What's the best cinema experience you've had?

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Godzilla 2014 in a packed theater on opening night.

>walk into theater, get tickets, sit down and wait for movie to start
>i'm the only person there, all the seats are empty
>like 5 minutes before the movie starts 4 dipshits walk in and sit right in front of me despite literally every other seat being available

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I've never actually watched a film at the cinema. I don't see any reason to in this day and age. Most people have a large screen TV and decent sound system these days.

When I out bought a whole theatre for my own private viewing and had them lower the volume due to my PTSD

nice, we had literally fireworks inside the cinema before the dark knight started playing, packed theater also, big hype, amazing movie.

You should try it virgin

Nah. I consider going to the cinema to be the entertainment equivalent of using public transport.

I consider that you're a faggot. Cinema is too expensive to compare to public transport

Blade runner 2049 unironically. The long shots and music made it. Not my favorite film though.

You can move.

Saw it with an audience with a lot of families rather than just nerds, it was a blast just laughing and groaning all the way through. Night and day with my miserable RotS experience which ended with everyone just leaving in pretty much total silence

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>£15 a ticket
lol okay poorfag

>compare to public transport
you moron

Interstellar in 70mm IMAX, unironically

i prefer watching kino while i lay in bed wrapped in blankets comfying up with soft pillows on my tummy with headphones on chilling

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Return of the Jedi in 1983

At this point I'm sure that you can't afford it and get movies from torrents so stfu fag


>shilling this hard for a dead industry.

Return of the King without a doubt.

>niggers hollering in the back
>people in front of you one their phones
>everyone eating loudly throughout the movie
>everyone laughing at unfunny jokes, some even clapping
No thanks

Not a shitty Nolan film you fucking pleb.
LOTR, HP or Star Wars

The midnight showing for TDK and TDKR were both 10/10 experiences. It was dead silent the entire movie and I was even able to get teary-eyed when Batman flew off with the nuke at the end of TDKR. At the end of both movies everyone started clapping, too.

>At the end of both movies everyone started clapping, too.
Why do people do this? It's a recording

>Why do people do this?
People don't. Mutts do.

The theatre was filled with nerds that just genuinely loved Batman, and those movies were incredible to anyone that grew up with Batman.

It's not about industry, it's about logic and fckin bus and cinema tickets prices you dense motherfucker.
You're also wrong about cinema being dead. Just look at boxoffice. Quality is another thing.

Going to see The Devil Inside opening night with a packed house with the majority of the people mocking and laughing at it

You watch movies your way and I'll watch them mine. At home, in comfort and not surrounded by minorities and the poor.

Sure, you can watch movies in your cabin made of shit. In bus you're usually surrounded by minorities and the poor, but cinema is not consider a place for that kind of people. It's just not. You're a weirdo that don't want to be seen alone in cinema.

Why are you still shilling?

You type like a paki.

I'm at work and it's boring. Come on! Fight me!

Akira and 1995 Gits double feature

Go to bed gramps

Dark Knight Rises, unironically.
That was the last time I went to see a movie without pre-selected seats. In fact, I was the first in the line, not because I was the first to arrive but because the two morons that actually came first didn't saw a line a decided to go and fuck around the threater.

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I went to see the dark knight rises with my neighbor at the time who had to be in his 60s or so because nobody in his family wanted to go with him. He was so excited, it was great.

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Yikes this is fucking cringe
