Hey big bro what is this Yea Forums thing you always talk about

>hey big bro what is this Yea Forums thing you always talk about

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She really looks mentally retarded.

Are you sure about that bub?

why would you talk about Yea Forums IRL? if I had a cute cuncun sister I'd just hug her a lot

I'll tell but show me your cute penis first.

>talking to your sister


Let me put my penis in your feminine vagina please

I've mentioned it to a few people. What's the big deal?

looks like that pale porn actress that can't stop taking it on the ass

Muh secret club.

Nevermind that, come on over here. I've got a brand new kino for us to watch together.

here we fucking go bonbi v2 isn't it, fuck you guys you're gonna make her close the channel

Yea Forums is just associated with cringe and untoward things in the popular consciousness, there's no need to associate myself with that

I'm something of a Chad so I don't mind discussing it in real life.

tee hee i am not like the other girls!

she's hapa bitch

her father is most likely white

obvious basket case

tfw no cute sister who would lick your face all day

>lick your face

but bonbi is actually cute.

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who's the girl in OP though?

Reminder that some e-thot was just beheaded by an r9kfaggot and he posted it.

She's more like Agatha v2
She even have alpacas

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