ITT Movies about the true nature of women
ITT Movies about the true nature of women
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Houston's 500
she did nothing wrong
affleck was fucking a dumb bimbo and was too scared to confront her about it
she outsmarted him and she was based
plus rosamund is hot
>it's ok if she's hot
I know you're ugly now
>you will never be so chad that a qt will go fucking psycho over you as you lose ur job and play CoD and bang ur big titled barely legal student
>the mgtow incel calls you ugly
Hot women run everything incel
Mean girls
Unironically; Captain Marvel.
who /boomer/ here
The Mummy
War and Peace
A Boy and His Dog
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade
The Truman Show
The Wrestler
Debbie Does Dallas
12 Angry Meme
Can you give a qrd as to why?
It's been years since I've seen it but probably this.
Same goes for this
Affleck was so wooden in that movie it's like he thought he was in a different movie to the one everyone else was making.
As a person who grew up with multiple siblings, most sisters, i can tell you this; Mean Girl might as well have been a documentary
They weren't "mean" at all in that movie.
Not in comparison to real life.
Von Trier's The Antichrist
>movie starts
holy shit wtf is this dude thinking about splitting his gf's head open
>movie ends
holy shit! I want to actually split her head open just to know wtf this girl is thinking