Rhode Island and New Hampshire
>Movies that tell it like it is?
yeah. real life
>leftist scum literally admitting they are reddit tourists
Redditor Holocaust when?
They were and they did?
Because they're not systematically targeted to the same extent? And perhaps you forgot about the IRA
>And perhaps you forgot about the IRA
In America? Also, the point is that they weirdly don't commit 50% of all violent crimed decades after the racism against them stopped
hi leftypol
White colonialism did that
Those coal burners probably are divorced or got the shit beaten out of by now, you realize that right?
No way those Jungle Bunnies stuck around to raise those kids.
Oh yeah you're right I guess that excuses you and also conveniently explains your own racism. You did it because you saw blacks doing it. Makes sense.
I really have to wonder if most of these /Pol/ threads aren't made by third worlders, you're just as uncivilized as the people you hate.
so racism is ok when blacks do it. got it
Probably has something to do with the racism stopping dumdum
It's not "gun crime" if you get a country at the end if it.
>Racism is ok when I do it
I think that American niggers are genetically predisposed to violence and they should all be lynched but I also believe most of the violence in Africa comes from arbitrarily drawn colonial borders
Rate me, /pol/
>But can't you see how that's white privilege? To not have to think about how your experiences are shaped by your race all the time? It must be nice. So because you don't define yourself by your race, then that means that you're racist...somehow...when you don't define others by their race.
I don't actually think like that. I'm just imagining what the reaction to such a graph would be from the perpetually oppressed.
>racism against Irish people stopped.
Lol no it didnt. Irish people are still expected to be drunks and lazy. They dony carry the stigma of being violent though. That helps a lot.
>Oh boy, ANOTHER Hate thread on TELEVISION & FLIM!!!!!!!!
>Man, /tvpol/ is the fucking best!!
Yeah sure people are totally as racist against the Irish as they are against blacks. Totally believable, 100%
Why would poverty excuse rape, arson and murder? Maybe it's an acceptable excuse for theft or drug dealing, but not for those.
But you just said it stopped in your own post?
About as much as American negroes. Did you know that the average income of "oppressed" American negroes is higher than the average annual income of Japanese citizens, while having a lower cost of living than the Japanese?
White colonialism is the only reason we even have 'educated' Blacks today. Or any Blacks at all that aren't living in mud huts and trying to rape chimps everyday to cure their AIDS.
>Save from a Jeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww
>Get rid of non-whites toooooooooooo
>/pol/faggot cries himself to sleep
they're less "racist" toward blacks actually. irish don't get accepted to med school because of their race
So statistics = hate. Got it
Unironically go back.
>What is war on drugs.
>Why are there more black people in prison for weed when white people use it at the same rate.
>Why are half of people falsely accused black.
>What are all of these videos of cops expressing obvious biased and or racist shit.
>What is the point of racist posting false and negative stats of black people if you don't want others to unjustly prejudge them.
>Why is every time some black family are upset about someone they love getting wrongly killed are told they can't complain because some random black guy shoots another random black guy.
Again with 13% of 50% crime meme. How many of that 13% actually do that 50% crime?
Japanese are as discriminated against as niggers you say? Interdasting
Which post?
In other words, not an argument
>Whitemurricans are so lazy and cucked, won't even shoot some asshole disrespecting them.
The only acceptable whites are the slavs. The rest deserve to perish.
>oppression olympics
Blacks take silver. Trannies are way ahead right now. They get gold.
suicidal niggers are too depressed to fight back in gang wars so they die long before they can think about attempting suicide
That's because both extremes behave in a similar way. You'll never accept this because you're a dishonest person lmao.
Oh come on, just admit you hate blacks.
Yea Forums - Television and Film
>get fucked by niggers in jail
>stop hating niggers
it's that easy
>t. antiwhite racist
European opinions need not apply.
only white guys are beta enough to stick around lmao
We put the Japs in camps in World War II. Do they get reparations too?...
Also - Japanese in the USA are on average more wealthy than the average White male. So is there Asian Privilege now, too? How many people you know that live in a trailer park that are Black...are those people "White Privilege" scum too?
You're a robot. NPC fucking robot.
Japanese earn less. The problem is that blacks waste money on things like jewelry and cars. Not making this up. There are stats to prove it.
Of course "waste" is a point of view. Maybe we are wasting our short lives investing in property instead of enjoying our money now.
Pay back your debts to the EU slavfag
Just commit less crimes lol
wh*te "people" have at most 50 years left
No, straight white males get gold now
Yeah i don't believe it