Overrated pretentious garbage movies

Overrated pretentious garbage movies

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Okay you start OP

Don't worry, you're only 18, you'll get older

OP here. Forgot to add "Pic unrelated" to my post.

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That poster always make me think he's the guy from Monk who played Leland Stottlemeyer.

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Anything made by A24?

Any art house film

imagine not liking this movie

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I physically cannot force myself to think like my wife. I'd go insane.



Me ex gf didn't enjoy this movie either.

>all these fags taking the bait (including myself.)

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The Deer Hunter, garbage

unironically this
PTA's movies have always struck me as emotionally manipulative and simplistic stories dressed up in a style stolen from more intellectual filmmakers, see also: Magnolia. he speaks in gross stereotypes

Dumb retard, go have some more cheetos

>"Unironically this"
>"he speaks in gross stereotypes"
Yeah, that's gonna be a big "dishonest" from me, dawg.

not an argument

ghost story

>emotionally manipulative
How's that a bad thing

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This movie is not bad but it's not the masterpiece people say it is
people just want to fit so everyone pretends

The problem with this emotional manipulation is it's hollow. Take the milkshake scene. You can argue for justification of that scene, that it's the sublimation of Plainview's character or something -- personally, I think his lossof control doesn't make sense in context. But whatever you think, it's clear why the scene is there: not to serve the story, but to shock the viewer and go out with a bang. To convince the audience that they just witnessed a Great Film. When really he's just employing the same kind of cheap trick used by any slasher film.
One thing to come out of Magnolia is the musical television montage. You know, the way they end every single episode of House. This kind of lazy, inspid crutch (copped from the far superior Altman film Short Cuts) allows the filmmaker to escape any narrative obligations or intelligent message in lieu of the slogan "so the world turns".