Where were you when Jesus David Frank (TOMMY the ORIGINAL GREEN RANGER) again saved the franchise?

Where were you when Jesus David Frank (TOMMY the ORIGINAL GREEN RANGER) again saved the franchise?


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that guy in the back left looks like he is about to tell me about his people. achoochymoya

Why is JYB portraying an Asian John Connor?

Why should I fund this?

Gonna' be real with you, this looks like one of those edgy student film type deals you'd see from College Humor back in 2010.
And I don't say that as a complement.
Costume design alone is running close to Mystic Knights of Tir Na No-one-cares, promo art is a bit of an eyesore on the actor showcase thing, and frankly I'd trust anyone pitching those visual aspects to be able to write a script about as competently as Saban himself in the midst of his 9th stroke.

TL;DR I genuinely hope it fails, both because it looks terrible and because it would spare these people the burden of dealing with Saban's licensing gymnastics

JDF "is" the franchise

unlike that "other guy"

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How big was the ratings for Legendary Battle in Megaforce? Or Dimensions in Danger?


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Huge despite all the fanboys whining about it. People should not listen to fanboys but to the silent majority who buys merch and toys.

Punished Rangers, denied their Juice Bar.

ASJ should come back as Earnie.

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I miss the Power Rangers marathon :(

but no young and handsome main character ;_;

C O A C H E D the spiked lol

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Why are they ripping off Avengers Endgame?

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>the size of ASJ's crowd



>"green" (color of greed) ranger masquerades as WHITE even though that wasn't his original color
>is named (((JDF)))

>meanwhile the original chad hero has been deposed and vilified
>he just wanted to be an honest family man and help his people
>>For over a decade, he worked as a paramedic in the Washington, D.C. area. He also worked with the U.S. military as a healthcare provider in the Middle East for several years, though he was not actually a member of any branch of the armed forces. He has a daughter.

I know who I'm rooting for.

>Legend of the White Ranger

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Why aren't they being sued by Hasbro right this minute?

>already made US$74,010 of US$500,000 goal in 2 days


>suing their cash cow
Why would they do that?

>hurr durr actors AGE derp derp

Yea Forums memes were a mistake.

Just found out Kira (Dino Thunder Yellow) is on the MCU show Cloak and Dagger. That's not gonna convince me to watch it, but still, huh. Good for her, I guess.

Also just found out that Pua Magasiva, the Red Ninja Storm Ranger, died in May what the actual fuck.

>high school jock turned pee-wee league baseball coach

Based and incrediblespilled.

JDF has great hustle and you gotta respect that.

Because JDF will always keep getting away with it no matter how hard you seethe.

>half a million dollars