ITT Movies about the true nature of women

ITT Movies about the true nature of women

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Houston's 500

she did nothing wrong
affleck was fucking a dumb bimbo and was too scared to confront her about it
she outsmarted him and she was based
plus rosamund is hot


>it's ok if she's hot

I know you're ugly now

Attached: Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl (2009).jpg (774x1000, 177K)

>you will never be so chad that a qt will go fucking psycho over you as you lose ur job and play CoD and bang ur big titled barely legal student

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>the mgtow incel calls you ugly

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Hot women run everything incel

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Mean girls

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Unironically; Captain Marvel.

who /boomer/ here

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The Mummy
War and Peace
A Boy and His Dog
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade
The Truman Show
The Wrestler

Debbie Does Dallas

12 Angry Meme

Can you give a qrd as to why?

Attached: theroomposter.jpg (359x525, 45K)

It's been years since I've seen it but probably this.

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_to_die_for.jpg (506x755, 89K)

Same goes for this

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Affleck was so wooden in that movie it's like he thought he was in a different movie to the one everyone else was making.

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As a person who grew up with multiple siblings, most sisters, i can tell you this; Mean Girl might as well have been a documentary

They weren't "mean" at all in that movie.
Not in comparison to real life.


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Attached: Secretary_(2002).png (250x370, 178K)

Von Trier's The Antichrist

>movie starts
holy shit wtf is this dude thinking about splitting his gf's head open
>movie ends
holy shit! I want to actually split her head open just to know wtf this girl is thinking