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>Who kills that fucking slow?

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Man I bet that feels so satisfying. Fighting for your life, then overpowering the person that was just trying to murder you. Then slowly and deliberately driving a knife right into their heart. Also they're Jewish.

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You think you're funny? Haha. Fuck you. 8 million innocent Jews died in the holocaust. Women and children, and the elderly systematically gassed and burned to death. Very funny you fucking nazi piece of shit.

If you say so.

I've seen plenty of gore but this scene legitimately scared me, and I don't actually like watching it.

There is something really unnerving about the way hes killed, knowing he was going to die and then having it happen so slowly.

It unnerves you because it shows something that goes against your basic human programming, your very basest instincts. Yes, everyone wants to survive but to kill a (at that point) defenseless person in such an intimate way is a big no-no to the average human being. ”and that’s a good thing”

It was 10 million you troll piece of shit, nice try nazi incel


Defenseless? He lost a fight and it cost him his life. He was able to defend himself. He failed. Instead of going for his 1911 he wanted to stab a Nazi with a Hitler youth knife. If he'd gone for his sidearm he'd probably have lived.

What the fuck is it with this new wave of Nazi's constantly downplaying the Holocaust?

Over 20 Million Jews were murdered. It's not funny.


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you guys should have a look at the injuries they find on skeletons from pre-modern warfare

i don't know man skeletons are scary enough on their own, on a good day i can forget we all have one living with us

Battle of Towton is quite a well known site, due to the number of skeletons found.

Skallagrim starts covering the head injuries around 3:03

Seems like that men we often killed by damage to the skull.

Could be execution of wounded people on the battlefield. Soft tissue damage, bleeding, etc wouldn't show on skeletons. But the merciful strike to end the suffering would, if its to the head.

it was 3 million at max, the other 3 million where gypsies, fags & trannies, the mentally ill and retarded folks.

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Some were on the back of the head, and perhaps you're right, many wounded would've been killed, or those captured then executed. Many were received full the the face though.

Men were fighting in lines, with these weapons called Bills (type of polearm). This is often how men, throughout history and across cultures, likely faced one another (with spear like weapons), so it's likely a good reflection of the sorts of injuries warriors often dealt with.

That was satisfying as fuck to watch

>innocent jews

Shitty incel bait

heads up guys, mod is active and handing out warnings for "ironic shitposting"